Islam Must Rule the World

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I know what I posted; but as you say, you have no idea what you are talking about. The rest is in the same vein. Perhaps you could read the relevant posts again and try once more?

hint: do not think black or white ie yes or no.
hint2: there was trade and globalisation initiated by the Islamic governments, that spread rapidly from Morocco to Indonesia; in what essential way did it differ from present day Western trading? What was the defining point of that trade vs this trade? Think of all the countries/cultures involved and what the impact was.
hint3: one cannot be a Muslim and opposed to freedom of enterprise.
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26 pages :eek:

Islam Must Rule The World
Why ? Why should any religion rule the world ? Any religion ruling the world seems like a bad idea to me.
What about goodness, honesty and righteousness ruling the world, wouldn't that be far better and much more fair to people ?
26 pages :eek:

Islam Must Rule The World
Why ? Why should any religion rule the world ? Any religion ruling the world seems like a bad idea to me.
What about goodness, honesty and righteousness ruling the world, wouldn't that be far better and much more fair to people ?

Thats Billy's source's "translation" of what Maddenedjedi said. :p
Thats Billy's "translation" of what Maddenedjedi said. :p

So, am I agreeing with Billy ? That would be a cool first :p
Or am I agreeing with Islam ? Which wouldn't surprise me, I just don't think it would be relevant.
So, am I agreeing with Billy ? That would be a cool first :p
Or am I agreeing with Islam ? Which wouldn't surprise me, I just don't think it would be relevant.

Probably the latter:
President Ahmadinejad said nations are today distancing themselves from culture of materialism and selfishness and look for a new way for their prosperity, that is the path of Islam.

He said that the world is on verge of a great upheaval and ulama at this juncture shoulder a heavy responsibility that is introducing genuine Islam as it is.
Would you agree we can do that without Islam ? Or do you believe that humankind is inherently evil and cant do good without having a religion ?

I think people need structure in their lives; without religion, most people would make up morality as they go along. I have yet to see an atheist leader do otherwise.
Sweden has the highest percentage atheists/agnostics/non-believers in the world (46 - 85%), the country is doing pretty good. In fact:

"Sweden built up what is often called the world's most generous general social welfare system, with such elements as virtually free (that is, tax-financed) schools, child care, health care, pensions, elder care, social services and various economic security systems."

"Sweden has a relatively low crime rate with rare, but increasing, instances of violent crime. Most crimes involve the theft of personal property from cars or residences or in public areas."

Just to give an example. It can be done without religion.
I think people need structure in their lives; without religion, most people would make up morality as they go along. I have yet to see an atheist leader do otherwise.

Morality has nothing to do with religion, Islam least of all.
I think people need structure in their lives; without religion, most people would make up morality as they go along. I have yet to see an atheist leader do otherwise.
Religious people make up morality as they go along or they have it made up as their leaders go along. Despite screams about maintaining values religious people have for example given up - for the most part - support of slavery and a wide variety of punishments for certain crimes. Most religious men have vastly better views of women then they used to. I could make a vast list. Religious leaders (political ones) who vary their interpretation of the rules to suit their purposes and vary their enforcement in just the ways secular leaders do. Where is the religious government in the world today we should use as an example?
Morality has nothing to do with religion, Islam least of all.

Oh so what do atheists base their morality on?

Morality:concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong
Sweden has the highest percentage atheists/agnostics/non-believers in the world (46 - 85%), the country is doing pretty good. In fact:

"Sweden built up what is often called the world's most generous general social welfare system, with such elements as virtually free (that is, tax-financed) schools, child care, health care, pensions, elder care, social services and various economic security systems."

"Sweden has a relatively low crime rate with rare, but increasing, instances of violent crime. Most crimes involve the theft of personal property from cars or residences or in public areas."

Just to give an example. It can be done without religion.

So how secular are they?

1. What is their position on structural adjustment and the G8 cycle of debt and corporations?
2. What is their position on religious freedom of other minorities?
3. How multicultural are they in ethnic diversity?
4. Does the state support churches, ie is a citizen of Sweden a member of the state church unless he declares otherwise? If yes, what is the position of other places of worship (of religions other than the state church)?
5. What is the suicide rate compared to other nations (I read elsewhere that atheists have higher suicide rates)
1. There were other studies in that link; if you ever bother to look them up you'll find terrorism per se requires investment, education and dedication; not something you'll find in the average citizenry of the ME, who are too busy surviving their own despots.

2. the only religious obsession here is yours.:rolleyes:

3. don't cite assumptions conclusions from a study you haven't read i.e. Pape. That only shows how superficial your interest is in actually addressing the problem vs whining and being a mouthpiece for Bobby Spence.

I live in Britain. So do many people on this MB.

My only problem is not what happens in distant Sri Lanka but what happens to me or people close to me here in Britain!

Pape is correct but even so I aven't noticed any Tamil Tigers mass murdering by suicide bombing in Britain. Or Spain, or the USA, or Russia, or Thailand for that matter.

Surely thats a flaw in both your case and Papes, SAM?
Suicide Bombers

One of the biggest surprises during the bombing in the UK was that the perpetrators were not outsiders but UK born citizens.

to quote Spiked-Online..

The harsh reality is that these young Brits would appear to be pretty typical al-Qaeda types. For al-Qaeda is not, as many have claimed since 9/11, a bunch of foreigners brought up on the dusty backstreets of Cairo or Ramallah and hell-bent on launching war against a faraway West; they tend to be young, respectable, often middle-class and sometimes naive men, many of whom were born or educated - and even radicalised - in the West. For all the talk of a ‘clash of civilisations’, al-Qaeda is a largely Western phenomenon.

To me that suggeasts that SAM is half right and the rest are half right. The bombers were not poverty stricken but then why would they be...they were living in the UK in good conditions.

thW beakdown is here..

Since 2003, as per the compiled data reported in that McClatchy link, the known bomber origin breakdown was as follows:

53 from Saudi Arabia
18 from Iraq
8 from Italy
8 from Syria
7 from Kuwait
4 from Jordan
3 from Egypt
3 from Libya
3 from Tunisia
3 from Turkey
3 from Yemen
2 from Belgium
2 from France
2 from Spain
1 from India
1 from Britain
1 from Lebanon
1 from Morocco
1 from Sudan

to play down the religious fundamentalist argument the Tamil Tigers certainly so play down that 'coincidence', and come in handy. Sadly, Iraq has redressed the 'balance'.
I live in Britain. So do many people on this MB.

My only problem is not what happens in distant Sri Lanka but what happens to me or people close to me here in Britain!

Pape is correct but even so I aven't noticed any Tamil Tigers mass murdering by suicide bombing in Britain. Or Spain, or the USA, or Russia, or Thailand for that matter.

Surely thats a flaw in both your case and Papes, SAM?

You mean your being politically shortsighted/ill-informed is a flaw in Papes and my cases? What if I were to tell you that it is known in India for a long time that LTTE is associated with al-Qaeda linked groups? Also how much are Western governments involved in Sri Lanka's political problems?
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