Is psychic ability possible?

I love when "psychics" get together and feed off each other. If people could actually do this, then they would claim randi's prize.

*gets popcorn and expects the "You DARE to DOUBT!" madness*

Seriously, I have not seen anyone who claims to be a psychic hold up in repeatable tests. You can feel anyway you want, but until that happens, you won't get the non-woo woo's on your side.
I love when "psychics" get together and feed off each other. If people could actually do this, then they would claim randi's prize.

*gets popcorn and expects the "You DARE to DOUBT!" madness*

Seriously, I have not seen anyone who claims to be a psychic hold up in repeatable tests. You can feel anyway you want, but until that happens, you won't get the non-woo woo's on your side.

"side" ?
you make it sound like a war

you may well be trying to form some type of army or cult of followers but that is not what "real" psychics are doing.
I think you've read one too many X-men comic books.

yes it's a good movie.
great moral about predjudice and biggotry against those who are a little different.

another take on a similar theme is gulivers travels.

Arrogence and insanity seem to be common bedfellows.

wholesale factualisation of the laws of phsyics seems an odd thing in this day and age given the easy to read history of physics and the current suppositions.
more often than not people do so for a personal reason and remain completely void of any scientific process in the dertermination of phenomina.
i have no desire to change your mind as the very essence of free will is to be able to have a belief of your own and no one should attempt to prothetise those who have no interest.
I am always happy to discus things in scientific terms, however it seems there are no people who wish to, or capable of it, not to mention those who have no understanding of science or scientific process.

as always it comes down to a pissing match like tomcats trying to win something.
i find it quite fascinating and bizar and a little disheartening that the majority of the population seem tothink life is a competition and you must beat another person at any oppertunity to feel you have accomplished anything, while all along
they are incapable of actualy beating themselfs at anything.
complete and utter ego motivation, and ego addiction, controlled by it at every level from sex to theoretical philosophy.

it has taken the last 2000 years to give women a democratic vote in western society, so anything else is hardly about to change in a hurry.
yes it's a good movie.
great moral about predjudice and biggotry against those who are a little different.

If you call being deluded or pathologically lying "a little bit different," then I agree. Just because you seem to suffer from delusions of grandiosity, doesn't mean that the rest of us need humor you. If you're looking for that, I'd suggest a forum other than a science forum.
"side" ?
you make it sound like a war

you may well be trying to form some type of army or cult of followers but that is not what "real" psychics are doing.

Side, being your side (or position) of the discussion. I'm glad you put real in quotes too, it just confirms that you are as about convinced of psychics as I am.
If you call being deluded or pathologically lying "a little bit different," then I agree. Just because you seem to suffer from delusions of grandiosity, doesn't mean that the rest of us need humor you. If you're looking for that, I'd suggest a forum other than a science forum.

SOo you are running around screaming Cheat liar and con artist.
Well if thats what makes you happy then you must be very pleased with yourself.
everything is sweet for you having a great time...

just a side note, have you ever managed to not be controlled by your ego ?
you are exactly the same as evengellical born agains screaming "one way".
Just like the flat earth people,
or those who think 911 was some type of alien conspiracy and the moon landing was faked in the parking lot of some movie set or something.

but then Archaeology is all about how well you can read a book rather than use your mind.

your entire prmis is to pigion hole people and stuff them all into neat little boxs LMAO.
Lets face it, scientificaly speaking you have backed yourself into a corner that you simply cant get out of without damaging your own ego, which is the very driving force of your personality.

i hope its all going realy well for you.
seriousely, we need biggotted narrow minded people for accounting and book keeping and such like profesions where there is no desire for grey areas.
nice to know your carrying that flag for the book keeping box stuffer in the Archaeology world of anthropology, im sure there must be a shortage of people who know all the big words and who can write it all down like one big life long stock taking mission LOL.
rather you than me thanks.
Side, being your side (or position) of the discussion. I'm glad you put real in quotes too, it just confirms that you are as about convinced of psychics as I am.

Your post history clearly reads you as a "DIAL a TROLL".

What is your other user name on sciforums ?
Psychic powers are possible, it's just that you humans don't have the right brain structure to use them, but you can sometimes use small powers like reading minds, but humans are far away from complex things like teleporting or moving objects.

Are you a non-human? :bugeye:
There are many shows on TV that deal with crime and solving cold-cases and many cops have claimed to use "psychics" to help them catch killers or pick up new leads. What do people think about this?
Lets face it, scientificaly speaking you have backed yourself into a corner that you simply cant get out of without damaging your own ego, which is the very driving force of your personality.

Really? Then show me the science behind your wild, fantastical claims. If you can't show the evidence, then clearly you are either lying or deluded. There simply is no other alternative. So, scientifically speaking, what's the evidence for your silly claims?
There are many shows on TV that deal with crime and solving cold-cases and many cops have claimed to use "psychics" to help them catch killers or pick up new leads. What do people think about this?

Its just a bunch of bullshit. There is nothing psychic about psychics. Their antics may be just the tonic for a frustrated cop who needs a little something just to get thinking again. Psychic babble is what some cops use to restart their investigative efforts. All the psychic does is get the cop thinking again. Its got nothing to do with timewalking, reading minds, telepathy, communicating with the dead or any other psychic nonsense you can think of.
Most of the time its the "psychic" that claims they've worked with police and rarely the other way around. What happens is the "psychic" comes forward, alleging to have information. The police are bound by policy to at least listen. They take notes, follow up on the leads (because if they didn't, and the lead even coincidently jived with what really occurred, they'd have a difficult time explaining why), and then the "psychic" gives a press conference to the local newspaper about how he/she worked with the police on the case.

Its all about money for the "psychic". The offer to work with the police is almost always for free, but the "psychic" is able to charge premium prices once they've had a bit of media exposure. Goddamn con artists.
Most of the time its the "psychic" that claims they've worked with police and rarely the other way around. What happens is the "psychic" comes forward, alleging to have information. The police are bound by policy to at least listen. They take notes, follow up on the leads (because if they didn't, and the lead even coincidently jived with what really occurred, they'd have a difficult time explaining why), and then the "psychic" gives a press conference to the local newspaper about how he/she worked with the police on the case.

Its all about money for the "psychic". The offer to work with the police is almost always for free, but the "psychic" is able to charge premium prices once they've had a bit of media exposure. Goddamn con artists.

I hate using TV as the basis for this, but I have seen shows before that do not feature the Psychic. The cop chooses to bring the psychic in and the cops have claimed that without this persons help they would not have been able to move forward with the case. I realize that many supposed psychics use cold readings or things like that to make people think they are psychic, but why would a well respected cop, who has his reputation to worry about, admit on TV that he believes psychics are real? Seems strange for a policeman to being saying this if he thought it was a con job.
Inspector Edward Ellison of the U.K.'s Scotland Yard, in response to statements by psychics that they regularly worked with them, reported that:

1. Scotland Yard never approach psychics for information.
2. There are no official “police psychics” in England.
3. The Yard does not endorse psychics in any way.
4. There is no recorded instance in England of any psychic solving a criminal case or providing evidence or information that led directly to its solution.

Inspector Ellison had canvassed his department to find out if any police officers had consulted psychics or were able to benefit from the use of psychics. In all of the eight districts of London that the Yard covers, he made inquiries, and he found that rather than the officers seeking out the psychics, it was the other way around. Said Ellison, “They've [the police] been approached, is the answer.
“I've had a psychologist and a statistician standing by since last August, and so far, nothing reported,” said the inspector. The inquiry ended in August 1991. The results were negative.

The famous Yorkshire Ripper case in the U.K. was a bonanza for the psychics, and for the sensational newspapers as well. The Sunday People newspaper asked Britain's then-leading psychic/medium who provided what she said were psychic drawings of the Ripper's friends, relatives, and even his car mechanic. All this information was not only useless, but was quite wrong.

Mr. Bob Baxter, chief press officer for the West Yorkshire police, made a statement about the hundreds of persons who offered clues in the Yorkshire Ripper case:

Many people contacted us during the Ripper inquiry. Many of them were mediums or people professing to have psychic powers. However, nothing that any of these people told us has any bearing on the outcome of the case. We certainly did not discuss our investigations with them.

This is in sharp contrast with the numerous claims made by psychics who said they helped solve the matter.

In 1980/81, a series of murders of young black men in Atlanta, Georgia, attracted the attention of psychics, who sent in more than nineteen thousand letters and over two thousand drawings that attempted to identify the killer. Most of those described or drawn were white men, but the murderer turned out to be a young Afro-American. None of the drawings or letters properly described the murderer or gave his correct name, though many names were tried. psychics.html
Your post history clearly reads you as a "DIAL a TROLL".

What is your other user name on sciforums ?

Ha, right. This is my only username on these forums, if it seems like I'm trolling to you, why don't you just ignore me? I brought up a valid point, which you seem to be ignoring.

My point stands, why don't people who claim to be psychics actually prove this? It's because all that loudly claim to have "abilities" don't have them. They deal in generalities and are so vague that when something that happens even lines up with what they "predicted" they claim success. When asked to perform the same thing in controlled conditions, they ALWAYS fail.

Other "psychics" are cold reading people, it's very easy to learn.
Why is it that most sceptics are totally dismissive of anecdotal evidence in support of psychic phenomenon, but have absolutely no qualms about offering anecdotal evidence when it seems to disprove psychic phenomenon? Bit of a double standard.
Inspector Edward Ellison of the U.K.'s Scotland Yard, in response to statements by psychics that they regularly worked with them, reported that:

1. Scotland Yard never approach psychics for information.
2. There are no official “police psychics” in England.
3. The Yard does not endorse psychics in any way.
4. There is no recorded instance in England of any psychic solving a criminal case or providing evidence or information that led directly to its solution.

The FBI also put out a similar response. I'll try and find it.
Why is it that most sceptics are totally dismissive of anecdotal evidence in support of psychic phenomenon, but have absolutely no qualms about offering anecdotal evidence when it seems to disprove psychic phenomenon? Bit of a double standard.

amazing that isnt it.
its like some type of fundermentalism yet from a name defined as a sceptic.

There is no shortage at all of official inquiries around the world which have failed to find a normal explanation of certain phenomina, and sciewntificaly that means they don't know.
People tend to like to put things in tidy brackets.
which is fine for them, but when that same little bracketing is taken on as habbit then biggotry is born and lynch mobs are created.
i have done that very thing many times, but seek tounderstand so attempt to learn why and evolve to a better position of understanding (or not as the case may be).

there are many social nastys that have the same atributes to them.
i simply refuse to accept that biggotry and arrogance has any place in science, be that phsysical of mental or philosophical.