islam is the truest way of life

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A "truth" that involves a god that doesn't like it when you drink beer (or smoke pot) will never be embraced by the overwhelming majority of the US. We like our dogs too. Edit: I forgot pork, just try and stop Americans from eating bacon. I don't lose any sleep over this nonsense catching on in the US, and I fully intend to continue not going to places where it is popular.

Islamic dogma will be swept away by time. Though there is a good possibility that it will be replaced by something even more objectionable. Humans are terrible, and are capable of believing in just about anything.

And yet a CNN World News article claims that

"The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years. Some scholars see an emerging Muslim renaissance as Islam takes root in many traditionally Christian communities."
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pretty much..yes..and that's good for you cause that's how you're supposed to be..

Then it is right and proper that I'm not a muslim because that isn't how I am.

But I'm glad you found your religion, it obviously suits you, sam and diamondhearts.
Islam isn't a religion for people with large egos. Islam thoroughly destroys egotism and selfishness in its true adherents. It's a book designed to change the world and the very nature of man, to bring it back to the natural way.
Then it is right and proper that I'm not a muslim because that isn't how I am.

But I'm glad you found your religion, it obviously suits you, sam and diamondhearts.

what's wrong with knowing your place in this universe?? you have to breath every few seconds, you have to eat three times a're uselessly snoozing a third of your life, you stick to bed for a couple of days because of some microscopic mindless beings.. you can't even swat a fly that bothers you without blowing your stumble upon things and break your fail to accept events that happen in your life and get a heart attack.. you lose consiousness if your body temprature differs bya couple of degrees..your brain can't comprehend something like this
you can't make out a person's face from the window of a flying can't hear the footsteps of an make are incomplete in each and why act all high and mighty?? why thing you're above bending low to anyone?? why think that there's nothing beyond your reach?? when you can't prevent yourself from shitting every now and then..when you can't know what will happen to you a second from now?? when you can't thwart death from you??

a person will feel the sensation of fulfilling his perpose when he worships and put's himself in the right side of the equation from god..that's the only differrance between us muslim thinkers and you atheist ones..

and the proof of the pudding is in the eating..
what's wrong with knowing your place in this universe??

I do know my place in the universe and I'm glad you know yours. Not every one is weak and submissive like you. Perhaps you'll find some one strong to dominate you instead of having to pretend with JHVH all the time.
I do know my place in the universe and I'm glad you know yours. Not every one is weak and submissive like you. Perhaps you'll find some one strong to dominate you instead of having to pretend with JHVH all the time.

ironic.. sooooooooooo ironic...
YOU'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG...look swarm..i know you hate islam and us and everything..but please open your ears to the explenation to what i said..cuz this'll show you that even by human standards..muslims are way better than you..

knowing my place means submitting to the truely powerful..but not the decievingly weak...meaning..i'm not afraid of the biggest king on earth..i'm afraid of the king of earth...
example: if a human no matter who told me to insult my god or lie about him i'll never submit..because i'm afraid of who's stronger than him..and in refusing..i'm also stronger than the king..

you on the other hand, if a king told you to insult yourself and do all horrible things or he'll kill you or put you in jail you'll submit..because you gave him total control of yourself, and what matters to you most (your soul)..on the other true muslims and maybe other true theists too (because islam is very differrent than theory and muslims' me some muslims are more atheist by actions than you are..and they're dumb too)- will not give in because we know our place in the universe and know that the small differrances between humans ARE present..some ARE stronger than others..but compared to god (once again the ratio of a scalor to infinity) we're all the same...(zero)

lol so in the universe i'm above you.. besides let me meet you personally and i'll:spank: some sense into you..cuz i'm not a good online communicator or fighter..
I dislike dogs. If not for their obessison with my crotch then for their constant licking. I hate being licked. Putting that aside, lets look at some statistics. Dog bites and dog attacks are very common, on occasion they are even fatal.

Add on top of that the urban myths that have even been espoused in this thread in favour of the dogs.

But wait, whats that you say? Some researchers in 1990 concluded dog saliva might be useful for something? Wow, thats convinced me! :rolleyes: Maybe I should also keep faeces in the house for its various uses. Maybe I shouldnt worry too much about cleanliness regarding urine either. After all, they're all useful for something, right?

Oh yeah, what an example...
I like dogs, I think the Hadiths do not have priority over the Quran. The Quran says nothing about dogs.
I like dogs, I think the Hadiths do not have priority over the Quran. The Quran says nothing about dogs.


In my opinion keeping dogs out of the house is much more beneficial than keeping them in. Not to mention safer around kids. But then again some say I'm obsessed with keeping things clean :(
I like dogs, I think the Hadiths do not have priority over the Quran. The Quran says nothing about dogs.

i think it uses it's continuos panting whether you hit it or leave it alone as an example of "some" people who wouldn't follow the truth no matter what you do..very accurate example as i'm witnessing at this time of my life..
Dogs are mentioned 5 times in the Quran

[18:18] "You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his arms in their midst."

[7:176] Had we willed, we could have elevated him therewith, but he insisted on sticking to the ground, and pursued his own opinions. Thus, he is like the dog; whether you pet him or scold him, he pants. Such is the example of people who reject our proofs. Narrate these narrations, that they may reflect.

[18:22] Some would say, "They were three; their dog being the fourth," while others would say, "Five; the sixth being their dog," as they guessed. Others said, "Seven," and the eighth was their dog. Say, "My Lord is the best knower of their number." Only a few knew the correct number. Therefore, do not argue with them; just go along with them. You need not consult anyone about this.
And yet a CNN World News article claims that

"The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years. Some scholars see an emerging Muslim renaissance as Islam takes root in many traditionally Christian communities."

This hardly means that this brand of nonsense is going to displace the brand of nonsense that presently is predominant in the US. But who knows what the future holds. Perhaps there will be wars of religion here, in much the same vein as the wars that caused so much strife in Europe centuries ago. Maybe the final war fought by mankind, leading to our irrevocable extermination, will be fought over which desert religion has it right. Perhaps a species that cannot control its cruel impulses, and chooses to believe in such dark superstitions doesn't deserve to survive.
diamondhearts said:
You confuse cultural practices with the religion.
I am in a discussion with people who ascribe all manner of cultural benefits to Islam, and credit Islam with many praiseworthy cultural practices found in various cultures.
diamond said:
Slavery - - the pagans and the Christians also practice this. Same thing with female genital mutilation, it is largely present in Christian and pagan societies
When I am talking to a Christian or Pagan who tells me about the cultural benefits of their religion, the worldwide brotherhood of believers, and the blessings of their religion everywhere, I will remind them of certain features of the cultures of their fellow believers which their religion seems to fail badly in discouraging.

The Muslim immigrants in my town sometimes send their children back to their Muslim home communities to be mutilated. That's kind of unusual.
diamond said:
Nothing but fear mongering on your part. The Quran states quite clearly, "There is no compulsion in religion."
There is compulsion justified by religion, by quoting the Quran even, in every Islamic society on this planet.
diamond said:
As is more than apparent from your fear-mongering and outright Islamophobia on this forum, you are not a credible source of any information regarding Islam or Muslims.
I am talking to someone who told me there were no brothels in Pakistan.
SAM said:
So this is nonsense: He isn't wrong, he's Muslim and those are his Muslim beliefs, which he shares with millions of other Muslims.

Not with the Quran.
Says you. The Quran, like other holy books, says what its scholars and interpretors say it says.

SAM said:
There are plenty of secular humanists out there starving and bombing children or cheering on the sidelines. Doesn't mean that we've redefined secular humanism to mass murder.
You have attempted exactly that, several times on this forum. I have made no such argument, on the other hand.

Projection, it's called.
arsalan said:
In my opinion keeping dogs out of the house is much more beneficial than keeping them in. Not to mention safer around kids.
It's safer to raise the dog with the kids, in the house, from a puppy.

As far as cleanliness, as long as one recognizes the arbitrariness of whatever conditioning informs the judgment, de gustibas non disputandum. I've seen dog kennels cleaner than the dog-free houses they abutted.

I get in an out of houses a lot, and the pet-free ones do average a bit cleaner. So do the child-free ones. Houses can be too clean. For the stranger, the most commonly offensive resident house mammal is the cat - if a house is really filthy, chances are it's from cats. And cats spread diseases, etc, at least as often as dogs.
There is compulsion justified by religion, by quoting the Quran even, in every Islamic society on this planet.


Says you. The Quran, like other holy books, says what its scholars and interpretors say it says.

Unless you know Arabic

You have attempted exactly that, several times on this forum. I have made no such argument, on the other hand.

In respojse to others on this forum who have tried to make the same generalizations about Muslims.

It's safer to raise the dog with the kids, in the house, from a puppy.

As far as cleanliness, as long as one recognizes the arbitrariness of whatever conditioning informs the judgment, de gustibas non disputandum. I've seen dog kennels cleaner than the dog-free houses they abutted.

I get in an out of houses a lot, and the pet-free ones do average a bit cleaner. So do the child-free ones. Houses can be too clean. For the stranger, the most commonly offensive resident house mammal is the cat - if a house is really filthy, chances are it's from cats. And cats spread diseases, etc, at least as often as dogs.

Its safer not to keep pets like that at all. No attacks, no need to waste money after attacks or on pet and the house stays clean. Want something cute to look at? Get some lolcat posters
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