Islam: A Fascist State

fascists didnt treat women as bad as Muslims do. just look at how they force them to wear? its disgusting. i dont understand why there isnt a revolution there like there was in the US in the early 20th century. and i didnt start to talk about how they do with minorities.
* "Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie to an enemy, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people" (Ahmad, 6.459. H).

Islam is the only religion that implies in its scriptures that it is ever permissible to lie.
wikislam? geez. Now thats an unbiased source

Oh look!

WikiIslam came online on 27 October, 2005 accessible with the URL of (which still works) but its opening was not made public at that time because it was in a testing phase.

What a surprise.

WikiIslam is the subject of an article in the 7/2007 issue of the journal Contemporary Islam, entitled "Cyber-Islamophobia? The case of WikiIslam",[16] which argues that the website commits selection bias by collecting only negative or critical material.[16][17] The article states that "In relation to the criteria set up by the Runnymede Trust ... it should be quite easy to label most of the material published on WikiIslam as expressions of Islamophobia." Göran Larsson adds that "[m]y impression is that the stories reported by WikiIslam have merely been selected to show that Muslims are ignorant, backward or even stupid."[18][16] Because of the presence of material obtained from other websites, such as MEMRI, the article notes that "it becomes much more difficult to argue that all information posted on WikiIslam is Islamophobic by nature."[16]

More MEMRI making.:rolleyes:
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"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." - Joseph Goebbels

Fuck you Joe, FUCK YOU.

"By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed." - Adolph Hitler

Fuck you Adolph. FUCK you.


SAM is a known liar. she is probably an iranian payed propagandist that came here to fool the stupid westerns long enough until iran is strong enough to wage war against the west with russia and north korea. i met a lot of those in many forums.
SAM is a known liar. she is probably an iranian payed propagandist that came here to fool the stupid westerns long enough until iran is strong enough to wage war against the west with russia and north korea. i met a lot of those in many forums.

Really, I have been to Iran and have never met any Irani advocate invasion of any country?

You have met many on different forums, please give us some examples. Links please.
fascists didnt treat women as bad as Muslims do. just look at how they force them to wear? its disgusting. i dont understand why there isnt a revolution there like there was in the US in the early 20th century. and i didnt start to talk about how they do with minorities.

Spock you need to watch this movie. Lion of the Desert starring Antony Quinn. Italian Fascist invasion of Libya. Watch it when you get some time:
Really, I have been to Iran and have never met any Irani advocate invasion of any country?

You have met many on different forums, please give us some examples. Links please.

you dont know the difference between payed propagandists and iraninas? iranians are good people, too bad they got a shitty government.

The US is bombing and occupying countries, the Saudis are holding peace conferences.

I agree. (although the conference was held by the Spanish, the Saudis just gave the opening address).

I suppose one must ask what is the true point of these conferences? Is it to promote the idea that ALL beliefs are equal? OR is it something else? If the Saudis genuinely want to promote equal respect for ALL beleif then why don't they allow the Catholics to build Cathedrals in KSA?
Lets me just ask: Do all Muslims here feel that Islam is EQUAL to Baha'i? No better and No worse? Equal? Is Islam EQUAL to Hinduism? Are the beliefs mutually equivalent? Is Islam and Xianity Equal? Both are equal with one another?

I'm just curious.
Lets me just ask: Do all Muslims here feel that Islam is EQUAL to Baha'i? No better and No worse? Equal? Is Islam EQUAL to Hinduism? Are the beliefs mutually equivalent? Is Islam and Xianity Equal? Both are equal with one another?

I'm just curious.
If all religions are equally true...that means none of them are true.
you dont know the difference between payed propagandists and iraninas? iranians are good people, too bad they got a shitty government.

I asked for links because you stated you have met Iranians on internet forums who advocate bombing Israel.

If you can't support your accusations, don't issue them in the first place.
If all religions are equally true...that means none of them are true.
But the point of these interfaith conferences is to find common ground and to respect other religions.

I'm just wondering how serious the Saudi king was in this regards. He addressed Xian and Jews. Both of whom are in his religion, the Xians were mislead and their book is full of error and Joos are pigs. So, it's perfectly fine to address these people - Islam already deals with them. Buddhist and Hindus fall outside the "people of the book", but, they've been in contract with them for millennial so they already have a president. They're beliefs are completely basses and wrong, but the bastards don't know any better - - so, as long as they don't try to convert a Good Muslim then we won't kill them. They can teach their spawn whatever but can not teach our Good born as Muslim children any of their evil bull shit.

Now, Baha'i and Mormons and Scientologists are a different manner. They cropped up after the Qur'an. So, how to deal with them? I'm just curious how a religion that teaches there are no new Prophet deals with these religions based on New Prophets? Where's the Equality? Is it there?

I think if one were to compare the fundamental aspects of family and society between Scientology and Islam they are in essences identical messages. Does Islam recognize this and does the KSA support Scientologists?