Is this Blasphemy?

I think it is better to say he is being heretical, see the definitions below.
And perhaps his friend is Muslim or Jewish.
I stated on my first post that i'm not religious and if you read my threads i'm more interested in the pshyciatric relevence of this thread ,
Yikes no I'm just saying they are memories I don't remember any part of the creational process as such apart from the big bang itself.

Well...this is certainly a hard one.
I can't pass judgement on your memories. If I were you I would do a comparison. How accurate are they compared to what science says occured? Then compare them with what the Bible says occured. It could give some insight as too there origin that you make not have considered.
So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations?

I'd like to know who and where the few who make declarations are. They would be an interesting bunch for sure. Do you know of others with this remarkable memory?

I always thought a fish had a very short memory but incredibly you've managed to hold onto yours even though you were once a fish yourself.

Did you meet God or at least get to see Him work? Just for a minute there you had me thinking you were God or Christ reincarnate.
Seems to me this might just be provable. After all, this is a science forum. Problem here in this forum is most people here claim to reject anything that has not been scientifically verified - like God. Of course, that's a very unscientific world view.

God for example, could eventually be something that is scientifically provable. Once we get a better handle on the multi-dimensional aspects of this universe and start looking outside normal space and time.

But in your case, if you do in fact have useful memories of things that are outside of our current knowledge, instead of just an overactive imagination, perhaps you could describe something that no one knows but might be observable if we started looking for it.

Anyway, write your book. You never know, in your next life you may not have such a good memory.
pharaohmoan. It has been known for some time that the mind literally makes up stories and what we believe as 100% true may in fact just be a fiction our own mind invented (as often happens in recovered memories and stories of past lives). I think this is what happened to you as it is just about impossible that what you believe is true.
intresting. I didn't think of that along the same lines.
I propposed a comparison of evidence while you went one step further and propposed to him to reveal knowledge that would exemplify that knowledge.

That would be the most ideal form of evidence.
So I am being blasphemous to a Christian, well thats just great but I think I will still hold on to my memories and just not practice religion instead not if they would ostracise me.
To ostracise is to put you out of the community. It does not sound to me like you are in the community of Christians. Neither am I. Nor do I tailor my beliefs to fit those of Christians.

I'm hoping to find out if my claims would offend christians. Plus it's interesting to see how people react to such claims. But it's not as though i can wipe my memories clean so I just have to learn to live with them and not get locked up in the meantime!
I doubt you will offend them. But some will think you are spouting evil ideas. Most will consider you not a Christian - and many of these will assume you will, therefore go to Hell.

I don't know where you live, but I find it hard to believe you will get locked up by Christians. In the US it is not easy to commit someone to a mental hospital anymore. You'd really have to seem a danger to yourself or others. If you can hold down a job and talk calmly to a police officer, you can pretty much believe anything you like.
Fine and dandy.
But you can use the right term for it anyway.

Sorry. if u read my post's you will see i'm not into the religious aspect of this just stating to him in the argument that it would be seen as blasphemy. Considering there is no possible way of proof and considering that it sounds like something that people probably would have belived 2000 years ago i'm more inclined to belive that this is a classic if not textbook case of dilusionment . If energy cannot be destroyed and p/moan claims to be an energy that has been around for 5 billion years i think that it would be safe to say that he should know something that knowbody knows . The big bang who is right science or religion?? . If you were there you should know. I think the only way you can anwser this is with Circular Rhetoric (DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS THE RIGHT TERM) or it will be awnsered with something which is also not provable, turn the anwser into a question, or use a lot of long words for explanation which actualy explains nothing . If you prove me wrong and give proof I will commit myself to happy acres. Part of the joys in gaining knowledge of life to me, Is being able to judge yourself right /wrong and fact/fiction, in childhood this is not possible as you generaly belive what were told.:eek:
Considering there is no possible way of proof and considering that it sounds like something that people probably would have belived 2000 years ago i'm more inclined to belive that this is a classic if not textbook case of dilusionment

freeing from false belief or illusions [syn: disenchantment]

I think you are probably using this word incorrectly, unless you are saying what you are doing in relation to your friend is disillusionment.

So if you are trying to look at this from a psychological or psychiatric viewpoint, I still find your words confusing.
Basically since a very young age I have had past life memories even recalling killing myself in one after having been bombarded with really intense negative energies, I've been a musician in another i recall having been a bird a lion a's a long list.

What was your last past life? What was the person's name? Where did they live? When did they live? Where are they buried? Who are the kids?

When you were a lion, what shapes and colors do you recall from your environment? What did eating live animals taste like?

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right. Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I?

Technically that's heresy as sowhatifit'sdark pointed out... but then so are evolution, electricity, and twinkies. Heresy doesn't objectively exist. It's only in the minds of theists.

So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations?

Yes, you should discard what you 'feel' is true and put it to the evidence test. Truth is the conformity of a concept or notion in the mind to actual reality. Evidence is a demonstration that a given reality is valid.

But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!

Everyone is delusional about something... there are no exceptions.
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

Basically since a very young age I have had past life memories even recalling killing myself in one after having been bombarded with really intense negative energies, I've been a musician in another i recall having been a bird a lion a's a long list.

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right. Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

When I tie my life experiences in with the above I get a lot of confirmation that I am much older than the eye suggests. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations? And yes I am a stable person but I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!

I would not call it blasphemous as such but in the Bible sequence God created the World before He created humanity, also you will only live one life on this planet. You have been gifted with a great imagination, you should write a few books and get something out of it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I think you are probably using this word incorrectly, unless you are saying what you are doing in relation to your friend is disillusionment.


disillusionment in this context refers to a feeling that arises from the discovery that something is not what it was anticipated to be.Often, disillusionment is much more severe and traumatic than common disappointment especialy when a belief is central to ones identity is shown to be false (quote).

i.e. read chapter 2 in OLIVER SACKS'S an anthropologist on mars( the last hippie) the man lives at a krishna commune and suddenly changes physicaly becoming buddah like in shape, wondered round an a daze with an inane grin,he lost his hair and became blind. the swarmi said that he was entering a trancendental state and was becoming a holy man or saint. When the worried parents found him they took him to a surgeon where it was found that he had a tumor the size of a grapefruit which had destroyed parts of the brain.
Well...this is certainly a hard one.
I can't pass judgement on your memories. If I were you I would do a comparison. How accurate are they compared to what science says occured? Then compare them with what the Bible says occured. It could give some insight as too there origin that you make not have considered.

If it wasn't for science already putting forward the bang bang theory I would not have posted that I could remember it, but what I will say and whether science will eventually bee able to prove this or not I don't know, but I am sure this isn't our first time around. Appart from this and the possibility that energy can exibit signs of consciousness (a hunch) and most certainly that at an atomic level mind can manipulate matter. Much more than this I cannot add.

Hi Pharaohmoan.

Just one question for now...

How do you know?

How do I know if I suffer from delusions. The honest answer is I can only try and understand my mind as best as possible, I do not put others at risk and I do not scream about like a madman. Wikipedia says: A delusion is commonly defined as a fixed false belief and is used in everyday language to describe a belief that is either false, fanciful or derived from deception. In psychiatry, the definition is necessarily more precise and implies that the belief is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process). I cannot say my belief is false, fanciful or derived from deception. I can however say i have gone through a logical process of elimination and examined the memories that have always been with me and I comfortable that i have not just made up such things.

I'd like to know who and where the few who make declarations are. They would be an interesting bunch for sure. Do you know of others with this remarkable memory?

I always thought a fish had a very short memory but incredibly you've managed to hold onto yours even though you were once a fish yourself.

Did you meet God or at least get to see Him work? Just for a minute there you had me thinking you were God or Christ reincarnate.

Lots of children have made claims of past lives in fact a gentlemen by the name of Dr. Ian Stevenson has over 3000 documented cases of children recalling in detail aspects of their past lives.

What was memorible about the salmon thing was the intense strugle of fighting upstream to ensure the continuation of life, it was as though nothing else mattered but making it to the spawning ground and it is the intensity of that goal that has stuck with me.

I do not recall having met a God but I do recall the sound of what has been claimed in religious text to be seraphins. I have never heard the sound they make on earth yet.

But in your case, if you do in fact have useful memories of things that are outside of our current knowledge, instead of just an overactive imagination, perhaps you could describe something that no one knows but might be observable if we started looking for it.

Proof proof proof, everyone wants it yet I cannot give it.

pharaohmoan. It has been known for some time that the mind literally makes up stories and what we believe as 100% true may in fact just be a fiction our own mind invented (as often happens in recovered memories and stories of past lives). I think this is what happened to you as it is just about impossible that what you believe is true.

I accept that but there is always the question of what if? left with me, what if they are true.

What was your last past life? What was the person's name? Where did they live? When did they live? Where are they buried? Who are the kids?

Just to be sure I managed to find out about my previous lifetime I won't say who they were but I do recall them dying of a very rare kind of cancer and where they lived and worked was also verifyed by their records. I even remember the nationalty of the doctor who saw me.

When you were a lion, what shapes and colors do you recall from your environment? What did eating live animals taste like?

I remember there was a lot of shagging and hating jackels with such a vengeance that I wanted them wiped of the face of the earth.

Everyone is delusional about something... there are no exceptions.

You may have a point there.
Considering there is no possible way of proof and considering that it sounds like​
something that people probably would have belived 2000 years ago i'm more inclined to belive that this is a classic if not textbook case of dilusionment
Look, you are not communicating clearly. Referring to Phaoroman's belief you say it is a 'textbook case of dislusionment (sic). Which neither he nor his belief are an example of.

You meant, I believe, 'delusion'.
i.e. read chapter 2 in OLIVER SACKS'S an anthropologist on mars( the last hippie) the man lives at a krishna commune and suddenly changes physicaly becoming buddah like in shape, wondered round an a daze with an inane grin,he lost his hair and became blind. the swarmi said that he was entering a trancendental state and was becoming a holy man or saint. When the worried parents found him they took him to a surgeon where it was found that he had a tumor the size of a grapefruit which had destroyed parts of the brain.
I've read the book. You realize of course that what you are doing here is an example of anecdotal evidence. In that particular case, it seems, from a neurologist's point of view that the man was ill and not near enlightenment. I might even agree with Sacks' 'diagnosis' if I could get closer to the people involved. But this proves, of course, nothing at all about phaoroman's beliefs.