Islam Good for Women?

So you think Muslim women have a relatively good life, go figure.

They get killed if they gripe too much, that's why they don't gripe, and you sit there and tell them they should do it themselves, that's disgusting.

If they know they will be killed then they should try to kill all those who would kill before they get the chance , but then they wont , so be it.
That's the thing. While it might be illegal to beat one's spouse, it does not stop it from happening. And just because it is illegal does not mean that men and women who commit acts of domestic abuse are punished for their crimes either. The legal system is lacking in how it treats domestic abuse cases. I have seen police officers question the validity of a woman's claims that she was domestically abused, regardless of the bruises on her face and body, asking her what she had done that might have provoked him. I mean huh? No one deserves or should ever be beaten in their own home by anyone, let alone their spouse.

So in light of the fact domestic abuse occurs and is at times overlooked by the legal system in the West, are we in a position to demand that Islamic countries implement domestic abuse laws? Keeping in mind ours are far from perfect and people still die in domestic abuse situations on a daily basis in the West?

In the U.S domestic abuse is taken very serious, the days of "just an argument" etc. are long long gone. Just like DWI, making you walk home is not going to happen anymore.

As far as in Islamic countries, not referring to physical abuse, many of these women want to live that way or at least dont really have a problem with it. I guess we are in agreement there.

Personally i dont mind having a woman being the breadwinner, i would encourage it:)- go ahead take that test, wake up every morning go to work, etc. etc. and give me money when i ask for it.
So in light of the fact domestic abuse occurs and is at times overlooked by the legal system in the West, are we in a position to demand that Islamic countries implement domestic abuse laws? Keeping in mind ours are far from perfect and people still die in domestic abuse situations on a daily basis in the West?

...hmm...yes. The spirit of the law is an error area, to be sure, but the existence of those same laws have helped women.
I love how IAC looks at God. He see`s the OT as the word of God where it treats woman like shit, and then think that God all of a sudden changes his mind, and then sends Jesus to change the rule that God made in the first place.

Liberator of woman IAC? From who?
I love how IAC looks at God. He see`s the OT as the word of God where it treats woman like shit, and then think that God all of a sudden changes his mind, and then sends Jesus to change the rule that God made in the first place.

That is a bit wierd, yeah. One of the things that keeps me from being religious.
And you are right. It should all be outlawed.
Change needs to be brought in with a sledgehammer. But we in the West cannot be that sledgehammer.
if not us then who? i don't see any other country with the balls to take the initiative.
Women in Islam feel and are oppressed enough as it is within their own culture.
try telling them that.
And they also feel outside pressure and oppression from the West as well.
how, in the name of god, is the west oppressing the women of islam?
Now imagine how they would feel if Western women and men demanded they force change in their system or if we entered and forced the change ourselves.
didn't you just say change should be brought in with a sledgehammer?
Should we confer with the women in Islam over what they wanted changed?
more precisely the common woman, the woman in the streets
Or would we simply assume what it is they want and deny them the right to choose? In that, we become oppressors.
the only reason these islamic women wrap themselves up in burlap is because of arranged marriages. if the men had to choose a mate that tradition would bite the dust.

It is a fine balance. To implement change, they have to want it. If they don't want it and we force it upon them, then we are no different to their current oppressors.
ever hear of propaganda bells? if the women of islam hears it over and over that islamic women are supposed to be a certain way, what's going to happen?
If they want it, then help them implement it by any means available and necessary. However we cannot implement our beliefs and rights and deny them the right to choose their own autonomy. Let them tell us what it is they want and then we help them get it. That is all I am saying.
well see that's the problem, how do you, or anybody, know that what you hear is actually what the woman in the street wants.
if not us then who? i don't see any other country with the balls to take the initiative.
Interesting. So because they are oppressed, you are again denying them the right to choose their own future and way of life? So you free them from Islamic oppression and force them to endure your own and what YOU think their way of life should be?

Do you have any idea how hypocritical that is?

try telling them that.
Refer to above.

You are basing what their lives should be like by comparing to a Western view point. When they way they see things might be in complete opposition to how we see it. At least have the god damn decency to respect their wishes and decisions. You dare say they need to be freed from their oppressors, but you refuse to respect what it is they might want. In short, you also become their oppressors.

how, in the name of god, is the west oppressing the women of islam?
By trying to force our way of life down their throats and denying them the right to choose what it is THEY want. They have a right to a voice as well you know. Your disrespect of their religion is a form of oppression. Your disrespect of their choice and voice is a form of oppression. The constant pressure you put on them to want or demand change is a form of oppression. Instead of allowing them to decide for themselves, you are making the decision for them. Your arrogance with your 'if we don't who will' is a form of oppression. You have a complete lack of understanding of their culture and their religion and that too is oppressive. Akin to how you claim their religion is denying them their rights, you deny them their rights as well.

Why don't you go to Iraq, for example, and ask a woman there whether she thinks the West is oppressing her.

Nadia, 24, who trained as a schoolteacher but has not taken a job because of the risks posed by the war to women professionals, rarely leaves home.

"I don't go out. Ahmad does the shopping and runs errands for me. I am too frightened for myself and for my child. Even then I am frightened when Ahmad goes out to work," Nadia says.
Do you think Nadia is going to say 'no, the West has liberated me'? Nadia had a great time when she was expecting her baby by the way. Because of the situation and the curfew in Iraq, her husband had to drive her to stay at a friend's house who had a midwife in the home just in case she went into labour in the night. Why? Because the curfew meant she could not go to the hospital at night to have her child and her husband was terrified she and/or the baby would die if a professional was not there when she did give birth. Yes, how liberated do you think Nadia feels right now?

Ammar's fears were the same as Ahmad's: that his wife would go into labour during the curfew and be trapped at home or that they would be forced to risk driving through the dark streets dodging jumpy US patrols.
Do you think his wife would say that the US has broght her freedom from oppression? Or would she view the US patrols as oppressors if she can't even drive to the hospital to give birth because she might get shot at?

didn't you just say change should be brought in with a sledgehammer?
I said I wish it could be. But I also have the realisation that the sledgehammer can only be wielded by the women in Islam and not by the men and women in the West. For us to demand changes of and for these women, we are not only disrespecting them, but we are also oppressing them ourselves because we are demanding they now adopt a Western viewpoint to freedom and equal rights.

more precisely the common woman, the woman in the streets
Yes and? Do you think the common woman in Islam should be asked what it is she wants? Don't you think she has a right to decide? After all, we are talking about women having rights aren't we? We are talking about freeing women so they have a right to decide and to choose what it is they want, aren't we?

Don't you think every woman in Islam, be she common on the streets or not, should have a right to choose for herself? Answer yes and you get it. Answer no and you are no better then their current oppressors. That's basically what it comes down to in the end.

the only reason these islamic women wrap themselves up in burlap is because of arranged marriages. if the men had to choose a mate that tradition would bite the dust.
Again, a complete lack of understanding of their culture and their religion. What of the woman who WANTS to wear the hijab? Don't you think a woman should have the right to choose what she bloody wears? Who the hell are you, a Western man, to demand what an Islamic woman wears? Don't you think an Islamic woman should have the right to choose for herself what she deems appropriate to wear? Or are you going to further oppress them by not only denying them the right to choose their own freedom and rights, but also deny them how they dress and how they practice their religion?

What of the women who like to have arranged marriages because they think their parents know them well enough to choose someone who will make them happy, and said marriage works? Are you going to deny these women that as well? Who are YOU to tell them what is right or wrong? Don't you think they have the ability and capacity to determine their own wants and desires? God if I were an oppressed woman and I saw you coming across the horizon to supposedly free me, I'd run in the opposite direction because your so called freedom comes with further oppression because you are demanding they curb to YOUR ways when they simply might not want to. Women in Islam might just want to have freedom within their culture and religion that has nothing to do with Western notions of freedom.

ever hear of propaganda bells? if the women of islam hears it over and over that islamic women are supposed to be a certain way, what's going to happen?
So now you think the women in Islam are stupid and mindless drones?

So instead, you wish to drone into their heads what they really should be? Ermm ok. Yeah, you really want their freedom and give them rights alright.:rolleyes:

well see that's the problem, how do you, or anybody, know that what you hear is actually what the woman in the street wants.
How do you know it is not? If you listen to them and actually hear what it is they are saying and what they want, you might get it through your thick skull that they don't want to be like the West. And whether you are able to understand and respect their decision will mean the difference between you then becoming their oppressors or their freedom fighters. After all, if you refuse them their voice and demand they be a certain way, you become exactly like the oppressors they now face.

Before rights comes respect. And before you can help them fight for their rights, you must respect them, their religion and their culture, because what they want will be based on that and not on what we in the West want or think they should have. And if you can't respect them enough to allow them a voice to tell you what it is they want, then you also become their oppressors.
Interesting. So because they are oppressed, you are again denying them the right to choose their own future and way of life? So you free them from Islamic oppression and force them to endure your own and what YOU think their way of life should be?
we are talking HUMAN RIGHTS here bells, things like honor killings, arranged marriages,

Do you have any idea how hypocritical that is?
i stand by my intentions. honor killings is wrong, period. arranged marriages is wrong, period.

You are basing what their lives should be like by comparing to a Western view point. When they way they see things might be in complete opposition to how we see it.
can you spell indoctrination? what i've mentioned is wrong bells, no ifs, ands, or buts, about it.
At least have the god damn decency to respect their wishes and decisions.
i'll agree, as long as those decisions are rational.
You dare say they need to be freed from their oppressors,
what i said bells, was that they need to be treated like the rest of humanity. no woman in her right mind would want to be murdered because her choice of boyfriend doesn't fit with her parents choice.
but you refuse to respect what it is they might want.
name 5 women who want to be told at 13 they WILL marry a certain person no matter how much the female despises the idea.

By trying to force our way of life down their throats and denying them the right to choose what it is THEY want. They have a right to a voice as well you know. Your disrespect of their religion is a form of oppression.
i don't mean to be crass here bells but their religion can, uh, well nevermind.

Why don't you go to Iraq, for example, and ask a woman there whether she thinks the West is oppressing her.
i would LOVE to
I said I wish it could be. But I also have the realisation that the sledgehammer can only be wielded by the women in Islam and not by the men and women in the West.
islam is so thoroughly intgrated into their government that any objectiveness is impossible. this is exactly what we are trying to accomplish in iraq. we have completely dismantled the previous government and replaced it with members of the civilian population. idealy there will be NO islam in iraqs government.

Yes and? Do you think the common woman in Islam should be asked what it is she wants? Don't you think she has a right to decide? After all, we are talking about women having rights aren't we? We are talking about freeing women so they have a right to decide and to choose what it is they want, aren't we?
yes to all of tyhe above, under one condition, and that is she is truely free to make her decision. that means free from any religious influence.

Don't you think every woman in Islam, be she common on the streets or not, should have a right to choose for herself? Answer yes and you get it. Answer no and you are no better then their current oppressors. That's basically what it comes down to in the end.
there are differences between rich and poor bells in case you missed my meaning.

Again, a complete lack of understanding of their culture and their religion.
religion has no, none, nada, business in government, zero.
What of the woman who WANTS to wear the hijab?
then let her. she does or doesn't on her own free will.
Don't you think an Islamic woman should have the right to choose for herself what she deems appropriate to wear?
islamic woman? whats an islamic woman? islam is a religion bells.
in my mind an islamic woman is the equivilent of a nun.

What of the women who like to have arranged marriages because they think their parents know them well enough to choose someone who will make them happy, and said marriage works?
because women are not peices of property to be bartered and traded thats why.
Saddam was secular, not religious.

And a lot of women have no problem with arranged marriages, neither do a lot of men.

A Muslim woman, if not an Islamic one. And many of them prefer their own culture and follow it even when in the West and given a choice.
I know Bells was dying for me to interject here, and she shall not be disappointed.

So instead, you wish to drone into their heads what they really should be? Ermm ok. Yeah, you really want their freedom and give them rights alright

I would put it this way: I would like to see them empowered enough to be able to have their rights. Presently, they don't have much power; I don't think I need point out that I saw a show on Syrian TV about the size of the rod you can whack your wife with to imply any more strongly that they don't have much in the way of political protection. Obviously that varies place to place, and it may be that islamic women WILL empower themselves yet; I can't imagine the likes of that particular showdown, of course. And yet, many desire equality that they are unable to get. The women of Afghanistan were unable to work or go to school - they might have fought for their rights, but when one is locked up in the home (when not escorted about by male relatives, who might be less sympathetic to the plight of their female kin than would be expected elsewhere) it becomes difficult to form a popular front for one's own liberation. So...I think part of this movement should, by rights, come from those who claim a great desire for human rights and equality - Western nations, socialist or otherwise, but more than that: I think in many places it cannot come without external pressure. No one was going to release the women of Afghanistan from subjugation, and even now it isn't all that great. I think the examples illustrate the point.

So: does that settle the Bells-Leo combattre or should I fetch the bazookas? :)

Very best to both of you,

I know Bells was dying for me to interject here, and she shall not be disappointed.

I would put it this way: I would like to see them empowered enough to be able to have their rights. Presently, they don't have much power; I don't think I need point out that I saw a show on Syrian TV about the size of the rod you can whack your wife with to imply any more strongly that they don't have much in the way of political protection. Obviously that varies place to place, and it may be that islamic women WILL empower themselves yet; I can't imagine the likes of that particular showdown, of course. And yet, many desire equality that they are unable to get. The women of Afghanistan were unable to work or go to school - they might have fought for their rights, but when one is locked up in the home (when not escorted about by male relatives, who might be less sympathetic to the plight of their female kin than would be expected elsewhere) it becomes difficult to form a popular front for one's own liberation. So...I think part of this movement should, by rights, come from those who claim a great desire for human rights and equality - Western nations, socialist or otherwise, but more than that: I think in many places it cannot come without external pressure. No one was going to release the women of Afghanistan from subjugation, and even now it isn't all that great. I think the examples illustrate the point.

So: does that settle the Bells-Leo combattre or should I fetch the bazookas? :)

Very best to both of you,


Women were working in Afghanistan before the Taliban came to power, women were working in Iran before the democratic government was toppled, women were working in Iraq when Saddam was in power.
Saddam was secular, not religious.

And a lot of women have no problem with arranged marriages, neither do a lot of men.

A Muslim woman, if not an Islamic one. And many of them prefer their own culture and follow it even when in the West and given a choice.

First off, men are lazy.

Secondly: arranged marriages are not for everyone. In fact, when you think about it, the matter is really predicated on force: all has been "arranged". No take-backs. It's like a business arrangement for families. This is fine for some, but not for others and the entire issue of arranged marriage is the firm lockstep march to the altar (or what have you). For those comfortable with it: fine. But those that aren't - in the present, and prior to it - are pressured to conform to it, and sometimes punished if they refuse it, which is wrong.
Women were working in Afghanistan before the Taliban came to power, women were working in Iran before the democratic government was toppled, women were working in Iraq when Saddam was in power.

And not thereafter; yes, I know.
First off, men are lazy.

Secondly: arranged marriages are not for everyone. In fact, when you think about it, the matter is really predicated on force: all has been "arranged". No take-backs. It's like a business arrangement for families. This is fine for some, but not for others and the entire issue of arranged marriage is the firm lockstep march to the altar (or what have you). For those comfortable with it: fine. But those that aren't - in the present, and prior to it - are pressured to conform to it, and sometimes punished if they refuse it, which is wrong.

The culture is different, the idea of family and marriage is not a Western one. Marriage is about children, community and a stable mutual relationship based on trust and shared expectations.

In Islam marriage is a contract, conducted like a business, with all clauses related to the marriage, and all monetary arrangements clearly laid out before marriage and in the event of a divorce (which is permitted). A woman can remarry within 90 days of a divorce or widowhood, has the option of maintaining complete sole control of her finances and has her children provided for.
And a lot of women have no problem with arranged marriages, neither do a lot of men.
doesn't women in the middle east have any brains? aren't they intelligent enough to choose for themselves? do they really feel like pieces of prperty?
this was the exact same conditions in japan before the americans took over.
no america has left japan, do you see them going back to where they were?

A Muslim woman, if not an Islamic one.
they are women, no islam, christianity, hinduism, buddhism, no religious connotations at all.