Is this Blasphemy?


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

Basically since a very young age I have had past life memories even recalling killing myself in one after having been bombarded with really intense negative energies, I've been a musician in another i recall having been a bird a lion a's a long list.

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right. Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

When I tie my life experiences in with the above I get a lot of confirmation that I am much older than the eye suggests. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations? And yes I am a stable person but I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!
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From your friend's point of view - yes - you are being blasphemous (if he is applying his beliefs correctly in calling you that initially).

But from your perspective, unless you somehow hold the same views as him (although if you believe what you seem to, is this possible?) then do you care that he thinks it is blasphemous beyond merely hurting his feelings as a friend?
Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right.
-Did our universe come to existence from a big bang ?
-If so, what was there between universes? The Big Bang ? What did that look a like ? Its just that I dont buy The Big Bang theory myself.
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

Basically since a very young age I have had past life memories even recalling killing myself in one after having been bombarded with really intense negative energies, I've been a musician in another i recall having been a bird a lion a's a long list.

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right. Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

When I tie my life experiences in with the above I get a lot of confirmation that I am much older than the eye suggests. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations? And yes I am a stable person but I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!
I dont know what drug your on, but f**k me man it's far to strong.
embrace what you believe is true to you, but dont tell anybody else, for fear of ridicule.
You may think your not delusional but the rest of the world will.
Quite honestly if you do believe what your saying, they might even lock you in a padded cell because of it, so keep quiet.
This way you'll stay safe.
-Did our universe come to existence from a big bang ?
-If so, what was there between universes? The Big Bang ? What did that look a like ? Its just that I dont buy The Big Bang theory myself.

As far as I can gather and remember yes, but.....OK I'll go out on a limb here we being conscious energy at the time, and maybe even space time itself entered what we thought to be another world having assumed we 'made contact' for the first time with 'someone else'! Having entered that world we found for some reason we could not escape it (don't ask me why) this was when we collectively decided to explode. Because so much energy went into that initial small world is why matter in this universe is so dense as I recall we previously able to shape matter with mind before this universe. Can't say what it looked like but I can remember the chaos of regrouping. More than this I cannot and will not say as it starts to get hazy and religious.
I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right.

You must have one hell of a big hard drive in that brain of yours to store BILLIONS of years worth of memories. If I were you, I'd tell everyone! Write a book! "Pharaohmoan's History of the Universe (and Beyond)"

The people deserve to know the truth!
I dont know what drug your on, but f**k me man it's far to strong.
embrace what you believe is true to you, but dont tell anybody else, for fear of ridicule.
You may think your not delusional but the rest of the world will.
Quite honestly if you do believe what your saying, they might even lock you in a padded cell because of it, so keep quiet.
This way you'll stay safe.

Well thanks, this is what I try and do but what I don't understand is as a society we generally fear the unknown hence the reason why claims like my own are often ridiculed. Don't get me wrong I love science but I have found that you can only pile knowledge on top of knowledge for so long at times you have to take leaps of faith in order to obtain new information and knowledge. Except few including scientists are affraid to go out on a limb.
IMHO we will never move on both scientifically and literally unless we make some basic assumptions about the unknown. Even if it's based on logic. Now I am not saying we have to invoke God as soon as the unknown is mentioned but couldn't we at least allow for the possibility that we are a vessel of energy that continues 'through the ages'.

Right I'm off to change my proxy settings just in case!

P.S.- When does a thought become delusional anyway?
You must have one hell of a big hard drive in that brain of yours to store BILLIONS of years worth of memories. If I were you, I'd tell everyone! Write a book! "Pharaohmoan's History of the Universe (and Beyond)"

The people deserve to know the truth!

LOL, I do try and hold a lot of pieces of the puzzle together. I'd love to tell people but the question of Prove it! always comes up. How do you prove that the big bang was an error of judgement or that swimming upstream as a salmon is one of the hardest things I ever recall doing (i love those fish I do).
Most people live their lives and don't want to be bothered with fanciful errands of the mind, what if?, I wonder if ? etc hard facts we want and we want them know. Ptsshhhh:bawl:

As for writing a book perhaps in my next lifetime!
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. . Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

I am the friend he was arguing with .i would like to point out that i am not a religious man,in this argument I was saying it would be regarded as blasphemy I was not saying he was being blasphemous under any of my beliefs. if claiming power and memories which are generally reserved for deities/gods/x-men or superman with no proof isn't blasphemy (bear in mind he is a catholic ) then i don't know what is.
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

Basically since a very young age I have had past life memories even recalling killing myself in one after having been bombarded with really intense negative energies, I've been a musician in another i recall having been a bird a lion a's a long list.

Now here's where it gets a bit weird I have memories going back since before creation and actually recall the 'coming together' of the elements and the trial and error process of getting it right after the big bang. I also recall that it is not the first universe but is at the very least the second attempt at trying to get right. Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I? My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

When I tie my life experiences in with the above I get a lot of confirmation that I am much older than the eye suggests. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations? And yes I am a stable person but I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!

pharaohmoan, I'm not sure if I understand what you're suggesting. Do you see your memories as proof you created or helped create all things?
OK I had this arguement with a friend and I wanted to know what you think. This is what it is about:

My defense to is that I will not deny my own memories, memories which have been with me since childhood and which I have carried with me from lifetime to lifetime.

I have had a lot of spiritual experiences. But crucially I do not suffer from any delusions at all!

When we percieve the world as young children we see through eyes with a dreamy mist where the most fantastical things seem possible santa,unicorns, wombles you could almost say a willy-wonkaesque world as we grow older our adult mind separates probability from improbability, possibility from imposssibility, fact from fiction .to say that you have had these memories from childhood isnt very reliable at all I.E.when i was 6 my teddy bear spoke to me in a funny squeak, my mind when i was a child was delighted when i was a few years older i realised teddys dont speak so it must have been a squeaky chair or another noise on the bus . I think you have failed to put an adult perception on these memories which could give them a more logical meaning I.E. you fell into a half-sleep in front of the t.v. when you were 5 and confused the background noise(storyline of dr who, star trek or whatever) with dreaming which made the memories seem more vivid, i'm not denying your memories just saying you have gone for the furthest out there possibility as opposed to logical explanation. You say that you have had lots of spiritual experiences ,well you are lucky cause 1p/cent of the population probably have 1 spiritual experience in a lifetime and they r grateful for it. You also say that crucialy you do not suffer from delusions at all. If you were suffering from delusions you wouldn't know it you would be deluded and it would be down to a shrink or friend to point it out.if you are that confident you are not deluded post your thread on a pshycology/phsyciatric thread and ill
pharaohmoan, the judeo-christian tradition does not acknowledge past lives, so yes, it is blasphemous.
but what I don't understand is as a society we generally fear the unknown hence the reason why claims like my own are often ridiculed. Don't get me wrong I love science but I have found that you can only pile knowledge on top of knowledge for so long at times you have to take leaps of faith in order to obtain new information and knowledge. Except few including scientists are affraid to go out on a limb.

Leaps of faiths have been made like this before,(study any religious belief in the world) Ithink you are getting sciance mixed up with pseudo-science. Also in my opinion scientists generaly dont take leaps of faiths they work from aim,experimentation,and then conclude their findings as an end result. the leaps of faith your talking about seem to lean towards people beliving in you (QUOTE an crucialy i am not delusional at all) this is called charlatanism, and you probably have made a lot of money in the old wild west selling cure all tonic
Now my friend is saying I am being blasphemous by saying this. Am I?
To a Christian you are being blaspehmous or heretical. You're edging into pantheism.

. So should I discard what I feel is true just because very few would believe me or should I embrace that I am one of the few that can make such declarations?

I feel no inclination to say 'yes' but I find your question kind of strange. Would you listen to us if we told you do discard what you feel is true?

What are you hoping for here?
pharaohmoan, the judeo-christian tradition does not acknowledge past lives, so yes, it is blasphemous.

I think it is better to say he is being heretical, see the definitions below.
And perhaps his friend is Muslim or Jewish.
blas·phe·my /ˈblæsfəmi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[blas-fuh-mee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -mies.
1. impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.
2. Judaism.
a. an act of cursing or reviling God.
b. pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) in the original, now forbidden manner instead of using a substitute pronunciation such as Adonai.
3. Theology. the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God.
4. irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred, priceless, etc.: He uttered blasphemies against life itself.

her·e·sy /ˈhɛrəsi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[her-uh-see] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -sies.
1. opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, esp. of a church or religious system.
2. the maintaining of such an opinion or doctrine.
3. Roman Catholic Church. the willful and persistent rejection of any article of faith by a baptized member of the church.
4. any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs, etc.

My bolds.
pharaohmoan, I'm not sure if I understand what you're suggesting. Do you see your memories as proof you created or helped create all things?

Yikes no I'm just saying they are memories I don't remember any part of the creational process as such apart from the big bang itself.
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To a Christian you are being blaspehmous or heretical. You're edging into pantheism.

I feel no inclination to say 'yes' but I find your question kind of strange. Would you listen to us if we told you do discard what you feel is true?

What are you hoping for here?

So I am being blasphemous to a Christian, well thats just great but I think I will still hold on to my memories and just not practice religion instead not if they would ostracise me.

I'm hoping to find out if my claims would offend christians. Plus it's interesting to see how people react to such claims. But it's not as though i can wipe my memories clean so I just have to learn to live with them and not get locked up in the meantime!