Islam: A Fascist State

You don't have to be a Muslim to recognize truth. You just have to honest and see the situation as it is.

That has been the problem with most Muslims here, not seeing the situations as it is, or being honest.

I'm sure you actually believe what you say, from a position of righteousness. Hence, why fascism fits perfect with Islam.
That has been the problem with most Muslims here, not seeing the situations as it is, or being honest.

I'm sure you actually believe what you say, from a position of righteousness. Hence, why fascism fits perfect with Islam.

So anyone who believes their religion is a fascist? Your arguments are based on assumptions and not facts.

I find it very interesting how there is a different standard to judge Islam then to judge other religions such as Christianity and Judaism among self-professed atheists.

Islamophobic views are a blend of racism, anti-religion sentiment, and right-wing views (in this case). People like you are the reason why so many are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Islamophobic views are a blend of racism, anti-religion sentiment, and right-wing views (in this case). People like you are the reason why so many are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Actually it's more that people with fanatically pro-religious views are doing the attacking, that people are dying from terrorism in both places.
However, this is if you ignore the economic plight, lack of political voice, and outright discrimination against these people in their goal for independence by the Western governments and world community. Terrorism is a political act, not religious. It is a weapon of the poor and disenfranchised, not necessarily a part of any single religion.

The Tamil tigers, Basques, Northern Irish Republic, and many others were terrorists who were not Muslim. I think we fail to recognize that Western governments have also been involved in terrorism such as in the 70s the US supported leaders in Congo, Tanzania, etc.
It is a weapon against the poor. Poor people need money not guns.

Then explain to me the alternative of people such as the Chechens against Russian control. Should they just allow another country invade their land and kill their people?

Even America fought for its independence, or have we forgotten that?
Islamophobic views are a blend of racism, anti-religion sentiment, and right-wing views (in this case). People like you are the reason why so many are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Islamophobia is a made up word - a neologism - like racism and sexism.

These terms are created by left wing think tanks to vilify their political opponents.

For example:

Islamophilia: Uncritical admiration of the values of Islam, generally associated with an admiration of Islamic civilization.

Generally, these views are a blend of multi racialism, pro-religious sentiments and left wing opinion.
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However, this is if you ignore the economic plight, lack of political voice, and outright discrimination against these people in their goal for independence by the Western governments and world community. Terrorism is a political act, not religious. It is a weapon of the poor and disenfranchised, not necessarily a part of any single religion.

How odd. I saw a figure in Newsweek illustrating that fewer people throughout the Middle East believe their governments to be corrupt than in the West. If your argument were the case, then surely Canadians and Norwegians should have the most terrorism.

Moreover, how do you explain the outright admission of these terrorists that their actions are religious? Why is there more islamic terrorism than any other kind?

The Tamil tigers, Basques, Northern Irish Republic, and many others were terrorists who were not Muslim. I think we fail to recognize that Western governments have also been involved in terrorism such as in the 70s the US supported leaders in Congo, Tanzania, etc.

Your argument concerned Iraq, not these other nations. This is a red herring. The Congo is not Iraq.

In future, please try to refrain from deception on the forum.
Islamophobia exists and is pervasive in American society. It is only the racists that deny it exists.

One straightforward example of Islamophobia: Criticism of Barrack Obama because some people, mostly racist Republicans, believe he is Muslim. This is a classic example.

No one asks what is wrong with being Muslim though?

This is proof that America is an Islamophobist society today, or rather it has been indoctrinated by media and politicians into this using 9/11 (similar to how Hitler used the Reichstag bombing to target Jews).

Just as Americans realized that hatred and genocide against Native Americans was wrong, so to will Americans realize that hatred and genocide against Muslims is wrong. Atleast, I hope so.
Just as Americans realized that hatred and genocide against Native Americans was wrong, so to will Americans realize that hatred and genocide against Muslims is wrong. Atleast, I hope so.

I hope so.

Do you believe that Islam originated from Ismael?
DH, it has nothing to do with being "American" because Americans are form all over the world. Even the European hayseeds we see here cannot seem to understand this.

Some people view Islam as being repressive and all this religious stuff causing division and strife. I try to be tolerant of all religions but religion does not interest me personally.

Even still i have no idea where you get this from. There are millions of Muslims in U.S and they are from the ME but they are treat juslt like everyone else.
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Ah I get it, Mussolini and other fascists were closet Muslims. They just pretended they were atheist to avoid persecution.

Mussolini, originally a socialist internationalist and atheist, published anti-Catholic writings and planned for the confiscation of Church property, but eventually moved to accommodation. [126] Hitler was born a Roman Catholic but renounced his faith at the age of twelve and largely used religious references to attract religious support to the Nazi political agenda. Mussolini largely endorsed the Roman Catholic Church for political legitimacy, as during the Lateran Treaty talks, Fascist officials engaged in bitter arguments with Vatican officials and put pressure on them to accept the terms that the regime deemed acceptable.[129] Nazis arrested hundreds of priests in the late 1930s [130] and eventually consigning thousands of them to concentration camps. Hitler in public sought the support of both the Protestant and Roman Catholic religions in Germany, but in a far more muted manner than Mussolini's support of Roman Catholicism. The Nazi party had decidedly pagan elements. Although both Hitler and Mussolini were anticlerical, some believe they both understood that it would be rash to begin their Kulturkampfs prematurely, such a clash, possibly inevitable in the future, being put off while they dealt with other enemies. [131]

Relations were close in the likes of the Belgian Rexists (which was eventually denounced by the Church). In addition, many Fascists were anti-clerical in both private and public life. [132] In Mexico the fascist[133][134][135] Red Shirts not only renounced religion but were vehemently atheist[136], killing priests, and on one occasion gunned down Catholics as they left Mass.[137]
I suppose the question is this:

What percentage of Muslims think that if the entire world were under one religion, Islam, that this would be a better world?

What percentage of Muslims think that a better world is one with many diverse beleifs, such as Arab polytheism, Hinduism, Shinto, Baha'i, Native American indigenous beleifs, Aboriginal dream religions, Atheism, etc...

Now, if the overwhelming majority fall into the first category, is this being fascist?

I don't think a "one size fits all" works for anything. Just because I don't agree with all people in their opinions or attitudes or beliefs, is no reason for other people not to have them.