islam is the truest way of life

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I would say the utopian state would be the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s state of Madinah. Also, the kingdoms of Solomon, David, and Zhul-Qarnain. The coming utopia is of the rule of the Mahdi, and the establishment of the kingdom of Jesus (peace be upon him) with his second coming.

Utopia is not merely physical, but consists of metaphysical reality as well. If three people live in harmony in an isolated island, this is a utopia. The challenge is to implement this on a larger scale. History and the arrival of empires, occupiers, and invaders have severely crippled the ability of once independent people, including Muslims, to realize the reality in which they wish to live in. Therefore, the utopia, of today exists in the mind and the heart of the individual, the much more difficult task is to actualize in in the physical place and on a larger scale.
I would say the utopian state would be the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s state of Madinah. Also, the kingdoms of Solomon, David, and Zhul-Qarnain. The coming utopia is of the rule of the Mahdi, and the establishment of the kingdom of Jesus (peace be upon him) with his second coming.

Utopia is not merely physical, but consists of metaphysical reality as well. If three people live in harmony in an isolated island, this is a utopia. The challenge is to implement this on a larger scale. History and the arrival of empires, occupiers, and invaders have severely crippled the ability of once independent people, including Muslims, to realize the reality in which they wish to live in. Therefore, the utopia, of today exists in the mind and the heart of the individual, the much more difficult task is to actualize in in the physical place and on a larger scale.

Pretty much all religions promise a utopian exisitence in the after life. So what makes Islam any more valid that any other religion? If the promise of a utopian existance is the measure of the true religion, you have a lot of conflcting true religions with nothing of substance that seperates them from the other.

It seems to me that if one religion were true. The practice of that religion should produce a utopian state on Earth...every one does what God wants and God blesses his devotees.
Pretty much all religions promise a utopian exisitence in the after life. So what makes Islam any more valid that any other religion? If the promise of a utopian existance is the measure of the true religion, you have a lot of conflcting true religions with nothing of substance that seperates them from the other.

If Islam is practiced in this life, it will result in a utopia here. As it did during the Prophet (peace be upon him)'s life and in the age of prophet kings and enlightened rulers before him. In the Afterlife, provided one believes in One God and of prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he will attain Paradise.

The difference is of the teachings of the particular religion. You must use your human mind to judge them. This is part of the test of God. This is why it is important to study Islam and other religions for one's self. To find truth.
If Islam is practiced in this life, it will result in a utopia here.

Why has it not happened then...seems like there are plenty of followers? The truth is all religions can help people grow and learn and be better neighors. But all religions can also be abused, and used to spread fear, hate and destruction.
diamond said:
If Islam is practiced in this life, it will result in a utopia here.
And when the utopia turns into Darfur or Yemen, it will be blamed on the failure to practice the Islam properly.

People who want to impose utopian systems on other people are menaces to humanity.
diamond said:
If you want to ask me about my positions, you are free to do so. Besides religion and my anti-imperialistic views, you know absolutely nothing about my psychology, etc.
All I will ever know about you are your postings here - and that's what I talked about: they are much like those of Christian fundies. From an outsider's perspective, there's not much difference to be seen.
diamond said:
We aren't children. We are intelligent human beings who deserve the right to live the way we choose.
Well, if you mature and wise and learned adults hang on to your religion because you think someone is trying to beat it out of you, you wouldn't be the first. But the tales of the others are cautionary.
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Why would anyone be interested in hearing about myths and superstitions?

And yet, you're probably here to tell us that YOUR god is the best?

Ok, which myth or superstition do you want to analyze?

myths and superstitions:bugeye:..MYTHS AND SUPERSTITIONS??:mad:

man you atheists are helpless..i'll reply to you and your "rational" bunch in a seperate and i'll show you that you're half-playing the game of reality and facts...i'll show you the differrance that never was between myths and your "sensed reality"..

the question is..will that be any good?
If Islam is practiced in this life, it will result in a utopia here. As it did during the Prophet (peace be upon him)'s life and in the age of prophet kings and enlightened rulers before him. In the Afterlife, provided one believes in One God and of prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he will attain Paradise.

The difference is of the teachings of the particular religion. You must use your human mind to judge them. This is part of the test of God. This is why it is important to study Islam and other religions for one's self. To find truth.

Islam isn't a way of life, it's a way of death. Everything is designed to get you prepared for an afterlife, not to create your full potential as a unique human being.

you're so right..isn't how you die the same as how you live?? if someone died a very horrible death..can't you say his life was unhappy?? and if someone lived the worst life but found peace at the end..can't you say he lived a happy life??

so as we can see..the end is more important than the beginning..even if the end is brief compared to the long how about when the end is infinite and the beginning is like zero to it..doesn't that make this life of ours actually the pre-life, and what's after death THE life??

and no wiseguy tells me there's nothing after death, cuz he haven't been there yet..
its what we do here
submit to the truth

what you got?

lool sorry, i'm still trying to figure out how this thing works...

ok, the truth is if you go by how we humans live and'll see that we have a brain which simulates beyond our senses..following me?
Freedom of speech.

You see your way of thinking is what fascists and dictators do.

They say "I am right, everyone whom thinks im right stay here, everyone else, leave"

Theres no way you can lose because you are eliminating everyone that would possibly argue you.
i'll show you that you're half-playing the game of reality and facts...i'll show you the differrance that never was between myths and your "sensed reality".

By all means, feel free to do so. Should be a laugh.
i'm having trouble with this forum system..

Muslims are discriminated and personal attacks against them are encouraged, due to the uneven moderation of this forum. You would not be the first to make this remark. All the Muslims on this forum would agree with you. Unfortunately, this shields many people from the truth, and in the end those who reject it will have only themselves to blame.

Remember, nothing matters but God's pleasure. We should make dawah for Alah swt, and not let those who reject truth effect us. Allah swt bless you and give you Jannat ul Firdos (the Highest Paradise) Ameen.
Muslims are discriminated and personal attacks against them are encouraged, due to the uneven moderation of this forum. You would not be the first to make this remark. All the Muslims on this forum would agree with you. Unfortunately, this shields many people from the truth, and in the end those who reject it will have only themselves to blame.

Remember, nothing matters but God's pleasure. We should make dawah for Alah swt, and not let those who reject truth effect us. Allah swt bless you and give you Jannat ul Firdos (the Highest Paradise) Ameen.

So, after existing on this planet for 100,000 years (the last estimate I've read for modern Homo Sapiens) the "truth" was only revealed a few centuries ago? You really expect educated people with critical thinking skills to buy that?

Homo Sapiens is just another species on this planet, and any dogma that seeks to set us apart from the other animals is beyond redemption, and should be discarded as nonsense.
Muslims are discriminated and personal attacks against them are encouraged, due to the uneven moderation of this forum. You would not be the first to make this remark. All the Muslims on this forum would agree with you. Unfortunately, this shields many people from the truth, and in the end those who reject it will have only themselves to blame.

Remember, nothing matters but God's pleasure. We should make dawah for Alah swt, and not let those who reject truth effect us. Allah swt bless you and give you Jannat ul Firdos (the Highest Paradise) Ameen.

Do you believe in earning value for Allah or in His eyes?
The truth has always exists, and exists regardless whether people accept or reject it. The truth is the reality which many people today deny. The truth, worship of One God, came down to Adam, and then to thousands of prophets after him to all people of this world, yet we remain heedless, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last prophet and culmination, a truth which God Himself has vowed to protect. Believe what we may, it has no effect on the absolute reality. Whether humans exist or not, whether this Earth exists or not, God indeed does exist.
Muslims are discriminated and personal attacks against them are encouraged, due to the uneven moderation of this forum. You would not be the first to make this remark. All the Muslims on this forum would agree with you. Unfortunately, this shields many people from the truth, and in the end those who reject it will have only themselves to blame.

Remember, nothing matters but God's pleasure. We should make dawah for Alah swt, and not let those who reject truth effect us. Allah swt bless you and give you Jannat ul Firdos (the Highest Paradise) Ameen.

lol thanks man, but what i meant is i'm having technical problems with posting and replying and quoting and all that..but i was astonished when i read your comments in this and S.A.M..pretty knowledgable and accurate..but i feel that you're being a bit defensive..muslims are a billion and a and believe it or not, this is my first ever confrontation with "athiests"..i mean we heard of them and everything, but never saw or met a real life one who says "there is no god" and actually believes it..something to wonder at really..but islam is the right way of life, and it's the religion with the highest conversion don't worry that those guys will "eradicate" islam..cuz this is what they are..people in forms running around in circles of mind games.. but what i'm trying to find if they are ready to listen to other ideas and look from others view points..cuz that's what i did a long time ago..i looked at islam as if i was christian, and all other philosephies..and followed them..seeing whether islam will be the truth the same way it looks so from my original view point..and it does..athiesm and pure rational thinking was a bit tricky..but if played thoroughly it will reach to islam too..that's what everyone in this forum isn't giving me the chance to try and share..
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