Is there a version of eternity...

I'd rather not define it or try to define it.

I've noticed a lot of religion consists of arguing about undefined or poorly defined terms and concepts.

It seems to me that any experience would be unbearable should eternity run too long and any experience would be bearable as long as eternity was sufficiently short.
I remember years back, I was talking to some Mormons and on their leaflet, there were enticing questions like "Did you know that families can be together forever?" From the Mormons I knew, this was very important to many of them.

It wasn't until just recently that I have thought about this again, and I have felt a great yearning. Not that I would want to be with my family, the way it is now, forever - but the idea of an eternal perfect family life - I find this very attractive.
By "perfect" I am of course implying 'without suffering'.

Why long for false promises?

"Eternal perfect" is just the big lie.

Get right with your family now. Its hard but its real and their lives and yours pass fast.

My mom just died. My aunt-in-law is dying and a brother-n-law was just in a distillery explosion which seriously injured him.

Having to say good bye is easier when the time you had wasn't wasted.
If that's what's promised to me by our Lord and maker then I expect Him to deliver. How He does it isn't my concern.:D

Are they virgin males or females?

Eternal existence is characterized around being cent per cent socialized around the loving service of god.

Seems like hell to me.

god doesn't require it
we do

Maybe you do.

servitude is only a dirty word in conditioned existence since the whole thing is artificial. No conditioned soul is capable of fully surrendering to another conditioned soul and no conditioned soul is worthy of such surrender. Still the material game of material masters and servants goes on, while our actual identity as a servant and god's identity as the master goes on in the background ....

How many of your fellow inmates agree?

What is it exactly that you find abusive about accepting a role as a servant in a loving relationship?

It doesn't even make sense in the material world, what to speak of when you extrapolate it to the spiritual world (IOW in what way is a mother who loves her child abused in the relationship? In what way is child who loves their mother abused? In what ways do they attain a higher state of existence if they are not burdened by such a relationship?, etc etc)

The next few times they bring your medicine, hold it under your tongue until you can safely dispose of it. I hope you're better soon.
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I've noticed a lot of religion consists of arguing about undefined or poorly defined terms and concepts.
You are welcome to define the term if you use it. It seems like you are assuming it is best for the OP writer to define the term first. That could work. On the other hand it might limit the discussion first to an argument about the meaning of the word, even amongst people for whom the word is not used and/or is not important. I notice that people do use this word and have beliefs based on it, often that it will be good to live eternally. Given that people believe this, I wanted to hear what those who believe in and use the term find appealing about eternal existence. From that discussion I will get their definition of eternity, while possibly working in parallel with other defintions that other people have.

It seems to me that any experience would be unbearable should eternity run too long and any experience would be bearable as long as eternity was sufficiently short
It sounds like you, yourself, do not really think in terms of eternal. But if I am incorrect, is eternity something that sounds appealing to you? You can also throw in your definition of eternity if you have one.
Potential boredom or indifference. The possibility that terrible things are somehow necessary to give life its vitality or dynamism and that eternity, if it had these, would be unbearable, and if it lacked them would be lacking, and eternally.

Please note: I am not saying that my concerns are correct, simply that I have feelings of repulsion ALSO in relation to eternity.

Do you imagine this eternity playing out in a certain way? I mean, what you would be doing with your time, etc? Would there be goals?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Eternal existence is characterized around being cent per cent socialized around the loving service of god.

Seems like hell to me.
welcome to the material world, the wonderful alternative

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
god doesn't require it
we do

Maybe you do.
meanwhile wring your hands as you are assailed by desire and attachment to things that will shortly not exist, from dead hamsters to fleeting youth ...
This question reminds me of a quote I read somewhere... but for the life of me can't recall by who or where (sorry):

"Of what joy can eternity be when there is nothing to look forward to, for is it not the imminence of death that makes life worth the living?"

(or words to that effect).
Potential boredom or indifference. The possibility that terrible things are somehow necessary to give life its vitality or dynamism and that eternity, if it had these, would be unbearable, and if it lacked them would be lacking, and eternally.

Please note: I am not saying that my concerns are correct, simply that I have feelings of repulsion ALSO in relation to eternity.

Do you imagine this eternity playing out in a certain way? I mean, what you would be doing with your time, etc? Would there be goals?

For example, I could cook and clean and such for eternity. Provided, of course, that there would be no ecological or economical strife and no pollution in getting the ingredients and fuel and pots and all things necessary.
I'd also work in the garden and field, starting early, finishing late - I have absolutely no problem with imagining doing this for eternity. And since I would be doing it for all eternity, I wouldn't age or become ill, and always have some level of fitness for being able to work.

I would be absolutely fine if eternity would be just like this life, but without the aging, illness and death in their various forms.
I've noticed a lot of religion consists of arguing about undefined or poorly defined terms and concepts.

It seems to me that any experience would be unbearable should eternity run too long and any experience would be bearable as long as eternity was sufficiently short.

Eternity will last forever. No one really wants to live forever, trust me.
Eternity is......

Eternity will last forever. No one really wants to live forever, trust me.

Hm. If my teeth would take forever to rot, then they wouldn't actually rot, right? So in eternity, I'd actually keep my teeth, and in a good state at that! And if this same principle is applied to other things - like worn knee joints, blocked arteries, greying hair etc. - then eternity would actually be quite nice. No rotting of teeth, no wearing of knee joints, no greying of hair ...
I once died and was dead for over 3 minutes and this is all I remember about the time I was dead. They revived me or I wouldn't be here today to enlighten you as to what lies ahead for us all. :)
Hm. If my teeth would take forever to rot, then they wouldn't actually rot, right? So in eternity, I'd actually keep my teeth, and in a good state at that! And if this same principle is applied to other things - like worn knee joints, blocked arteries, greying hair etc. - then eternity would actually be quite nice. No rotting of teeth, no wearing of knee joints, no greying of hair ...

If you say so. It isn't all down to your physical state, though..
I once died and was dead for over 3 minutes and this is all I remember about the time I was dead. They revived me or I wouldn't be here today to enlighten you as to what lies ahead for us all. :)

I see what you meant with the black square now. I can't say I disagree ;)