Islam Good for Women?

Well none of them are kidnapped by the muttawas and sent to Guantanamo.

Instead, if they're lippy, they're kidnapped by the religious police and sent to live underground.

Anywhere up to about six feet or so, I understand.
the arguement goes as follows
"my shitty delusional religion is way better than your shitty delusional religion"

when in fact, they are basically the same. just different languages, characters, and a different name for the tooth fairy.

did you know people have ACTUALLY SEEN the flying spaghetti monster?
FSMism is like, way more true. :D
I come from a culture like that.:rolleyes:

Yes. Cared for and taken care of, if they step out of line. Let me take note of that. :rolleyes: (not in all cases, of course: but the trend is there nonetheless)

Anyway, that's not the point of me writing in. Bells, whom all will agree is a fundamental element of this thread, is taking some time off for reasons of reproductive biology**. I suggest - indeed, I declare in all my Lizardoid-Mossad-CIA-FBI-KGB-Armenian-given power and subterfugial might - that we must postpone the thread until such time as she returns, and I call upon the powers of Y-w-h and God and Allah and Myuu and even the secret powers of that secret and profane being, the Mawd-er-a'Tor, to close the thread until she does. It may be a couple of weeks, or a month, or longer, but as we wait in eternal hope of the coming of the Redeemer and also the Pizza Guy, let it be so.

All in? Then all out. Let's wish our best to Bells - maybe the more thoughtful of you could send her a PM perhaps? - and wait in joyful expectation of her imminent return.

Best to one and all.

(Except Spurious, who is profane in the sight of Myuu)


** Now you may ask yourself: How does Geoff know this about Bells?
And you may ask yourself : What makes him so damn smart?
And you may tell yourself: Geoff is not a Lizardoid Illuminati.
And you may tell yourself: He does not have a secret lair and an electroshock 'therapy' chair.

And I answer: there is water at the bottom of the ocean.
And Geoff knows its name.
Let the water hold you down.

All hail Myuu.

He was?

How so? How did Jesus liberate women? Did he stop arranged marriages for example? [/INDENT]

One could almost call her a rape victim.

Yes, so liberated they were basically his servants.:rolleyes:

Not once did Jesus speak out against slavery.
How did he miss that one?
(Oh, and in case it isn't obvious, I agree with you in general. Jesus by his social activities might have lightened up some of the judgements of women who had sex, but his followers have turned this into an example of how loving and open he was, rather than as a reason to reduce judging)
All right, let's call halt here. Bells is out for a bit, so let's all ease off the accelerator. We wait until she returns.
Yes. Cared for and taken care of, if they step out of line. Let me take note of that. :rolleyes: (not in all cases, of course: but the trend is there nonetheless)

The "trend" is related to the level of education; most of us are brought up with a great deal of love and attention.:)
Chill down Guys.

Arranged marriages are not forced marriages. Infact they can be better than Love marriages.

In love one is force by his attraction to marry a person. But in arranged marriages the guy will be exactly as wanted.
OH Sam, that wa the most beautiful thing i've ever read.

Gee, me thinky you got it backwards.

It doesn't matter whether it is a love/arranged marriage; the expectations are lower in arranged marriages but then the basis for the marriage is entirely different.
It doesn't matter whether it is a love/arranged marriage; the expectations are lower in arranged marriages but then the basis for the marriage is entirely different.
yes indeedy it's different. it's called state sanctioned discrimination. no wonder you don't want to change.

do you realize sam how many times you've pulled the race card on this board?
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