Is there a version of eternity...

In that case, the teeth have to renew to some extent forever too, so that there is dental matter to rot for all eternity; and if they renew, it can't rightfully be said that they are rotting.

No a logrithmic slide into decay will do the job starting with the available teeth.

But there are "versions" of eternity where there is no birth, aging, illness and death, so most of what we usually think is "real" wouldn't apply there to begin with.

Sounds void to me.
It can't take eternity for something to happen. Either it happens or it doesn't. Either it takes 30 years or 30 trillion millennia. "Taking eternity" means it never happens.
It can't take eternity for something to happen. Either it happens or it doesn't. Either it takes 30 years or 30 trillion millennia. "Taking eternity" means it never happens.

Some things are discrete events, like a bulb burning out. Somethings are not, like radioactive decay.

In this hypothetical event we have a logarithmic decay which ends in totality at infinity.
another way to look at the issue is
some people are saying if there is an experiencer there must be decay.
This is an assertion about possibility.
It cannot be proven by pointing out how things are locally.