islam is the truest way of life

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And this requires you to deny historical circumstance, plain reality, and physical fact. It requires you to believe that pork has something wrong with it, like higher cholesterol; that there are no religious schisms in Islam; that the people dropping bombs on the theists in Afghanistan are not themselves equivalently theistic; that the illiterate women dying two years early on average and especially restricted in clothing and behavior are not oppressed, that the Ottoman Empire was either not Islamic or benevolent and defensive in its expansion; and so forth.

The same thing can apply to societies that are not religious in any way. Fact is that the problem is not religion, it is people who abuse. These are the same people who will abuse, say, the US Constitution, for their own personal gain or to commit heinous acts and justify it. Does that mean that somehow the foundation of the US or the generally accepted societal norms and values are heinous as well? No.
arsalan said:
The same thing can apply to societies that are not religious in any way.
We are arguing theisms, not religions.

According to SAM, there are no such societies. The attempts to create them, by atheists of course, don't last. Any that have lasted are theistic, of necessity.

Don't look at me, it's not my argument.
arsalan said:
Fact is that the problem is not religion, it is people who abuse
I'd be more willing to accept that deflection if you will accept it the other way - the benefit is not from religion, but from people who behave well.

Meanwhile, we see some obvious patterns in the abuse that seem to correspond with various religions. Are we to assume that the various evils of recent American imperialism have nothing to do with the overt and public theistic allegiances of those in command and their supporters? That the degradations in the Sudan have no relationship to the religions of the perpetrators and victims? That the differences in local behavioral outcome of America's conquering of Japan in '45 and Iraq in '03 hove nothing to do with the religions of the people involved?
Social institutions created by religions are not sustained by people who behave well, but inspite of people who behave badly.
I'd be more willing to accept that deflection if you will accept it the other way - the benefit is not from religion, but from people who behave well.

So its not the US Constitution that is the foundation of the US and defines what the US is about, its people willing to behave acordingly? Isnt the Constitution then just an agreed upon text filled with the acceptable practices, norms and values of humanity throughout our history?

Meanwhile, we see some obvious patterns in the abuse that seem to correspond with various religions. Are we to assume that the various evils of recent American imperialism have nothing to do with the overt and public theistic allegiances of those in command and their supporters?

Seeing as how the people and groups those leaders were flirting with have themselves denounced those leaders for not being "Christian" enough, I'd say they used the groups and religion to get the votes they needed and dumped them afterwards.

That the degradations in the Sudan have no relationship to the religions of the perpetrators and victims?

The political situations in all of Africa stem from the creation of "borders" during a period of imperialism. Officialy tribes lost power, unofficially they stille rule the country. Why is that? Because they, being the most important groups, were excluded when theyre continent was being carved up. Its more to do with land and power than it has to do with religion.

That the differences in local behavioral outcome of America's conquering of Japan in '45 and Iraq in '03 hove nothing to do with the religions of the people involved?

I cant say with certainty about Japan in '45 because the atom bomb was designated a "Gift from God" by the President then, but Iraq in '03 seems to have resulted more from disinformation and greed.

Oh, now you are embarrassed, how cute.

look swarm..i know you hate islam and us and everything..

Like everything else you "know" you are again mistaken.

muslims are way better than you..

I love it when you subs try to puff yourselves up like that. Yes, you are so "way better." You sure "know your place" alright and its on your knees.

...i'm afraid...

Yes, I know.

if a king

Don't have a king, but I've stood down people in power before. Don't have a "soul" (whatever that is supposed to be) but I do have what you lack - a spine.

lol so in the universe i'm above you..

Does that make you feel tough honey?

let me meet you personally

Sorry, I'm not into guys and I don't need a sub at the moment, but I'm sure you know where to find what you need.

I think the biggest failing of islame after being a big deception its that is boring.
SAM said:
Social institutions created by religions are not sustained by people who behave well, but inspite of people who behave badly.
Of course. Virtue is from the deity, sin is from the sinner, bad outcomes are the consequences of sin. That's standard in the successful theisms - and most other large social systems. My term for it is "kudos capture", indirectly via this book , and successful systems all exhibit the ability.
arsalan said:
Seeing as how the people and groups those leaders were flirting with have themselves denounced those leaders for not being "Christian" enough, I'd say they used the groups and religion to get the votes they needed and dumped them afterwards.
So what's your point?

My point is that those commanders, and those policies, and that war with most of its soldiers and almost all of its pilots, are a gift from the strong local theism factions in the US. Most support it to this day (I believe only the Muslim factions have withdrawn their initial backing completely).
He already did:

He's wrong about this though:

Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Qur'an 2:62; also 5:69).

The Quran does not believe in miracles

"[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."

"[22:46] Did they not roam the earth, then use their minds to understand, and use their ears to hear? Indeed, the real blindness is not the blindness of the eyes, but the blindness of the hearts inside the chests."

sorry i don't get it..
Oh, now you are embarrassed, how cute.
lol..of what??where did that come from?

Like everything else you "know" you are again mistaken.
somethings don't need to clarified in words..

I love it when you subs try to puff yourselves up like that. Yes, you are so "way better." You sure "know your place" alright and its on your knees.
everyone is submitting and "on his knees" to's just a matter of associating ourselves with the strongest..that's all

Yes, I know.

just showes how helpless you are in this thread huh?? what a lowly waste of time method..

Don't have a king, but I've stood down people in power before. Don't have a "soul" (whatever that is supposed to be) but I do have what you lack - a spine.
a spine can be broken..a soul can not..

wow..very nice quote of myself..i'll note it down..thanks swarmie..

Does that make you feel tough honey?
sadly it doesn't..the weak will be destroyed..if i can give a hand to someone to raise him to my level i would..why do you think i'm here talking to you?? why would i care if you went to hell or not??

Sorry, I'm not into guys and I don't need a sub at the moment, but I'm sure you know where to find what you need.
hey what's a sub?

I think the biggest failing of islame after being a big deception its that is boring.
hey you misspelled's added an seems i'm not the only one with writing problems..
somethings don't need to clarified in words..

I don't think you really want to use that as your life strategy. You should seek to get everything into words and only accept that something is beyond words after you've repeatedly failed to capture it in words. What you are doing now is called - copping out.

everyone is submitting and "on his knees" to's just a matter of associating ourselves with the strongest..that's all

Spoken like a true sub.

a spine can be broken..a soul can not..

Sure sub.

hey what's a sub?

Look it up. You do know how to do that right?

hey you misspelled's added an seems i'm not the only one with writing problems..

Sure. I misspelled islame.
Obviously. And how classic using the actual urban myth in an attempt to discredit actual research.

What urban myth?

They can treat that these days.

I know. My father is a psychiatrist and he keeps telling me to knock it off :(

Two key points about dogs.

I learned more from dogs than I ever learned from the koran.

Given a choice between a bone and the koran, a dog knows which is best.

2 key points:

I learned more from the Quran than I ever will from any dog.

Given a choice between a dog adn the Quran, Id take the Quran and study it.

See what I did there? Your post is useless, doesnt add anything.
What kind of nonsense is being ascribed to me this time. You posters need to be more honest and straightforward, I utterly dislike this duplicity displayed on these forums.

The verse I quoted is quite clear, "Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.”" (Quran Surah al Baqarah 2:256)

Next time anyone wishes to attribute charges against me or to imply something which I don't stand for, do the honest and honorable thing and ask me personally to clarify my views.
What urban myth?
Then one you linked to. Where you quote Dr. Chicken Soup who has obviously not been keeping up in his filed.

I know. My father is a psychiatrist

That's rough.

and he keeps telling me to knock it off

He should know better. Usually people can't just "knock it off" or they already would have. If it starts getting in the way go see some one other than your dad. They have stuff that can take the edge off these days.

I learned more from the Quran than I ever will from any dog.

You've never had a personal relationship with a good dog.

Given a choice between a dog adn the Quran, Id take the Quran and study it.

And its left you crippled.
Then one you linked to. Where you quote Dr. Chicken Soup who has obviously not been keeping up in his filed.

Which urban myth?

That's rough.

He should know better. Usually people can't just "knock it off" or they already would have. If it starts getting in the way go see some one other than your dad. They have stuff that can take the edge off these days.

He knows. You see, I dont take his advice and he knows. So theres no point in him analysing me and advising me on how to deal with it. So he just says to knock it off if it gets too excessive.

You've never had a personal relationship with a good dog.

My father had dogs which he kept out of the house in Pakistan.

And its left you crippled.

Nope, I havent been physically or psychologically crippled by the Quran. In fact, its opened my eyes quite a bit.
The Islamic definition of ritual purity 'taharah' is different. Furthermore, the dogs saliva is dirty, and especially for humans as it can transmit disease. You should do some more research.

Clearly, you haven't done any research and are lying to protect your cults beliefs.

Saliva from a dog when compared with saliva from humans allows much less bacteria to grow. In other words, dogs have cleaner mouths than humans.

Considering dogs lick dirty areas of their body, one would believe this would make logical sense.

Then, you should actually take the time to learn something rather than basing your entire worldview on unfounded beliefs.
Clearly, you haven't done any research and are lying to protect your cults beliefs.

Saliva from a dog when compared with saliva from humans allows much less bacteria to grow. In other words, dogs have cleaner mouths than humans.

Only dogs that are taken care of well. That needs to be pointed out.

Saliva from a dog when compared with saliva from humans allows much less bacteria to grow. In other words, dogs have cleaner mouths than humans.

So you'd kiss a dog on the mouth, then?:D
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