Islam: A Fascist State


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Muslims must strive for Fascism, which is the only system such a religion like Islam could survive. Although deemed somewhat anti-religious, fascism serves as a replacement for religion, a sort of 'political religion.'

Islam embodies much of how people should conduct themselves in all aspects of their "submission," hence an excellent choice to fuse itself to such a political system.

Of course, fascism and democracy could not survive together for very long, especially when Islam is the key driver. Muslims would find a myriad of contrived excuses to war, claiming a needed defense while mustering an offense.

Large scale war would appear inevitable.
Islam can survive in any government that does not violently oppress it, just like every other religion.

You realize that the modern fascist movement was created by Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, right? And you realize that Italy's fascist venture into Muslim-dominated Libya was countered by fierce resistance, led by one of the most devout, sincere Muslims to have ever lived (Omar Mukhtar)? History shows that when Islam and Fascism have met, they have warred. Islam does not espouse fascism as a form of state; if you ask me, you need to do a little more research as to what fascism is, its history, and how it's viewed in Islam.

Kadark the Gory
Fascism is a modern concept while Islam is a medieval theocratic concept. I'm not sure where the two meet other than both are forms of governmental rule.
Muslims must strive for Fascism, which is the only system such a religion like Islam could survive. Although deemed somewhat anti-religious, fascism serves as a replacement for religion, a sort of 'political religion.'

Islam embodies much of how people should conduct themselves in all aspects of their "submission," hence an excellent choice to fuse itself to such a political system.

Of course, fascism and democracy could not survive together for very long, especially when Islam is the key driver. Muslims would find a myriad of contrived excuses to war, claiming a needed defense while mustering an offense.

Large scale war would appear inevitable.

i dont know about fascism, but you will never see a muslim democracy thats for sure. they get along only under a tyrannical rule-and they like it.
the sheer irony

If anything, the entrenchment of democracy has weakened Indonesia's willingness to fight terrorism. The country's minority-led democratic government, whose very survival requires the support of Islamic parties that range from the militant to the mainstream, has spent the period between the two Bali attacks waffling in its response to terrorism for fear of alienating these Muslim parties and a largely anti-American populace. Such lack of resolve augurs ill for American efforts to promote democracy as an antidote to terrorism elsewhere in the Muslim world. (link)
Islam can survive in any government that does not violently oppress it, just like every other religion.

Islam isn't violently oppressed. Islam violently oppresses, which is one of the reasons why it works so well with Fascism.

You realize that the modern fascist movement was created by Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, right? And you realize that Italy's fascist venture into Muslim-dominated Libya was countered by fierce resistance, led by one of the most devout, sincere Muslims to have ever lived (Omar Mukhtar)? History shows that when Islam and Fascism have met, they have warred. Islam does not espouse fascism as a form of state; if you ask me, you need to do a little more research as to what fascism is, its history, and how it's viewed in Islam.

Kadark the Gory

Fascism and Islam have already taken a turn together in Iran after the Islamic Revolution (Iranian Revolution).

History also shows that whenever Islam meets practically anything that does not agree with it, it wars.
Fascism is a modern concept while Islam is a medieval theocratic concept. I'm not sure where the two meet other than both are forms of governmental rule.

"Establishing and obeying this Islamic government was so important it was "actually an expression of obedience to God," ultimately "more necessary even than prayer and fasting" for Islam because without it true Islam will not survive.[39] It was a universal principle, not one confined to Iran. All the world needed and deserved just government, i.e. true Islamic government." ~~Khomeini
Fascism was invented by Mussolini, who was an atheist.

Seems to me, atheists who deplore religion, come up with real doozies as alternatives. What next? Eugenics?
Fascism was invented by Mussolini, who was an atheist.

Seems to me, atheists who deplore religion, come up with real doozies as alternatives. What next? Eugenics?

Despite the ongoing idiocy of Sam:

"The contemporary religious movements in Islam that have been compared to fascism include Islamic terrorism and Wahhabiism.

In 2001, Christopher Hitchens wrote, "[T]he bombers of Manhattan represent fascism with an Islamic face, and there's no point in any euphemism about it. What they abominate about 'the West,' to put it in a phrase, is not what Western liberals don't like and can't defend about their own system, but what they do like about it and must defend: its emancipated women, its scientific inquiry, its separation of religion from the state."[12] Robert S. Wistrich has described Islamic fascism as adopting a totalitarian mindset, a hatred of the West, fanatical extremism, repression of women, loathing of Jews, a firm belief in conspiracy theories, and dreams of global hegemony."
Democracies: Lebanon, Turkey, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, etc, etc

The only democracy on that list is Indonesia. The rest have had their constitutional provisions for government suspended or were codified in a single party system; the Islamic state.
No, they don't. All the countries I listed are multi-party democracies based on the parliamentary system. Pakistan and Bangladesh are members of the British common wealth.
Muslims must strive for Fascism, which is the only system such a religion like Islam could survive. Although deemed somewhat anti-religious, fascism serves as a replacement for religion, a sort of 'political religion.'

Islam embodies much of how people should conduct themselves in all aspects of their "submission," hence an excellent choice to fuse itself to such a political system.

Of course, fascism and democracy could not survive together for very long, especially when Islam is the key driver. Muslims would find a myriad of contrived excuses to war, claiming a needed defense while mustering an offense.

Large scale war would appear inevitable.

It is a sad thing that the most powerful nations on earth such as the United States Of America and NATO declared war on Islam and Muslims .
We have witnessed the massacre of innocent people in Iraq , Afghanistan and Palestine . The neo cons , the Zionists are behind these illegal wars .
In 2008 , no race or religion should be targeted . Unfortunately the US Administration with NATO members keep a 24/7 propaganda machine against Islam and Muslims . The dishonest media support and spread the disease of this unwanted hatred . As a humanist and pacifist , I would like the whole world to live in peace and regardless to race or religion .
The only democracy on that list is Indonesia. The rest have had their constitutional provisions for government suspended or were codified in a single party system; the Islamic state.

Do you really call the US and NATO democracies when they are killing innocent people like killing mosquitoes in both Iraq and Afghanistan . Also they are controlled by Zionists who lead them like the BLINDS ?.
It is a sad thing that the most powerful nations on earth such as the United States Of America and NATO declared war on Islam and Muslims .
We have witnessed the massacre of innocent people in Iraq , Afghanistan and Palestine . The neo cons , the Zionists are behind these illegal wars .
In 2008 , no race or religion should be targeted . Unfortunately the US Administration with NATO members keep a 24/7 propaganda machine against Islam and Muslims . The dishonest media support and spread the disease of this unwanted hatred . As a humanist and pacifist , I would like the whole world to live in peace and regardless to race or religion .

You're a Muslim, right?