Is this Blasphemy?

No the colour thing doesn't bother me as the human mind would most likely fill in the colour as a black and white memory would not make as much sense !

It doesn't do so for people whom are color-blind. Also, when you watch a movie in black and white, do you remember the movie in color? If not, then consider an entire lifetime of a lion. Years of black and white sensory information.
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

Basically since a very young age I have had past life memories even recalling killing myself in one after having been bombarded with really intense negative energies, I've been a musician in another i recall having been a bird a lion a's a long list.

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right. Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

When I tie my life experiences in with the above I get a lot of confirmation that I am much older than the eye suggests. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations? And yes I am a stable person but I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!

You can't at the same time say you have suffered no delusions while saying that you had delusions of having Past Lives.

You see, all dreams are in a sense delusional. You have a dream in which you have First Person Experence as a Character in some Dream Scene. Yes, as a Subjective Experience it is as real as any Subjective Experience could be. But Objectively Real as in the sense that it actually ever happened? Not likely. And EVEN IF it did once happen, it may have happened to SOMEBODY, and you may have even snuck in and tasted the MEMORY of it... it it was not YOUR OWN memory. You were fooled by it being presented in the Grammatical FIRST PERSON -- I saw this, I did that... it is simply how MEMORIES are arranged... that is how they play back... It is always I I I I I.

Now, that explains everything. So now you need to ask yourself why you had not thought of it. Why is it that people will be so ready to believe they had lead Past Lives when 5 minutes of independent thought would have given them a rather obvious explanation for it all? I believe it is a matter of people wishing to be Self Aggrandizing.

Now, I would think personally that it is enough of an honor to be given a Good Dream or to have been given a 'look' into somebody's Memory. It is a gift, afterall. So why make something more of it than it already is.

Why gild the lilly?

I guess it is all a matter of the Delusional Personality at work.
You can't at the same time say you have suffered no delusions while saying that you had delusions of having Past Lives.

You see, all dreams are in a sense delusional. You have a dream in which you have First Person Experence as a Character in some Dream Scene. Yes, as a Subjective Experience it is as real as any Subjective Experience could be. But Objectively Real as in the sense that it actually ever happened? Not likely. And EVEN IF it did once happen, it may have happened to SOMEBODY, and you may have even snuck in and tasted the MEMORY of it... it it was not YOUR OWN memory. You were fooled by it being presented in the Grammatical FIRST PERSON -- I saw this, I did that... it is simply how MEMORIES are arranged... that is how they play back... It is always I I I I I.

Now, that explains everything. So now you need to ask yourself why you had not thought of it. Why is it that people will be so ready to believe they had lead Past Lives when 5 minutes of independent thought would have given them a rather obvious explanation for it all? I believe it is a matter of people wishing to be Self Aggrandizing.

Now, I would think personally that it is enough of an honor to be given a Good Dream or to have been given a 'look' into somebody's Memory. It is a gift, afterall. So why make something more of it than it already is.

Why gild the lilly?

I guess it is all a matter of the Delusional Personality at work.

Your hypothesis:
his experiences which he calls memories are really dreams. And since they are dreams they are delusions.
Care to back up this hypothesis with proof?
See if you approach his hypothesis simply with skepticism or disbelief, it is one thing.

"I am not convinced your experiences are memories. I find this or that more likely."

But you are making an assertion about the nature of his experiences. Based of course on your intuition.
Your hypothesis:
his experiences which he calls memories are really dreams. And since they are dreams they are delusions.
Care to back up this hypothesis with proof?
See if you approach his hypothesis simply with skepticism or disbelief, it is one thing.

"I am not convinced your experiences are memories. I find this or that more likely."

But you are making an assertion about the nature of his experiences. Based of course on your intuition.

As far as I am aware dreams occur during sleep and mediation mine happened whist awake so I cannot and will not use a dream hypohesis.

I'll find out when I die what the truth of the matter is and for now that is good enough for me. I am certainly going to recommend that the doors are closed behind for earth people because I think generally speaking they are gready self centred creatures that are materialistic and shallow (not on this forum of course). they contaminate purity beyond and pure thought and have no idea of what true progression is.
Your hypothesis:
his experiences which he calls memories are really dreams. And since they are dreams they are delusions.
Care to back up this hypothesis with proof?
See if you approach his hypothesis simply with skepticism or disbelief, it is one thing.

"I am not convinced your experiences are memories. I find this or that more likely."

But you are making an assertion about the nature of his experiences. Based of course on your intuition.

Now I have to prove that dreams exist, and that dreams are a form of delusion.

Get real.
Now I have to prove that dreams exist, and that dreams are a form of delusion.

Get real.

If a child's perception of reality is taken as it is thrust upon them,i.e. santa clause, toothfairy,babies and storks, then it is not an delusion they have just not realised the logic in what they see-

-Santa=Incentive for reward,bribery for not mis-behaving
-Toothfairy=side track from toothache,quietness for cash.
-Babies/sks=A way to avoid embarissing issue's.

The existence is real but,the reality of it's existence is in the way it is percieved,the physicality/actuality lies in the understanding of what you see as oposed to quick glance.

As an adult he may have seen something which was thrust upon him-

-Audio media manipulition
-literal culture sabotage
-the realisation where your tax goes:roflmao:

but his understanding is so distorted it gives it no physical being,the existence is real ,but the correct understanding could give way to physicality.

'I honed In on his phsycic energies'!!!=
'I have an accute understanding of body language' but as I do not know what I see my understanding in the preliminary bit gives it no physicality even though it exists?? (please excuse spelling,just layzyness)
Now I have to prove that dreams exist, and that dreams are a form of delusion.

Get real.
Wow. No. Not the first part.

I meant you need to prove that his experiences which you seem to refer to as dreams are really delusions. You know that he is not interpreting his experiences correctly.

That needs back up.

In other words, I would have no problem with you deciding not to accept his experiences as the truth. But you went further. You claim to KNOW what his experiences really are and what they are not. You KNOW they are dreams/delusions and KNOW they are not memories.

You understand that such assertions require back up, just as you would demand them of anyone making a claim about reality. You made a claim about THIS SPECIFIC PERSON and what his experiences REALLY are.
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As far as I am aware dreams occur during sleep and mediation mine happened whist awake so I cannot and will not use a dream hypohesis.

This is part of why I challenged him. He decided what you had experienced were really dreams and since dreams are delusions - a weak equivalence in my mind, but not as important.

In other words, I would have no problem with him deciding not to accept you experiences as the truth. He didn't have them. They don't fit his worldview, so he would need either similar experiences himself and/or some sort of evidence. Fine. But he went further. He claims to KNOW what your experiences really are and what they are not. He knows they are dreams/delusions and they are not memories.

To make such a claim puts an onus of proof on him.
OK we have a problem. Even if my memories are dreams there are many who would disagree with you that dreams are delusional. Yes some people claim that dreams are just that dreams but I and many other happen to think that on occasions that are astral worlds. It all depends on what leaps of faith you have taken about the unknown. I for one have seen a real coherance and organisaion to dream worlds that I cannot explain. There are charactors in my dreams that I seem to recognise for example.
For me taking a leap in the belief that life goes and and some of us can take memories and experiences with us is an easy step for me to take. The difference with me is I haven't just made these claims on a whim and have already eliminated memories which fall into the dream catagory or are delusional, in other words I understand what a delusion is and what a posibility is so as a minimun I have to accept the posibility that yes my memories going all the way back to the big bang are real. Just because you have not had the same lifetimes of experiences that I have had, physical and non-physical does not mean you should discard someone who makes such claims this is imho closed minded and you are ergo refusing to allow your belief system to bend to 'the possibility' that I am not actually deluded'. There are millions who beleive in God even though they have never seen him but speak to him in prayer and often claim to have been touhed by God, but yet God does not speak back to them (not verbally) are they all deluded? You might think they are, if you do then you are not allowing for any of the unknown elements of our universe to creap into your belief system and are remaining totally in the physical. If you remain in the physical then you will dogamically make claims of dulusion against those who express that there may be truths to unproveable (as yet) claims. Take string theory for example and the radical claims that some are making about particles and how they may be multidimentional. We are also made of matter so ergo it is possible that we may exist in other dimensions. Do you understand that i am also using a words that others have accepted IS A POSIBILITY ie the word dimension and multidimensional. The use of such words 100 years ago would have been frowned upon but is now much more commonplace. Things are changing.
OK we have a problem. Even if my memories are dreams there are many who would disagree with you that dreams are delusional.

You do realize that I am defending you from his (psychic) interpretation of your experiences. (You may be responding to him, but I am not sure you get what I am doing here. He said he KNOWS what your memories really are. He has to back that up.

I am not in any way saying what you have described are delusions.

When I say he KNOWS, I am pointing out his certainty and that he is making a claim. I am not saying he is right.
You do realize that I am defending you from his (psychic) interpretation of your experiences. (You may be responding to him, but I am not sure you get what I am doing here. He said he KNOWS what your memories really are. He has to back that up.

I am not in any way saying what you have described are delusions.

When I say he KNOWS, I am pointing out his certainty and that he is making a claim. I am not saying he is right.

Thanks, that post was not really aimed at you but rather leo who is being dogmatic about his approach.

I think much of this is about understanding the mind also and if one doesn't then I can understand how delusions may creap in. I on the other hand do understand my mind which is why I think I've been able to preserve many lifetimes of memories. Of course there will always be the question of proof but maybe it's not just about proof maybe just maybe its about truth and faith.
Thanks, that post was not really aimed at you but rather leo who is being dogmatic about his approach.

I think much of this is about understanding the mind also and if one doesn't then I can understand how delusions may creap in. I on the other hand do understand my mind which is why I think I've been able to preserve many lifetimes of memories. Of course there will always be the question of proof but maybe it's not just about proof maybe just maybe its about truth and faith.
You could also use the word intuition. We often have experiences that might be this or that, but over time we have developed the ability to distinguish between different types of phenomena, even internal ones like dreams, memories, fantasies, hallucinations, etc.
Just found out there is a theory for an existance pre big-bang it's called Ekpyrotic Theory.