Islam: A Fascist State

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In 1785, a holy war was declared on the Russians by Sheikh Mansur, who was captured in 1791 and died a few years later.

OMG, I am JUST simply shocked! SHOCKED I tell's ya! Who could imagine that Holy War would ever have been associated with Muslims? That's crazy talk - crazy I tell's ya.

Haaa! pfffff yes some things change and other stay the same.

I don't think a "one size fits all" works for anything. Just because I don't agree with all people in their opinions or attitudes or beliefs, is no reason for other people not to have them.

Well SAM, you're one of the few Muslims that support the spread of Arab Polytheism, a rare Muslims indeed.... Not too many Muslims suggest that Islam is NOT good for all people and that Islam should NOT be the world's only religion. Very rare, almost heretical - actually, it probably is heretical, you'd probably lose your head in some countries.
Well SAM, you're one of the few Muslims that support the spread of Arab Polytheism, a rare Muslims indeed.... Not too many Muslims suggest that Islam is NOT good for all people and that Islam should NOT be the world's only religion. Very rare, almost heretical - actually, it probably is heretical, you'd probably lose your head in some countries.

Not really, I worked in Saudi Arabia with Hindus, Jews and Christians. The guys holding an interfaith conference you know, rather than "bringing democracy" to their poor victims. And you should look up the composition of the first Ummah under the Prophet.


Added this:
The Madrid meeting brought together Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and representatives of other religions in what was seen as an unprecedented event for the Saudi monarchy.

For some reason the Israeli article gives the impression it was a monotheist conference.
So anyone who believes their religion is a fascist? Your arguments are based on assumptions and not facts.

Your reading comprehensions skills are lacking. I am talking about how well Islam fits with Fascism and how well it would flourish under that system. Wtf are you talking about, twinkles?

I find it very interesting how there is a different standard to judge Islam then to judge other religions such as Christianity and Judaism among self-professed atheists.

They are all derivatives of the Abrahamic cult. However, they are all different from one another and therefore must be criticized differently.

Islamophobic views are a blend of racism, anti-religion sentiment, and right-wing views (in this case).

Take your puerile whining, shove it and get a pair, willya?

People like you are the reason why so many are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And there it is, for all to see, the intellectual dishonesty of a desperate theist. No, I'm not insulted by your rant, but instead, feel sorry for you.
Islamophobia exists and is pervasive in American society. It is only the racists that deny it exists.

One straightforward example of Islamophobia: Criticism of Barrack Obama because some people, mostly racist Republicans, believe he is Muslim. This is a classic example.

No one asks what is wrong with being Muslim though?

This is proof that America is an Islamophobist society today, or rather it has been indoctrinated by media and politicians into this using 9/11 (similar to how Hitler used the Reichstag bombing to target Jews).

Just as Americans realized that hatred and genocide against Native Americans was wrong, so to will Americans realize that hatred and genocide against Muslims is wrong. Atleast, I hope so.

Ok, DD, you've gone completely bonkers. Get a grip. :crazy:
Not really, I worked in Saudi Arabia with Hindus, Jews and Christians. The guys holding an interfaith conference you know, rather than "bringing democracy" to their poor victims. And you should look up the composition of the first Ummah under the Prophet.


Added this:

For some reason the Israeli article gives the impression it was a monotheist conference.

SAM, your own article says "an unprecedented event" which is to say, it's never happened before. I am curious as to why Scientologists and Arab Polytheists (if any are alive) were not invited.

In all I see this as a positive step. BUT, you know as well as I do that this is about the Monarchy securing their future. And perhaps, in a sense, the future of KSA, in a gloabalized world. I wounder what the religous establishment really thinks about this? How were they pacified? Do the Imam's REALLY respect people to choose their faith? Will Muslims in KSA be allowed to become Hindu? Xian?

Please, we both know this is not going to happen for some time to come. and then only grudgingly. Probably the Imam's were sung a song about how this is the best way to bring Islam to the world - by befriending the infidel and then trying to get them to realize that Mohammad was the last prophet and His is the only "true" religion. The truth is it's about the secular monarchs trying to bring Islam into the 21st century.

The bit about Democracy to the World, hey, I could care less if other countries are democratic - it's their country, they can have a king or an Ayatollah if that's what the people want. Also, I agree (as I have on many a occasion) that the war in iraq is bull shit and was ONLY about oil. IMO anyway.


PS: It seems that the Baha'i were left out? I wounder if only pre-Islamic religions qualified? Do you know?
I think an unprecedented event means its never happened before anywhere. Last I know of such a thing was in Akbars court.

And I would not make assumptions about the King, you clearly have very little knowledge of of him or of Saudi society.
OK, I re wrote my paragraph. As for "unprecedented"? PLEASE ... Hindu and Greek polytheists and Buddhists all met and discussed theology millennia ago. Actually, within the Roman Empire it was very common for people of varying faiths to mix it up - that's true.
I am curious as to IF ONLY pre-Islamic religions were invited? Do you know?
Also, will Catholics be allowed not to convert KSA? Because, if given the chance, oh, they will.

Lastly, I said, IMO it's a good initiative, at least a start.
I was reading the articles and one Article says Muslims, Christians and Jews (actually it should have said and a Jew) and the other says The Madrid meeting brought together Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and representatives of other religions

It says: an unprecedented event for the Saudi monarchy

It also says: "There have been interfaith conferences before but never by the king of Saudi Arabia," said Rosen, who is head of inter-religious relations at the American Jewish Committee and former chief rabbi of Ireland.

I would also like to note that Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah opened an interfaith conference in Madrid last week, calling on the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish attendees to join him in an unprecedented effort at reconciliation, while rejecting the forces of religious fanaticism

Calling on the three monotheisms - what of the other faiths that were there? Those three fit will within Islamic faith and so where's the "Interfaith"? I mean, Islam already recognizes those other two monotheisms. Where were the Hindu? How about the Buddhist? What of the Baha'i? Note - this is odd it was held in Spain? Why Spain? One would think if one were to hold a conference one would do it in one's country?

Why wasn't it?

Lastly, there have been MANY MANY MANY interfaith conferences. Here's one in Cambodia between Buddhists and monotheists.

So I wouldn't spin this off as KSA the open-minded monarchy.

I would like to know how the Hindu and Buddhists and Baha'i (if present) were treated.
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Now I want to know, when the Muslims have major interfaith conferences, how are the Hindu, Buddhists and Baha'i treated?
Here's something interesting:

July 22, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - - Last week's Muslim World League conference held in Spain, appears to have been a public relations disaster for the Saudi government, which organized the event.

Rather than coming together in an attempt to reconcile the disparate factions of the Islamic world, the affair - chaired by Saudi prince Al-Turki - ended with a UAE official urging Muslim leaders to "avoid the company of Zionists."

In this parlance of course, Zionist translates into "Jews," despite the participant's best attempt at semantic gymastics.

As these writers cautioned in AJC Rabbi Ill Advised To Attend Interfaith Conference With Terror Linked Muslim World League the conference participants, which included prominent American Jews, became nothing more than Saudi stooges.

During the conference, one of Saudi Arabia's most senior religious figures, an imam of the grand mosque in Mecca, Saleh bin Humaid, defended his country's ban on churches and synagogues stating, "from a religious point of view, they can't build a synagogue or a church because it's a sacred place for Muslims."
Milwaukee Association for Interfaith Relations
The Milwaukee Association for Interfaith Relations (MAIR) is the Milwaukee area’s only inter-religious program with the sole purpose of bringing people together to build understanding and friendship from a wide array of faith traditions.

Each month representatives of various religious traditions meet at the Interfaith Conference. These include Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Sikh, Christian Scientist, Sufi, and Bahá’í.

MAIR and its members serve as resources to many congregations and organizations seeking information about various faith traditions.

This past spring on May 29th we had a panel discussion at Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Milwaukee's east side entitled "Religious Perspectives and Practices: Birth and Death." Panelists were from Christian (Rev. Jean Dow, Immanuel Presbyterian Church), Jewish (Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Congregation Shalom), Bahá'í (Jerry Johnson, Bahá'í Society of Milwaukee), Muslim (Ahmed Quereshi, Islamic Society of Milwaukee) and Buddhist (Mike Vater, Milwaukee Shambhala Center) traditions. This occasional series will explore the beliefs and practices of different faith traditions around major life events such as birth, marriage, and death.

That's one thing about America, because we smartly separated church from state and also don't have a monarchy, it's very easily possible to have these sorts of organization.
More interesting points on the Interfaith conference:

The conference's final statement disappointed many.

"The Madrid declaration does not contemplate holding another conference," said Al Turki. "Whether this conference emphasizes the organization of other conferences, other symposiums in the other parts of the world, remains to be seen."

Images on Saudi television of Abdullah meeting Buddhists and Hindus were also unsettling to most Saudi clerics, given their Wahhabi Islam considers believers in such faiths are heathens.

Buddhists saw no problem.

"From a Buddhist point of view, if the motivation is good, then the result will be good, it is cause and effect" said Hongchih Shih, a Buddhist nun from Taiwan.

Overall, I'd like to see more of these things. I want Muslims in KSA to get used to seeing their King hanging out with polytheists and Buddhists. Having a beer would be good too.
The InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington

IFC members are the Baha’i, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Sikh and Zoroastrian faith communities.

IFC promotes mutual respect and social justice by uniting faith communities to advance justice, build community and nurture understanding. Promoting dialogue, understanding and a sense of community among persons of different faiths; Working collaboratively for social and economic justice in metropolitan Washington; Educating children youth and adults about diverse religions and their values; Strengthening religious freedom and social justice.

I was wondering: What are some of the major Interfaith Communities in Iran, KSA, UAE, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Egypt .. .. ... ... anyone know?

Surely India has many of these Interfaith Communities???
Abu Yahya al-Libi:

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah should be killed for calling for an interfaith dialogue that amounted to joining a Western crusade against Islam. "Hurrying to kill this wanton tyrant (King Abdullah) who has announced himself to be a leader of atheism would be among the most pious acts," Abu Yahya al-Libi said in a video posted on Monday on Islamist websites often used by al Qaeda supporters.

"The call for a rapprochement of religions issued by the (Saudi) tyrant ... is an integral part of the overt Crusader war against Islam and Muslims," Libi said. He likened King Abdullah to a "corrupting fountainhead" that had to be buried.

"This in fact is a call to turn one's back on Islam and ... to look for commonalities with Judaism and Christianity so whatever the three agree on would become the new modern religion which would be allowed to be propagated," Libi said.
One straightforward example of Islamophobia: Criticism of Barrack Obama because some people, mostly racist Republicans, believe he is Muslim. This is a classic example.

No one asks what is wrong with being Muslim though?

Can you be this naive?

The Islamic world and the Western world are diametrically opposed, the latter built on materialism, the former on a belief in the supremacy of the immaterial. Right there is your reason why Muslims are victims in this world, the immaterial (which doesn't 'exist') is obviously powerless against the material.

'Islamophobia' is a term coined by British materialists, its purpose is to find ways to lessen tensions between immigrants and indigenous people in the U.K. and integrate Muslim communities into the West for economic reasons, it is not to proselytize or legitimize their religion which, as I said, is fundamentally at odds with Western civilization.

It was the Runnymede Trust which originally coined the term in 1996, a private charity sponsored by corporate money.

It's all about the money.

Just as Americans realized that hatred and genocide against Native Americans was wrong, so to will Americans realize that hatred and genocide against Muslims is wrong. Atleast, I hope so.

Yeah, they'll realize it's wrong when the jobs done, which is exactly what happened with the Native Americans.
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The US is bombing and occupying countries, the Saudis are holding peace conferences.