islam is the truest way of life

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Exactly, spidergoat, that and nationaloism, gov't

Islam, or any religion, is a sham and the only truest way of life is individualism and egoism, and transcendence above nature.

That's the goal, at least

Hedonism is life's way.

Wrong. If you believe in ego you believe in soul. Everyone has two parts. The ego being the bad and soul being the good. People these days only use their ego and that is why all of you are the same. There is nothing unique about anyone on this forum, They just think they are special because their egos tell them so. In reality you all are as plain as a sheet of paper. Everyone talks their talk but the sad part is none of you walk your own talk. I believe in God and I'm at a level way beyond anyones understanding. I can almost say that I don't even exist anymore. I'm just an entity inside a human body, because in order to be alive in this world you need a shell. Thats the goal in life, for your soul to overcome your ego in order to truly understand life. What you speak of, sounds to me like you believe in satanism. Your beliefs are just a sad illusion sorry to say. You will never find what you are looking for even if you live 1,000 lives, simply because you do not understand life.
diamondheart said:
The basic psychology of the Christian mind and Muslim mind are fundamentally different. Islam itself is fundamentally different than Christianity.
The differences don't amount to much from an outsider's perspective. You, for example, sound just like a Christian evangelical fundamentalist - same basic psychology, same basic approach and arguments.
Diamond said:
Islam has always been an ideology with a tremendous influence on the Muslim mind, it will continue to be in the future. Especially as long as Muslims are occupied by foreign invaders who try to forcibly remove them from their religion to become more accepting of their subjugation. One of the powerful aspects of the Islamic religion is its spirit of resistance and resilience to a foreign threat. Islam will not only live on, it will prosper.
Irish Catholicism "prospered" for 800 years under British repression, and the Irish pridefully resisted every attempt to beat it out of them with overwhelming force. They succeeded. And they did almost as much harm to themselves with that religion, from betrayal of their own earlier rituals and beliefs to saddling themselves with damaging anachronisms both mental and political, as the Brits did to them.

I've known adolescents to stubbornly refuse to allow authorities to force them to quit smoking cigarettes -and end up hooked for life.
The responses in this thread, so far, are laughable at best.

I'll summarize what posters have stated: because Islam doesn't allow intoxication and the ills of it, Islam doesn't allow paganism and the occult rituals, because Islam will eventually follow other religions (I assume this one means Christianity) in its downfall, because Islam condemns hedonism and human greed.

Comparing Islam to Christianity is a popular tactic in this forum because they feel that Christianity has been debunked to such a large degree that it is powerless in this age. Therefore, it is their hope that Islam will follow in this path. They are mistaken because Islam's history is completely different the Christianity in Europe. Muslims were forced to yield to European conquest and in turn the invaders dismantled and destroyed the traditional Islamic institutions of more than a thousand years. Muslims were denied their way of life by force, and thus living without Islam in Muslim majority lands has been abhorrent to the Muslim for 200 years. The basic psychology of the Christian mind and Muslim mind are fundamentally different. Islam itself is fundamentally different than Christianity. People like to pass on their rhetoric that they believe Muslims will follow Christians in secularization and rejection of God, yet as we see the opposite trend is being observed. Islam has always been an ideology with a tremendous influence on the Muslim mind, it will continue to be in the future. Especially as long as Muslims are occupied by foreign invaders who try to forcibly remove them from their religion to become more accepting of their subjugation. One of the powerful aspects of the Islamic religion is its spirit of resistance and resilience to a foreign threat. Islam will not only live on, it will prosper.

I'm sure on logical thing some posters may be able to provide more intellectually stimulating answers for a proper debate, but then against most criticism of Islam these days stems from Muslims lack of acceptance of Western occupation of their lands. Muslims are being demonized the same exact way as the Native Americans were demonized by the Americans, before the West stole their land and exterminated their people.

Mostly, they don't Islam because it doesn't bow down to them. Islam is the truest way of life, the natural way, and the only way for spiritual upliftment of the human being. Corruption and ignorance has reached its peak. Islam is the solution to all human problems.

So Islam is the one true way of life because you're all butthurt over what happened to your ancestors 200 years ago and that you are violent and hate freedom and human dignity?
That's your argument?
The differences don't amount to much from an outsider's perspective. You, for example, sound just like a Christian evangelical fundamentalist - same basic psychology, same basic approach and arguments.

This means you don't understand my positions. I have much more in common with leftists than I do with right-wingers. If you want to ask me about my positions, you are free to do so. Besides religion and my anti-imperialistic views, you know absolutely nothing about my psychology, etc.

Your statement is rather humorous. Even after all this time, you don't even understand that little thing about me.

I've known adolescents to stubbornly refuse to allow authorities to force them to quit smoking cigarettes -and end up hooked for life.

We aren't children. We are intelligent human beings who deserve the right to live the way we choose. Human beings mature from a few factors: religion, environment, and history (atleast outside of West). Our ancestors have been continuing the fight for liberation, self-determination, and independence from foreign rule, we will honoring them by continuing in their footsteps until we have freedom.
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(sight) this is unbelievable... and yet here i -the 18 year old- am trying to put you grown ups - as i assume- in line by giving simple instructions which only one complied to..resulting in repeated total chaos and not getting half a step closer to a definite answer to our agenda...

i think it's all because you guys don't really want to reach the're just debating to defend your ideas and attack others and make fun of their beliefs,,like some bunch of kids crying out who's dad is the best...

so if you guys want to really reach an answer which we all agree on or at least know why we don't agree on..then lets do so in an analytical step by step procces..

on the other hand..if one of you doesn't want to know the truth..then please let us be..if you all don't want to take a moment to see how your beliefs look from another persons prospective...and how their beliefs look from their prospective..but just want to bash the others to be elected king of the mountain..then i'll simply leave you to your brawls..
Show me a utopian Islamic one. And if you can, then maybe you can make a case for Islam.
Judge that by the scriptures and teachings of each religion. Islam is consistent with its teachings that worship of One God is the only salvation of man.

I have only one way to judge anything, by the evidence. Can you provide any such evidence that;
The scriptures are in fact true?
The teachings are true?
That there is only one god?
That islam being consistant with its teachings means anything at all?
The responses in this thread, so far, are laughable at best.

I'll summarize what posters have stated

Comparing Islam to Christianity is a popular tactic in this forum because they feel that Christianity has been debunked to such a large degree that it is powerless in this age.

When it comes to myths and superstitions, there are no "levels" of magic and delusion.

The basic psychology of the Christian mind and Muslim mind are fundamentally different.

Delusion is fundamentally the same.

Islam itself is fundamentally different than Christianity.

Myths and superstitions are fundamentally the same.

One of the powerful aspects of the Islamic religion is its spirit of resistance and resilience to a foreign threat.

The delusion of threats is only surpassed by the delusion of the cult itself.

Muslims are being demonized the same exact way as the Native Americans were demonized by the Americans, before the West stole their land and exterminated their people.

Lies are the only thing you offer.

Mostly, they don't like Islam because it doesn't bow down to them.

Or, more precisely, Islam is myth and superstition, which should be ignored, not accepted as reality.

Islam is the solution to all human problems.

Myths and superstitions are solutions for the deluded.
(sight) this is unbelievable... and yet here i -the 18 year old- am trying to put you grown ups - as i assume- in line by giving simple instructions

Why would anyone be interested in hearing about myths and superstitions?

i think it's all because you guys don't really want to reach the're just debating to defend your ideas and attack others and make fun of their beliefs,,like some bunch of kids crying out who's dad is the best...

And yet, you're probably here to tell us that YOUR god is the best?

so if you guys want to really reach an answer which we all agree on or at least know why we don't agree on..then lets do so in an analytical step by step procces..

Ok, which myth or superstition do you want to analyze?
Islam isn't a way of life, it's a way of death. Everything is designed to get you prepared for an afterlife, not to create your full potential as a unique human being.
Yeah for the realisation of full potential, we look towards Israelis

Before the war, Sameh al Sawafeary’s farm produced twelve hundred cartons of thirty eggs each per day. The family enterprise has been Gaza’s largest provider of eggs since 1982, and was one of the most modern poultry production facilities in the Strip. On January 4th, the farm was invaded from two sides as the Israeli ground operation got underway. “Everyone here was rounded up and forced into one building, where we were held for five days,” says Mr. al Sawafeary. One young male, Ibrahim Jo’haa, was killed when Israeli tanks opened fire on the trapped family.

Israeli bulldozers then proceeded to flatten the farm, systematically killing every single one of the family’s thirty-seven thousand chickens in the process. Thirteen neighboring chicken farms were given the same treatment, resulting in the deaths of sixty-five thousand chickens in total. “It took them several hours to finish the job, but they were determined,” recalls Mr. al Sawafeary, age fifty-eight.


Quite quite inspirational, I'm sure you'll agree.
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I have only one way to judge anything, by the evidence. Can you provide any such evidence that;
The scriptures are in fact true?
The teachings are true?
That there is only one god?
That islam being consistant with its teachings means anything at all?

Judge the book by its teachings and what is contained within. Make your own deductions, use the intelligence God gave you.

Ask me if you have any questions on what you have read. Best of luck.
Show me a utopian state, period.

Just poining out that this is a meaningless argument, although I'm on your side.

For those who think their religion or belief system is the best, the obvious question is show me. Where is the proof? And of course they have no proof...cause it does not exist.

I used Socratic Method in answering this question Norsefire. The question was intended to get people to think outside of their bubble.
Exactly, spidergoat, that and nationaloism, gov't

Islam, or any religion, is a sham and the only truest way of life is individualism and egoism, and transcendence above nature.

That's the goal, at least

Hedonism is life's way.
that's fine

problems ensue only when you have an ego incapable of bearing eternal values
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