Is psychic ability possible?

Why is it that most sceptics are totally dismissive of anecdotal evidence in support of psychic phenomenon, but have absolutely no qualms about offering anecdotal evidence when it seems to disprove psychic phenomenon? Bit of a double standard.
I'm not attempting to disprove anything - just responding to the claim that the police use, and endorse the use of, and benefit from the use of, psychics. That isn't true of Scotland Yard. I doubt that it's also true of other UK police forces.
amazing that isnt it.
its like some type of fundermentalism yet from a name defined as a sceptic.

There is no shortage at all of official inquiries around the world which have failed to find a normal explanation of certain phenomina, and sciewntificaly that means they don't know.
The fact that a particular phenomenon has no readily apparent logical explanation isn't an excuse for jumping to rash conclusions and attributing it, without any evidence, to the supernatural. Where evidence is lacking I'd prefer to wait until it emerges. And that makes me a 'fundamentalist'? Just seems like common sense to me.
there are many social nastys that have the same atributes to them.
i simply refuse to accept that biggotry and arrogance has any place in science, be that phsysical of mental or philosophical.

Sorry, chap. Credulous nutjobs and the deluded don't get to cry afoul with claims of "biggotry" (sic). You're the one making claims you refuse to support with evidence. Which makes you either a liar or deluded.
I'm not attempting to disprove anything - just responding to the claim that the police use, and endorse the use of, and benefit from the use of, psychics. That isn't true of Scotland Yard. I doubt that it's also true of other UK police forces.

The fact that a particular phenomenon has no readily apparent logical explanation isn't an excuse for jumping to rash conclusions and attributing it, without any evidence, to the supernatural. Where evidence is lacking I'd prefer to wait until it emerges. And that makes me a 'fundamentalist'? Just seems like common sense to me.

Yes i undertand you seem to not be pushing a barrow as such.
i actualy fully endorse the police force or any other type of organisation
NOT endorsing any type of thing like psychic use (assuming it was possible).
and, i also like to consider myself a sceptic in the scientific sense of the word applying scintific theory for scientific purposes.
that said i have certain read some things and expereinced some things that simply defy any known (currently known) physics laws.
the most predominent would have to be the mystery of the dissapearing women, when i was a child.
it was very odd indeed.
one moment a women screaming help help
the next minute BOOM a wall of glass followed by a wall of flames engulfed where she was standing, and there was nothing left of any type of human body material where she had been standing.
no way out from where she was a sheer 20 fot concrete wall behind her, running along about 100 meters away from her.
the explosion come from infront of her
and i was standing on the other side of her (her right side with my best mate on the way to the movies)
we both witnessed it.

now im sure there MAY be a perfectly good scientific explanation, however...
im not sure that current science laws explains it.
myths and folk law and some religions might call her a "siren" or possible sucubus (i have done a fair bit of reading topicaly on various things).
i do not catagorise it as anything as a fact.
just something unexplained.
Yes i undertand you seem to not be pushing a barrow as such.
i actualy fully endorse the police force or any other type of organisation
NOT endorsing any type of thing like psychic use (assuming it was possible).
and, i also like to consider myself a sceptic in the scientific sense of the word applying scintific theory for scientific purposes.
that said i have certain read some things and expereinced some things that simply defy any known (currently known) physics laws.
the most predominent would have to be the mystery of the dissapearing women, when i was a child.
it was very odd indeed.
one moment a women screaming help help
the next minute BOOM a wall of glass followed by a wall of flames engulfed where she was standing, and there was nothing left of any type of human body material where she had been standing.
no way out from where she was a sheer 20 fot concrete wall behind her, running along about 100 meters away from her.
the explosion come from infront of her
and i was standing on the other side of her (her right side with my best mate on the way to the movies)
we both witnessed it.

now im sure there MAY be a perfectly good scientific explanation, however...
im not sure that current science laws explains it.
myths and folk law and some religions might call her a "siren" or possible sucubus (i have done a fair bit of reading topicaly on various things).
i do not catagorise it as anything as a fact.
just something unexplained.

Can you draw a diagram of what you saw and post it?
would be happy to if i had the program to do it with.
im going offline for a long time very shortly (a couple of days) also.

time to walk away from this internet madness and all its manic inbreeding crazzyness ISP lies and pathetic and over priced dodgey connections.

it is breeding apathy and hopelessness.
just look at this forum for instance.
its almost completely dominated by anti hope sceptics,
people wollowing in misery and trying to stamp on others happyness.

the intellegencia have left the building,
and so shall i.
would be happy to if i had the program to do it with.
im going offline for a long time very shortly (a couple of days) also.

Use this. It's an online painting program:

just look at this forum for instance.
its almost completely dominated by anti hope sceptics,
people wollowing in misery and trying to stamp on others happyness.[/COLOR]

Anti-hope? Stamping out happiness? What on earth are you talking about?
I'm not attempting to disprove anything - just responding to the claim that the police use, and endorse the use of, and benefit from the use of, psychics. That isn't true of Scotland Yard. I doubt that it's also true of other UK police forces.

I don't know, the way they tend to sit on their butt in the local police station and claim they are doing a job they must be using some sort of "Psychic" method of working while they chew preverbial stereotyped donuts.
Heh. I feel your pain.

Aren't donuts an American cop thing, though? I think ours prefer tea and biscuits rather than coming round a week next Tuesday when they said they would.
Thats kind of why I suggested Preverbial ones. The UK police don't tend to sit eating, usually they are just tenacious, obnoxious, facist(It goes with the uniform), Condesending, Pedantic, overpaid, untrained civil servants that only seem to do something when it suits them.

Admittedly this is probably an overly long stereotype of the whole police force (however not false of those I've seen) and I can say that this has only been the case in the last 10-15 years, as before that they actually attempted to have a better approach to the community like sponsoring or running of events and having "Village Bobby's" on pushbikes keeping an eye on the locals who'd actually be approachable by everyone.

Notibly the decontinued use of such "bobby's" has seemed to be the opposite to the increase in the number of Chav's and unruly youths (Yobs).

However thats just my take, pity I didn't have the bean counters take on it.
pity I didn't have the bean counters take on it.

indeed, when you can buy as much police force as you liek then there is no real need to police those who simply cant afford to pay,
until they become the ones stealing a loaf of bread, then you need to tax their ever decreasing income so you can afford to subject them to a homophobic racist assault from all fronts, not just one portrayed by the media machine and the average tory banker.

george orwell was indeed correct, however the method is a little different.
but hey, im having a bad day andmaybe its just my own perception of how capitalism drives the government services to make them the masters of the people rather than the public servants that they were orginaly created to be.

the torys now own the government services, which are all funded through socialist systems.
how could that be possible that the right wing user pays advocates are getting all the money that peopel give to the government in the guise of socialist policy of national governance ?

oh and as for the police they are aonly human, which is why they had to have their will and spirit broken by under staffing and under funding to create an atmosphere of us against them on both sides to flush out all the good cops who may have had some small amount of energy left to tell the top brass political ass lickers where to shove their accounts budgets.

Is the circle now complete ?
is the cycle of self distruction set ?
is the head finaly eating the tail in a frenzied canabalistic madness ?
will US and THEM between the government (who are supposed to help the people and work FOR them) every going to be eradicated on a large enough scale to allow progres amoung the low income majority ?
Your gues is as good as mine, only difference is one way costs money and the other makes money.
once all the finance companies own all the low income people then they will finaly collapse,
THEN what ?
whos for a future reading now ?
Forget terminator or h5ny
it will be like mad max "urban warfare style" with continued right wing operation of government services.

lets face it nothing comes for free
which is why all the low income workers must continue to make the filthy rich even more filthy.
or maybe more accurately the middle men who sit inbetween making sure noen of the charity and fundraising and donations ever get to where they are meant to go.

who do you think it is charging millions for simple products and services that the rich have as the only method of precurement ?
its not all doom and gloom, and not everyone is as bent as some may think.
the real issue is tracking down where the worste of the bunch is and impeeding their ravonous leeching off those who dare to make a difference.
many may be stunned at the amounts that some wealthy give, but to actualy know its being leeched off by peopel to their buddies and such like ...
which is why people like bill gates have got a good idea with starting their own charity allowing them to be able to be sure where the money is going.

people like madonna, and angelina and brad, alyssa milano, bono...etc... the people who actualy put personal time and money into building things.
im sure there are others, but i dont know them well enough.

if you dont have the ability to follow and process the system then you cant understand it enough to know how well it is performing.
that is why only some of the brightest minds have come up with things, because of the sheer mental processing that is required.

when such ability is put to psychology then it can yeild results that may well be likened to psychic ability.

lets face it
the main issue people have is getting nothing for paying something...
that seems to be the biggest gripe and the sole goal fo those who continue to hound debates on psychic phenomina.
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