Is this Blasphemy?

Yes, you should discard what you 'feel' is true and put it to the evidence test. Truth is the conformity of a concept or notion in the mind to actual reality. Evidence is a demonstration that a given reality is valid.

Do you disregard everything that cannot be and has not yet been demonstrated true by scientific methods?
I think you are probably using this word incorrectly, unless you are saying what you are doing in relation to your friend is disillusionment.

So if you are trying to look at this from a psychological or psychiatric viewpoint, I still find your words confusing.

MY HUMBLEST APOLOGIES you are correct i did use the incorrect word I meant classic case of delusion or delusions of grandeur
Hey, no problem.
just trying to get a handle on what your disagreement is with the other guy, if he is another guy and not you.

What is your concern if he accepts his belief as potentially correct?

Unless he is acting in ways that are taken as a danger to himself or others 1) he will probably not end up getting committed unless he demands to be himself 2) well, he's not a danger to himself or others. Since you are not interested in the religious issue - which probably does not matter anyway unless he forces his ideas on Christians or other monotheists, what is your concern here?

He may be deluded. His memory may in fact be more like a dream or some sort of false interpretation. Let's say this is true.

What is the worry?
I've read the book. You realize of course that what you are doing here is an example of anecdotal evidence. But this proves, of course, nothing at all about phaoroman's beliefs.

I was trying to get him to realise the possibilities of alternative veiws. he states "crucialy i do not suffer from any delusions" on the same topic,I am an energy which is 5 billion years old , I remember being able to being able to manipulate matter with my mind, i've lived many lifetimes, i remember being various animals, he has refuted the possibility of error of judgement of a memory from his childhood
With the last hippie he was regarded as someone holy by the people at his temple. do you think it would have been better to leave him there to die ,or as a holy man to these people was it sacraligious to take him from the temple?
Me I think of it as a case of mis-understanding possibly going as far to say ignorance .he did not percieve himself as ill even when he went nearly blind. the other devotees ignored the disintergration of his body and mind as he was supposed to be reaching enlightenment, as with a lot of mental illnesses the people who suffer from them do not realise anything is wrong
What is the worry?

Well because i dont belive that his memories are what they say they are, as to me they are not logicaly possible . the anwser I get normaly during these arguments Is that I don't belive it because i don't understand it or i'm too narrow minded to accept it . when I ask for proof he says its not down to him to prove it but down to me and others to take aleap of faith. i'm not a shrink and i'm not a mug.
p.s. he is my housemate lives upstairs
Well because i dont belive that his memories are what they say they are, as to me they are not logicaly possible . the anwser I get normaly during these arguments Is that I don't belive it because i don't understand it or i'm too narrow minded to accept it . when I ask for proof he says its not down to him to prove it but down to me and others to take aleap of faith. i'm not a shrink and i'm not a mug.
p.s. he is my housemate lives upstairs

(You are French, or Quebecquois, or some other ex-french colony I assume from what you wrote on another thread.)

If what you say he says is true, he's being pretty dogmatic himself. I assume be believes because of his experiences, or at least very much because of what he's experienced. So he should understand that you wouldn't believe him instantly without similar ones - or some form of proof, such as specific new knowledge, which it seems you demanded.

He is not basing his beliefs on a leap of faith, so why should you?

But now I understand that it is not really a worry, but more like each of you is judging the other.

You judge him as deluded
He sees you as narrowminded.

Me, I don't know if either of these are true. Maybe both are true. Maybe each is true to some degree.

Here's a suggestion.
Why not both of you stop labelling the other one. Then you can both take an exploratory approach to your relationship around his ideas. he can try to figure out how to make his ideas interesting, compelling, or valid to you. He could try to figure out a way to have you have a similar experience. You could explore by following his instructions and, if they do not lead to anything new for you, you can say this to him, not as proof that he is wrong, but information he can use around spreading his ideas or sharing them. You could also just ask him a lot of questions about his experiences and ideas, even investigate the implications, together: what would it mean if they are true. In the spirit of exploration or brainstorming.

As long as he isn't leaping off buildings or running at people with a knife, I would avoid focussing on the truth of his ideas - in some final way - but rather focus on making the relationship work.

Even if his ideas are not grounded in reality, I think this exploration could be interesting for you and educational. How does one communicate internal experiences? What is valid epistemology? What assumptions do you have about reality yourself? (even if they are all true, in the process of discussion and exploration, you will get to know these assumptions better, and that is a good thing)

And even if he is right, it is still good for him to learn about how to communicate. And one can learn how to do by teaching. He may become conscious of what he is doing, all steps in it as he teaches it or describes it to you.

Or you can both stay in the 'I'm right you're ______' mode. I mean that can be the right thing. I would not for example sit down with a Nazi and try to 'learn how to be racist', but given that this difference you have is not like that, hey, why not get along and learn from each other.
(If what you say he says is true, he's being pretty dogmatic himself. I assume be believes because of his experiences, or at least very much because of what he's experienced. So he should understand that you wouldn't believe him instantly without similar ones - or some form of proof, such as specific new knowledge, which it seems you demanded.

He is not basing his beliefs on a leap of faith, so why should you?

You judge him as deluded
He sees you as narrowminded.


Excellently impartialy put.
I've been around , i've seem things I can't explain , I probably agree with him more than i disagree on other topics . me and p/moan will probably never agree on this but heh c'est la vie.

LOL i'm not french i'm a german born half irish british european with jamacian step-family i'm in more of a confused state than him.
I'm a proffesional chef and had to learn french when I worked in paris:tempted:
If we were to be honest, every man woman and child wakes up every morning with some degree of delusion. If yours are more creative i see no problem with that.
Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

When I tie my life experiences in with the above I get a lot of confirmation that I am much older than the eye suggests. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations? And yes I am a stable person but I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!

How do you know these memories you have are from your own past? Suppose that all life is both spiritual and physical. We normally have little insight into the spiritual world, existing outside of our known space and time.

But suppose you have a leak - an open window into the spiritual realm outside space and time. You could be seeing events that happened to other living things, people, fish, whatever. But these experiences might not actually be you.

And since these memories come across from outside space-time as we know it, could some memories be of events that actually occur in the future? Once outside of space-time the entire tapestry of existence unfolds like a carpet before you. Perhaps even your memory of assembling the universe is for the next universe, not this one. So even if these memories are of your spirit, they need not be confined to the past.

This is why I suggest we try to verify if any of these memories are real and from the past. But I'd also suggest you search your memories for anything that might be from the future.

Just some thoughts.
Seems to me this might just be provable. After all, this is a science forum. Problem here in this forum is most people here claim to reject anything that has not been scientifically verified - like God. Of course, that's a very unscientific world view.

God for example, could eventually be something that is scientifically provable. Once we get a better handle on the multi-dimensional aspects of this universe and start looking outside normal space and time.

But in your case, if you do in fact have useful memories of things that are outside of our current knowledge, instead of just an overactive imagination, perhaps you could describe something that no one knows but might be observable if we started looking for it.

Anyway, write your book. You never know, in your next life you may not have such a good memory.

If the existence of god is ever proven, which I doubt, it will be in the form of a set of mathematical equations. Would you be happy with that ?
Just to be sure I managed to find out about my previous lifetime I won't say who they were but I do recall them dying of a very rare kind of cancer and where they lived and worked was also verifyed by their records. I even remember the nationalty of the doctor who saw me.

Why not share the complete information of that last life on this forum? It would establish credibility to your claim (not to mention you might be eligible to win a million dollars if you wanted).

I remember there was a lot of shagging and hating jackels with such a vengeance that I wanted them wiped of the face of the earth.

Interesting. What were the colorations of the lions and jackals in your area?
How do you know these memories you have are from your own past? Suppose that all life is both spiritual and physical. We normally have little insight into the spiritual world, existing outside of our known space and time.
Woah this is deep :wallbang: Well most of the time they've just felt as though they're from the past plus I checked out one lifetime and confirmed that the person was dead and what they had died from, a rare form of cancer which I already knew.

But suppose you have a leak - an open window into the spiritual realm outside space and time. You could be seeing events that happened to other living things, people, fish, whatever. But these experiences might not actually be you.
Now this is where it gets interesting because I was actually 7 years old in this body when I died in my previous body. There is an overlap of me inhabiting 2 bodies at the same time. This may sugest an open window as you put it outside of space time. What your suggesting in the later part of your sentance I have experienced as remote viewing where i recall memories of several other people and recall their daily activities, conquests, and turmoils. The timeline of these memories is however vague but does seem linear

And since these memories come across from outside space-time as we know it, could some memories be of events that actually occur in the future?

This has happened to me once already when I was aged nine I dreamt of a day I lived (in complete dejavu when I was 21. My hunch is the astral realms I visit are more likely to be future events as I often recall faces I do not recognise from this lifetime, as though I know them but have not met them yet.

Once outside of space-time the entire tapestry of existence unfolds like a carpet before you. Perhaps even your memory of assembling the universe is for the next universe, not this one. So even if these memories are of your spirit, they need not be confined to the past.

One thing I have experienced a lot is the fickle nature of time in other words when an individual tryly connects to the universe time seems to become non-linear and occasionally non-local.

This is why I suggest we try to verify if any of these memories are real and from the past. But I'd also suggest you search your memories for anything that might be from the future. Just some thoughts.

There are two other occasions when I accessed the future once i was witness to great technologies that had not been built yet (this was BC time)
the other was a preview of this lifetime.
Why not share the complete information of that last life on this forum? It would establish credibility to your claim (not to mention you might be eligible to win a million dollars if you wanted).

Originally Posted by pharaohmoan
I remember there was a lot of shagging and hating jackels with such a vengeance that I wanted them wiped of the face of the earth.

Interesting. What were the colorations of the lions and jackals in your area?

Don't have enough information for the million yet! Plus ( in a very tibetan voice) money is too materialist and detracts the mind from its true purpose.

As for the jackels well they were scragy brown looking things may have had stripes. Oh and I was shagging lionesses no jackels as the post might suggest.
If the existence of god is ever proven, which I doubt, it will be in the form of a set of mathematical equations. Would you be happy with that ?

I would be. My guess is that in order to appreciate such a hypothesis i would myself have to be a genius mathematician which I am not so allas such proof would have to be in laymans terms or it would wash over me and many others.
Woah this is deep :wallbang: Well most of the time they've just felt as though they're from the past plus I checked out one lifetime and confirmed that the person was dead and what they had died from, a rare form of cancer which I already knew.

Oh yes, and it gets much deeper. Let me ask you about these memories. Are they really like memories, something you can recall that seems like your past? Or are these more like brief visions, almost a waking dream. For example you might be standing somewhere and you suddenly get this vision in your mind's eye of seeing something, as if you were momentarily somewhere else in time? Then it goes away as fast as it came on?
If it wasn't for science already putting forward the bang bang theory I would not have posted that I could remember it, but what I will say and whether science will eventually bee able to prove this or not I don't know, but I am sure this isn't our first time around. Appart from this and the possibility that energy can exibit signs of consciousness (a hunch) and most certainly that at an atomic level mind can manipulate matter. Much more than this I cannot add.


Can you tell me what you saw or remember which led you to this idea?
Don't have enough information for the million yet!

You say this?!?!? yet in post 53 you state that you checked out 1 lifetime and confirmed that the person was dead (so you should have a name? you could be tested with your memories against the recals of the family of the dead person about his life)and that he died from a rare form of cancer(could be checked through hospital records)?
At the end of the next paragraph you say you have recalled memories of several peoples daily activities, conquests, and turmoils(names and events could probably be easily proved).
To you this may not seem like enough information but I would have thought any information on the unknown which could throw light on things currently unproveable would be gold and you would live in lab.:fart: