Is Richard Goldstone a liar, an antisemite and a biased hater?

Liberia in Africa. You know all the african americans who returned to 'their home' and established it as 'theirs'. Have your eyes failed you that you can no longer read the posts?

Maybe the information is confusing you since you tend to suffer from a neurotic tunnel vision that only allows you to identify certain behaviours among jews alone:rolleyes:

You know, black zionists:cool:

So what is the nation of Liberian African Americans? What is the nation of Richard Goldstone?
So what is the nation of Liberian African Americans? What is the nation of Richard Goldstone?

I don't know where Goldstone was born and frankly I don't care. I don't care who wrote the report or where they came from. I don't see how it really has any bearing on anything in regards to Israeli politics and the situation in Gaza.

If you want to know what the nation of Liberia is then I suggest you take the time to read through the link. Its pretty much concisely explained and in fact

"Descendants of proud Africans with an identity, culture, political, economic systems inherited, from the U.S.A. came to the shores of West Africa and formed a colony. In 1847 this colony became The Republic of Liberia an independent nation with a Constitution. Liberia’s Constitutions 1820, 1839, and 1847 all provided a citizenship article for African Americans to become citizens of Liberia."

It also goes on to say:

"Constitution 1984, Chapter IV Article 27 (b) In order to preserve, foster and maintain the positive Liberian culture, values and character, only persons who are Negroes or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia.


So tell me how is this so different from the jewish diaspora and return to Israel?
I'm not interested in Liberia, I'm interested in Richard Goldstone the South African antisemite who cannot attend his grandsons bar mitzvah because his Jewishness has been undermined by his reporting of the Gaza massacre by Israel.

I don't see any relevance to Liberians living in Liberia since they were descendents of Africans to begin with and I have no issues with people immigrating to another country.
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I'm not interested in Liberia, I'm interested in Richard Goldstone the antisemite who cannot attend his grandsons bar mitzvah because his Jewishness has been undermined by his reporting of the Gaza massacre by Israel.

I don't see any relevance to Liberians living in Liberia since they were descendents of Africans to begin with and I have no issues with people immigrating to another country.

Haha! Of course you are not because then it would mean drawing a comparison. Well whatever because I'm not particularly interested in your obsession with Goldstone's life nor jews.

How were slaves brought from all and sundry given Liberia? Why Liberia? They were not direct descendants from that plot of land, they were simply the descendants of slaves. If you have no problem with people immigrating to another country based on race or ethnicity and that country was taken over by a group who didn't belong there but claimed it as their own, then you should have no problem with Israel either right?

Why should a present day african american have immediate citizenship rights to Liberia?

What happened to the african locals who woke up one day to another group who came in and established themselves over those who were already living their and create a two tier society? Is it that they are all black that makes it okay in your mind? Well what is wrong with building the same kind of society based on one being a jew?

Or did this part escape you?

'only persons who are Negroes or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia.'

Sorry to disappoint but Israel is not that special when it comes to this sort of thing. I would say its a diaspora n condition. Palestinians will just have to suck it up like the local africans did before their was a state declared 'liberia'. :shrug:
Well whatever because I'm not particularly interested in your obsession with Goldstone's life nor jews

Then why are you posting in this thread on the issue?

Or did this part escape you?

'only persons who are Negroes or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia.'

No its irrelevant. Since I consider that equally racist and see no point in the strawman argument.

Having more than one bunch of racists does not make it better.
Then why are you posting in this thread on the issue?

No its irrelevant. Since I consider that equally racist and see no point in the strawman argument.

Oh so you agree that this is not something especially unique to jews?

And by the way I posted because someone needs to challenge your anti jewish bullshit diatribe.

You know comments like this:

"Does being Jewish wire people for ethnocentrism? "
By showing that there is other racism out there? Does that make Zionism more tolerable in its racism? I frequently use white supremacism and the caste system as well to indicate why I find Zionism morally repugnant.

The fact that Richard Goldstone supports the Jewish state is a black mark against him and that he has to abstain from his grandsons religious ceremony because of a perceived diminishing of this support speaks ill of what it means to be Jewish in South Africa

And hola, if thats anti-Jewish, so what? Look at this forum - being anti-religion is pro-science here.
He's a Zionist. Having a Zionist jurist oversee the role of Israel in the Gaza massacre is like having a Nazi jurist at the Nuremberg trials.

Goldstone didn't "oversee the role of Israel in Gaza."

And as far as the ill-advised analogy goes, let's recall that Nazism was a political ideology and not a nationality, and that the Nuremberg trials attracted lots of criticism as victor's justice.

But it's informative that you would compare the two.
Richard Goldstone is an Ashkenazi Jew, should he feel more German than South African?
This man makes me proud on three counts, he is South African he is Jewish, and he can discern right from wrong.

Given the reams of evidence and allegations on the Gaza atrocity, that this discussion can even attempt to paint indisputable war crimes as an anti Jewish or anti Semitic issue, speaks volumes for the sheer preponderance of ignorance and disinformation making the rounds.

But propaganda and disinformation that would make Goebbels proud, is what Israel does best. Sadly, the tide has turned and Israel`s record of gross human rights abuses and immoral apartheid principles is stacking up, and it`s gradually being seen as a pariah state. Its simply a matter of time until the winds of change blow this little enclave over. :m:
Given the reams of evidence and allegations on the Gaza atrocity, that this discussion can even attempt to paint indisputable war crimes as an anti Jewish or anti Semitic issue, speaks volumes for the sheer preponderance of ignorance and disinformation making the rounds.

There was no discussion of Gaza. What is anti jewish is this:

The discussion just seeped into this thread.

Try and keep up petal.

Hebrew University Provides Contradictory Information Concerning Decision to Remove Judge Goldstone from its Board of Governors

In response to an enquiry by the Alternative Information Center (AIC) about its reported removal of Judge Richard Goldstone from the Board of Governors, Hebrew University of Jerusalem responded by email that:

"The Hebrew University of Jerusalem revises from time to time its membership roles on its Board of Governors. It recently has been decided to remove from the list of governors a number of members, among them Judge Richard Goldstone, who was an honorary member of the board but for more than a decade has not attended its meetings nor expressed interest in the operations of the board. The purpose of this technical act is to enlist new, active members for the board in place of those who do not play any role on behalf of the University."

However, on 25 April the online Hebrew language newspaper quoted the Hebrew University as saying that “honorary membership in the Board of Governors is a position given to people on the basis of actions that justify this at the time. The university possesses no mechanism to annul the membership of honour of a member.”

Typical hasbara

So it seems that whatever else Richard Goldstone may be he is first and foremost a Zionist

Everyone's been wondering why Richard Goldstone penned his April 1 piece for the Washington Post, stepping back from assertions he and three other international factfinders made in their landmark report on the Gaza conflict of September 2009. The speculated causes have been pressure on Goldstone from supporters of Israel and the judge's personal anguish over how his report and status were being used by Israel's critics.

We'll probably never know for sure. But Goldstone's epiphany seems to have come recently; for his piece changes his specific judgments of two issues he addressed in a speech just 2-1/2 months ago at Stanford. One was his criticism back in January of a horrific episode, an Israeli bombing that killed 29 members of an extended family. The other was his disparaging in January of Israel's claims on the number of combatants killed. In both cases the new piece switches direction--and suggests to me that the judge worked on the piece with someone else.


Further evidence that Zionism is incompatible with integrity [or else its an April Fool's joke]

Ilan Pappe [author of "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"] has written an excellent OP in EI on this issue

Ilan Pappe said:
Every now and again many liberal Jews seem to liberate themselves and allow their conscience, rather than their fear, to lead them. However, many seem unable stick to their more universalist inclinations for too long where Israel is concerned. The risk of being defined as a "self-hating Jew" with all the ramifications of such an accusation is a real and frightening prospect for them. You have to be in this position to understand the power of this terror.

Just weeks ago, Israeli military intelligence announced it had created a special unit to monitor, confront, and possibly hunt down, individuals and bodies suspected of "delegitimizing" Israel abroad. In light of this, perhaps quite a few of the faint-hearted felt standing up to Israel was not worth it.

We should have recognized that Goldstone was one of them when he stated that, despite his report, he remains a Zionist. This adjective, "Zionist," is far more meaningful and charged than is usually assumed. You cannot claim to be one if you oppose the ideology of the apartheid State of Israel. You can remain one if you just rebuke the state for a certain criminal policy and fail to see the connection between the ideology and that policy. "I am a Zionist" is a declaration of loyalty to a frame of mind that cannot accept the 2009 Goldstone Report. You can either be a Zionist or blame Israel for war crimes and crimes against humanity -- if you do both, you will crack sooner rather than later.

That this mea culpa has nothing to do with new facts is clear when one examines the "evidence" brought by Goldstone to explain his retraction. To be honest, one should say that one did not have to be the world expert on international law to know that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza in 2009. The reports of bodies such as Breaking the Silence and the UN representatives on the ground attested to it, before and after the Goldstone report. It was also not the only evidence.

The pictures and images we saw on our screens and those we saw on the ground told only one story of a criminal policy intending to kill, wound and maim as a collective punishment. "The Palestinians are going to bring upon themselves a Holocaust," promised Matan Vilnai, Israel's deputy minister of defense to the people of Gaza on 29 February 2008.

There is only one new piece of evidence Goldstone brings and this is an internal Israeli army investigation that explains that one of the cases suspected as a war crime was due to a mistake by the Israeli army that is still being investigated. This must be a winning card: a claim by the Israeli army that massive killings by Palestinians were a "mistake."

Ever since the creation of the State of Israel, the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed by Israel were either terrorists or killed by "mistake." So 29 out of 1,400 deaths were killed by an unfortunate mistake? Only ideological commitment could base a revision of the report on an internal inquiry of the Israeli army focusing only on one of dozens of instances of unlawful killing and massacring. So it cannot be new evidence that caused Goldstone to write this article. Rather, it is his wish to return to the Zionist comfort zone that propelled this bizarre and faulty article.

Very sad. Yet another man's integrity compromised by Zionism.
LOL at the inversion in this thread - this is why nobody takes your recreational outrage seriously. Try to grow some self-respect, eh?
Is there any likelihood that we'll ever see rationality in the I-P debate where the REAL victims ever get ANY consideration at all?
The real victims are the moderate, peace-loving people on both sides who just want to take care of their children and get a job doing honest work. The real villains are the racists, religious zealots, violent psychopaths and opportunistic politicians on both sides who prevent them from doing that.

Oh wait, as I've said before, the REAL villains are the Europeans who didn't want the Jewish refugees to come home after WWII. The only country in which that experiment was tried was Poland, and the Poles simply started killing them all over again. If the Jews, who thought of themselves as Europeans first and Jews second, had simply been allowed to go home, even if "home" was a bomb crater that needed a teeny bit of remodeling, 99% of them would have happily gone back and there would be no Israel except as a metaphor.
Obviously he was kidnapped and brainwashed by Zionist Mossad forces and now stalks the Earth as a hasbara-spewing propaganda zombie, duh!
"She." And she stalks SciForums as an expert on Jewry, Judaism and Judaica, even though, after living in the country that has the world's largest Jewish population, she knows next to nothing about one of the most thoroughly studied peoples on earth.
I don't know where Goldstone was born and frankly I don't care. I don't care who wrote the report or where they came from. I don't see how it really has any bearing on anything in regards to Israeli politics and the situation in Gaza.

If you want to know what the nation of Liberia is then I suggest you take the time to read through the link. Its pretty much concisely explained and in fact

"Descendants of proud Africans with an identity, culture, political, economic systems inherited, from the U.S.A. came to the shores of West Africa and formed a colony. In 1847 this colony became The Republic of Liberia an independent nation with a Constitution. Liberia’s Constitutions 1820, 1839, and 1847 all provided a citizenship article for African Americans to become citizens of Liberia."

It also goes on to say:

"Constitution 1984, Chapter IV Article 27 (b) In order to preserve, foster and maintain the positive Liberian culture, values and character, only persons who are Negroes or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia.


So tell me how is this so different from the jewish diaspora and return to Israel?
well for one thing jews aren't a race or an ethnicity they are a religion plain and simple. secondly they had numerous opertunities to return to PALESTINE but chose not to. many had the wealth to travel their and didn't. More than once they were offered the ability and chance to return and declined. africans are a group of ethnicities and they never had the chance to return.