Is there a version of eternity...

If you say so. It isn't all down to your physical state, though..

Sure. But if the same principle as mentioned earlier on the example of teeth etc. in eternity applies also to other phenomena, then eternity doesn't seem bad at all. Imagine: no pollution, no fighting, no killing, no dying - wouldn't that be nice.
Sure. But if the same principle as mentioned earlier on the example of teeth etc. in eternity applies also to other phenomena, then eternity doesn't seem bad at all. Imagine: no pollution, no fighting, no killing, no dying - wouldn't that be nice.

No life.
For example, I could cook and clean and such for eternity. Provided, of course, that there would be no ecological or economical strife and no pollution in getting the ingredients and fuel and pots and all things necessary.
I'd also work in the garden and field, starting early, finishing late - I have absolutely no problem with imagining doing this for eternity. And since I would be doing it for all eternity, I wouldn't age or become ill, and always have some level of fitness for being able to work.

I would be absolutely fine if eternity would be just like this life, but without the aging, illness and death in their various forms.
That's great. I envy that you have no residual concern that something would be missing or unbearable.
I once died and was dead for over 3 minutes and this is all I remember about the time I was dead. They revived me or I wouldn't be here today to enlighten you as to what lies ahead for us all. :)
Kind of like a person calling the international shots on a country's sights and scenes when they spent 15 minutes in the transit lounge ....
I don't seem to recall saying that to you though, I thought I addressed that to Greenberg.
Nosy ?

It's a public forum. It adds to the discussion if other people too pick up a theme discussed between two posters.
So things like rotting teeth etc. are all there is to life?

Why then did you say:


You said:
Sure. But if the same principle as mentioned earlier on the example of teeth etc. in eternity applies also to other phenomena, then eternity doesn't seem bad at all. Imagine: no pollution, no fighting, no killing, no dying - wouldn't that be nice.

Enmos -

You seem to think that if there is no pollution, no fighting, no killing, no dying - then there is no life?
How do you come to that conclusion?