Islam: A Fascist State

Absolutely nothing, for those who love violence, oppression and war. Right up your alley.

I agree alot with the governmental system of fascism. I'm not religious. So what are you connecting?
When you posted it and then I quoted it. How soon they conveniently forget.
It was a while back when you were prancing around claiming not to be religious. After I quoted your own words, you shut up for a while, but you now appear to be riding that train again.
It was a while back when you were prancing around claiming not to be religious. After I quoted your own words, you shut up for a while, but you now appear to be riding that train again.

I don't recall this and I am not religious, I am agnostic. I do not pray, I do not attend religious services, and I only celebrate more as tradition than as actual religion.
You're a Muslim, right?

No I am not Muslim .
I am a humanist and a pacifist .
I do not believe in all religions and I see them as myths and hoaxes .
I believe that humans ought to resolve conflicts in peaceful ways .
Yes , they can achieve peace all over the world .
Yes , they can have justice , fairness and equality all around the globe .
"Establishing and obeying this Islamic government was so important it was "actually an expression of obedience to God," ultimately "more necessary even than prayer and fasting" for Islam because without it true Islam will not survive.[39] It was a universal principle, not one confined to Iran. All the world needed and deserved just government, i.e. true Islamic government." ~~Khomeini
These are not unique sentiments of Islam or Fascism.

Firstly, for the majority of Human history, people have been ruled by someone who says he has the authority to rule them because of some sort of divine something or other.
The Japanese Emperor was a descendant of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu.
Alexander of Macedonia was a God-Man (apparently he was Muslim too).
Julius was a descendant of the Goddess Venus
Khomeini descends from the seventh of the Twelve Imams, Musa al-Kazim.

ALL of these people are Supreme Rulers. Dictators if you will. So, nothing new there.

As for All the world needed and deserved just government. Was this guy a neo-con? Do you suppose that Vietnam or Korea were REALLY clear and present threats to the USA? Yet, we fought and killed and murdered and bombed and chemically doused millions of people to install Democratic Governments because they needed and deserved just government. We're doing it again in Iraq. Or, at least that's the line people are fed anyway.

Most Americans think our way of doing things is the best way, the most Just government. We think that if only the WHOLE WORLD were Democratic Republics then the whole world will be a better place. A more just place. Well, maybe it isn't. Perhaps a more just government is something else.

Anyway, WIKI:
Fascism is an authoritarian nationalist political ideology and mass movement that holds traditionalist notions of reversing cultural decline or decadence, and which seeks to achieve a millenarian national rebirth by exalting most commonly the nation state, but sometimes the race, and which promotes unity, strength and cultural renewal.

Painted with this broad brush then, yes, there is some overlap with some Muslims "Islamic" goals BUT so too is there with some Xian "Neo-Con" goals.

Fascism to me is a system in which individual rights are subjugated to the will of the government.

By that definition most societies in history have been fascist.
Do you really call the US and NATO democracies when they are killing innocent people like killing mosquitoes in both Iraq and Afghanistan . Also they are controlled by Zionists who lead them like the BLINDS ?.

Interesting arguments, er..."Mike".
Fascism to me is a system in which individual rights are subjugated to the will of the government.

By that definition most societies in history have been fascist.

fascism (n.): an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.​

It is not true that most societies in history have been fascist.
fascism (n.): an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.​

Sounds like the history of the Vatican...the most enduring power in history.​
I'm not really sure how fascism is different than monarchy in terms of running the country. Surely fascism turns to monarchy rather quickly? I mean, who can you trust, maybe only your kids and then only maybe. Likewise Christiandom/Europe was run monarchies, India was run by monarchies, Japan was run by a monarchy, China was run by monarchies and so to was "Islamic" countries.

So the only thing I suppose that sets Islamic countries apart is they still want some sort of dictatorial theocratic rule?