Islam Must Rule the World

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I call myself alawite, but I dont know the first thing about alawism

I'm a national, I love my country, and I'd fight for my country over my religion.

Its okay, I couldn't care less; I'd rather you show some signs of intelligence rather than constantly spouting nonsense, over any deep inquisitions into your beliefs or loyalties.:shrug:
Its okay, I couldn't care less; I'd rather you show some signs of intelligence rather than constantly spouting nonsense, over any deep inquisitions into your beliefs or loyalties.:shrug:

Are you saying I do?
Well I don't, and defintely not as much as leopold, geoff, or baron do, and not to mention skinwalker
I know what I posted; but as you say, you have no idea what you are talking about. The rest is in the same vein. Perhaps you could read the relevant posts again and try once more?

hint: do not think black or white ie yes or no.
hint2: there was trade and globalisation initiated by the Islamic governments, that spread rapidly from Morocco to Indonesia; in what essential way did it differ from present day Western trading? What was the defining point of that trade vs this trade? Think of all the countries/cultures involved and what the impact was.
hint3: one cannot be a Muslim and opposed to freedom of enterprise.
RE HINT 1) I don't always ask for a yes or no SAM, beleive me - there is a reason why with many people here one must do so. Also many times I simply ask for your opinion, after you answer. But sometimes yes or no is a good place to start with. For example: Yes or No - do you believe a God exists? Is it possible for two to exist? Then talk about the WHY. There's not point just blabing on and on without even having a starting point.

Your example of: Did you stop hitting your girl friend? Is not appropriate. You should have asked: Are you hitting your girl friend? Yes or No. Now if I had answered: Well SAM we really can not know anything out side of the self so I can not prove even that my girl friend exists ... bla bla bla ... then I think it's reasonable for you to then ask: Are you hitting your girl friend? YES or NO.

See the difference?

The reason you don't like the questions is because you don't like your own answers.

RE HINT 2) One essential way would be that people who traded and made profit were taxed on their personal beleif.

What is your answer?

I'll say this, as I have before, the people in the ME got rich by monopolizing the trade between China, India and Europe. Monopolists sit back and rake it in. As soon as the Portuguese found new trade routes, around the horn of Africa cutting the ME out all together, the ME completely collapsed in on itself. It was an inefficient system based on nepotism where rule of law was superseded by the rule of Dictator. Get a crap one and bye bye living standard.

RE HINT 3) You told me before that to be Muslim all one has to do is believe in One God and that Mohammad was a Prophet. Which I then said made Baha'i' Muslims because they fit such a criteria - they just have a new Last Prophet because they recognize the Qur'an was corrupted over time.

No, it's the tyrants, the politics, and the current destruction= young men to take up arms in order for them to live for something
What one must ask is: Why are Muslims inclined towards the rule of Dictators in the modern age?

Here and now, in this day and age, when everywhere in the world people are moving forward to secular democracies Muslims are moving backwards to Dictatorships. Many Muslims even on this board think a Caliph / Dictator is better than a democracy?!?! That Islamic law is better than Secular?!?! It's crazy really.

Well Dictators do not rule alone. They MUST have the complicity of the army and they MUST have a certain percentage of the population on side and, if religion they need the religous leaders onside as well.
Sound like the ME?

I often think people get the government they deserve. Americans deserve this crappy Bush Jr because they were complacent, thank the Gods we have a chance to rectify that by ballot.

Why did Christians have many tyrants in the past?

Is it muslims? Nah, I can take Christianity, and speak bs quite easily, even more so than islam

The ME collapsed? Not really, it is very rich today.....I dont know what ME you are talking about....
It is Islam? Really? Coming from a Christian, a believer of myth, who are you to tell me this?

No, it's the tyrants, the politics, and the current destruction= young men to take up arms in order for them to live for something

So, SkinWalker, you phail.

"My God".......Jesus? So Jesus is pathetic?

I don't understand the reference to the mythical character of Jesus. Nor do I understand your questions in the first paragraph. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else.

With regard to your second paragraph, I suggest that it is Koranic mythology that allows these "tyrants" and those that abuse "politics" to "take up arms." In doing so, they quote, very heavily I might add, Koranic mythology and are all but encouraged by Islamic leaders of various nations as well as individual Islamic cults.

You say I phail (sic), but if the Koran and Islam were removed from the equation, probably all of the terrorist activity conducted would not exist. The suicide bombers believe in their martyrdom. They believe they will ascend to paradise and believe they'll be able to take their families with them. They believe that their god wants violence to be conducted in its name.

Islam is anything but a cult of peace.
You say I phail (sic), but if the Koran and Islam were removed from the equation, probably all of the terrorist activity conducted would not exist. The suicide bombers believe in their martyrdom. They believe they will ascend to paradise and believe they'll be able to take their families with them. They believe that their god wants violence to be conducted in its name.

You obviously didn't read S.A.M's article on suicide bombers.
If you're beliefs are religious, what makes it anything but superstition? Indeed, Islam is every bit as much a delusion as Christianity. A delusion that has an apparent deleterious net effect on society. As to what makes your cult a superstition, I will only say that it is the unfounded and un-evidenced beliefs that are demanded by Koranic mythology. To accept them at face value, without benefit of evidence, is to be superstitious. Hence, Islam is a superstition.
If you're beliefs are religious, what makes it anything but superstition? Indeed, Islam is every bit as much a delusion as Christianity. A delusion that has an apparent deleterious net effect on society. As to what makes your cult a superstition, I will only say that it is the unfounded and un-evidenced beliefs that are demanded by Koranic mythology. To accept them at face value, without benefit of evidence, is to be superstitious. Hence, Islam is a superstition.

A superstition is a belief not based off knowledge or evidence, am I correct? Well, then I ask you, how did life originate? Abiogenesis?
I haven't the time for straw man arguments. Try that silliness on someone else. Religion is superstition. QED.
I haven't the time for straw man arguments. Try that silliness on someone else. Religion is superstition. QED.

Sure thing, SkinWalker. Criticizing something you don't agree with is simple, but taking the time to explain your own beliefs is much more difficult. One more thing, if I might add: what do you believe when science can't answer your questions?
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RE HINT 3) You told me before that to be Muslim all one has to do is believe in One God and that Mohammad was a Prophet. Which I then said made Baha'i' Muslims because they fit such a criteria - they just have a new Last Prophet because they recognize the Qur'an was corrupted over time.

Wrong. To be Muslim, you must believe in one God (Allah) and Muhammad being his final messenger. Maybe you misunderstood SAM, or she accidentally forgot to type 'last'; assuredly, believing Muhammad alone is not enough.
Try to control your anger.

I have a hard time trying to control my anger when stupid dickheads like you wander about on Sciforums. Essentially calling every single Muslim/black person in the world violent, and you expect something else? Why don't you just do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.
Wrong. To be Muslim, you must believe in one God (Allah) and Muhammad being his final messenger. Maybe you misunderstood SAM, or she accidentally forgot to type 'last'; assuredly, believing Muhammad alone is not enough.
Maybe, I know people who say they are Muslim and do not believe in God at all.

Each to their own I guess.

Why did Christians have many tyrants in the past?
Which Tyrants and when? Also we have to think of to whom? That makes a big difference. Rome had Caligula after all. But his German guard didn't think he was a tyrant - more like a God. Gods acted weird, if they acted normal they'd be humans!
I'm 100% positive life for some living during the rule of the four "Righteous Caliphs" was unbearable. They probably considered them tyrants. Say, the people who had lost everything they owned in the preceding wars for example.

Anyway, not only Christians and Muslims had tyrants - all societies have had tyrants. So how does one rule without a tyrant? Well it's not by putting the power into the hands of some religous quack! That's asking for trouble. The best way is to put all of the power into the hands of the Citizens themselves.

So how does society progress from a culture of dictators to one of democracy? Good question. The people in the ME knew all about Democracy from the Greeks, from the Romans, from the Europeans - not only because at time they fell under their control, but also because they had such extensive trade in ideas along with goods. The thing is since day dot people in the ME have had a sort of balance between the people who ruled them and their religous leaders. I believe this can be said to have been the case since the dawn of civilization. I have no idea why they never developed a culture of democracy. Why? It's really not "Islam" per say, as Islam is really just a repack of the religions from before.

Yeah why? But what ever the reason, Islam certainly doesn't seem to have promoted any longer term change - just the typical Monarchy. Actually, if you were to think about it. Slavery and other social institutions were never ended under their better years. Why? It seems the same ole same ole to me anyway. A good dictator and times were good a bad one and times were bad. etc.. etc... etc...

What do you think?

So how does one rule without a tyrant? Well it's not by putting the power into the hands of some religous quack! That's asking for trouble.

The same can be said for any quack. Not only that but atheists have proven themselves to be the most brutal tyrants. Eliminating religion would solve absolutely nothing at all. Thinking it would, not saying you necessarily do, is wishful thinking. Even for modern problems it would be insignificant.

The best way is to put all of the power into the hands of the Citizens themselves.

Then it would just be many quacks...too many.
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