islam is the truest way of life

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sci said:
- - - - lol and believe it or not, this is my first ever confrontation with "athiests"..i mean we heard of them and everything, but never saw or met a real life one who says "there is no god" and actually believes it.. - - -
How come so many God botherers have so much trouble with punctuation? We get these long runs of monotypic text with little dots separating complaints of being picked on by the evil moderators, and three times in four somewhere in there is something about the foolishness of evolutionary theory or the wonderfulness of somebody's true faith.
How come so many God botherers have so much trouble with punctuation? We get these long runs of monotypic text with little dots separating complaints of being picked on by the evil moderators, and three times in four somewhere in there is something about the foolishness of evolutionary theory or the wonderfulness of somebody's true faith.

see, this guy is looking for the truth of existance..can't you see how he's focused on subject?? his hunger for an explenation of the world?? his open mindness and readyness to discuss and consider other explanations other that we're nothings, started from nothing and ending to nothing??
dictionaries are available..but do you know what it means practically?

yes i am..god gave certain people supernatural powers named miracles which by normal logic can't be received normally; to make us believe in him..your objection makes sense...and that is why god simply sent tell only the deaf will have an excuse..
Muslims are discriminated and personal attacks against them are encouraged, due to the uneven moderation of this forum.

Islam may be attacked, but Muslims aren't. I wonder though what causes you to lie all the time? Is it Islam or are you just an habitual liar?
dictionaries are available..but do you know what it means practically?

yes i am..god gave certain people supernatural powers named miracles which by normal logic can't be received normally; to make us believe in him..your objection makes sense...and that is why god simply sent tell only the deaf will have an excuse..

Evolution gave us natural powers to discern that miracles have never been shown to be legitimate. People can also be gullible and non-scientific. Even today probably most people think a heavier object will fall faster than a light one.
People are so fascinated with materialistic items, that they have lost all their senses of right and wrong. Everyone is busy back stabbing one another just to tell someone or show someone that they are better than that certain someone. There is a reason why people that do not believe in God do not believe in good and evil. Everything you do in this world is an action to an opposite and equal reaction. That is how the universe works that is how God works, it is the only fair way. However, what you gain by wasting your lives on earth is up to you; what you make of it. Life is short, so I suggest you start building some value towards God.

DiamondHearts, I agree with you that this world has reached its peak of ignorance/disbelief.
There are people who also believe that you have just one life to live and who can say they are wrong?
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-ND-, exactly brother.

The world is burning in the fire of ignorance and selfishness, because of human indecency and arrogance precipitated by the rejection of God.
Again show me a utopian Islamic community. A community following God's laws and in harmony with God's laws should surely be able to demonstrate God's approval to the world. Where is this society? Where is this community? Where is this state?
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