Is psychic ability possible?

Well Bebelina, I do believe you.
I think there were much more psychic people who felt the uneasyness and didn't know where it came from.
This was a terrible deed.
The feeling was strong but not about what. Just uneasy, so restless, two weeks before the attack it began already.
So restless, I had dreams yes, didn't read them good.
I can hit myself for it.
Sometimes things are so difficult to 'read', then there is nothing you can do.
Some things have to happen, that is life, how hard it sounds, it is true.
But this.....I can not say what I feel now, I feel so sad, so sad for all those innocent people.
What does it help them??
Nothing, nothing at all.
It makes me feel so sorry........
It does help.

Your compassion adds upp to the collective consciousness of the humanity and therefore it also reaches and helps those who can feel nothing but fear right now.
I really do hope so, I am so sorry for all those innocent people, and all the people they leave behind, with the pain of their loss.
I hope they find peace, where ever they are.....
Sorry but this sounds kind of out there but the mental power it should take to bend forks, have premonitions, or have others experiences seems a bit odd. But unfortunately iv had a few odd experiences iv sat in malls waiting for people and iv seen through the eyes of passerby’s or so it seems iv seen my self sitting there looking lost and looked at others I don’t notice. Iv had dream’s of shit that seems really odd and had shit happen to the extent that of what iv seen… if u have some response to this feel free to email me.
Psychic powers are possible, it's just that you humans don't have the right brain structure to use them, but you can sometimes use small powers like reading minds, but humans are far away from complex things like teleporting or moving objects.
Who said humans do not have the right brain? the thread got resurrected after 3 years in hybernations says a lot....:D
Actually there is suggestion that "Psychic powers" are really just people accidentally encroaching on another project. Kind of a Parapsychological backdoor to something else that has a more physical reality. I'll perhaps explain myself more in the future if I can turn up the evidence for it.
Do we exactly know in conventional Science,how each part of brain works in a way that we can map the resultant behaviour of each and every situation for every individual? we dont understand our Brain as yet.So,these Psychic powers might just be another sense of Brain's Logical Visualization of chioces that man could have,in a given situation and which is mst likely going to you understand guys?

or it could be that brain uses universal thought matter or thought pool to see the experience happen and prognosticate on the basis of that.remember akashic records km?...however this is just a pseudoscientific Theory.Above one can be Valid though.

Shadowflame said:
I have heard a lot about how telepathy and psychokenesis have been observed over the globe, but is such a thing scientifically possible? I think that maybe basic telepathy could be possible at this level, going by a theory of brian waves. Each individual has brain waves constantly escapingas they think, register emotion etc., except always on a different frequency, so other people can't "pick them up". That's why identical twins can sometimes mysteriously know where the other one is, or how their feeling, or feel their pain, because their brain works on the same, or nearly the same frequency. If anyone knows more about this, could they reply?

Some folks did a study and found that certain psi abilities are linked to certain specific brainwave frequencies: telepathy at 4 Hz theta, TK and healing at 7 Hz theta, clairvoyance and precognition at 8.3 Hz alpha, and telepathic hypnosis and its cousins-- ocular hypnosis and "command voice"-- at 20 Hz beta.

But the 4Hz frequency is for the sender; the receiver doesn't necessarily have to be "tuned" to the sender. One day I had an EEG test done becuse of fibromyalgia and the photic stimulation test at the end of it made me feel really woozy. I was on the bus on my way home and I saw a lady get on the bus in front of me, and like any guy, I had a thought about this person, though not a very gentlemanly thought. I was thinking she looked good from the back but probably had a face like ten miles of bad road. The woman immediately turned at glared angrily at me (and she did have a bad looking face)! LOL, I was so embarrassed, but I was wearing sunglasses and hadn't actually actually said anything to her, so I kept my cool and got off at the nearest stop, which thankfully was where I wanted to get off anyway.

Normally I'm an empath (among other things) but for a day or two I was more telepathic than I wanted to be and found it hard not to broadcast stray thoughts. But thoughts don't travel on electromagnetic waves: they travel instantaneously, or what the scientists would call Plack Time: 10 times 10 to -39th seconds. Put two telepathic twins in separate Faraday cages where no electromagnetic energy (other than light) can either come in or go out and yet both twins will still be able to communicate with each other. And yes, this is scientifically possible but only when scientists disregard the singular idea that EM energy is all there is.

Telekinesis (or psychokinesis) is the same way as telepathy in that distance doesn't affect TK the way a radio wave diminishes with distance. It's a lot easier to learn and master telekinesis through biofeedback and meditation than telepathy because with the low brainwave frequencies associated with telepathy, a person's first inclination is to fall asleep. But natural teeps-- uh, telepaths-- normally produce that 4 Hz brainwave state without drifting toward sleep like a non-telepath would do trying to produce that same frequency. But with enough meditation or biofeedback, almost any psi ability can be learnt given enough time and effort.

The Doctor.
Hey there. So you want to know if it's possable to read ppls though and other pysic stuff. Yes it is. I have know many ppl who have been able to also move objects with there mind and remotely veiw anyone they wished to know about through induced states of meditation. I myself have premonitions (which are a pain in the a** at times), but I have helped many ppl by knowing they were in trouble. It's how I've met so many ppl over the years. Some are greatful and some are not. But to answer your is possable...the reason you barely hear about it is that most of us are scared to come forward and tell the world that if you get one us angery you could end up a pile of dust or that through our minds we could spy on them at any given moment...and prove it. The worlds not ready yet and for alot of us our powers couldn't hurt a fly if push came to shove.
kmguru said:
Here we go again. We talked about this last year too. Telepathy is possible today without any instruments. I think a brain amplifier can be designed to enhance that experience. Make sure the amplifier is signal isolated at a nanowatt level.

Telekinesis may be possible but only through a powered device.

Hmm, how do explain a mother knowing her son has been killed in a war a thousand miles away? Or one sister knowing when the other is going into labor? Or hundreds, maybe even thousands of other cases of telepathy?

The mind is not like a Radio Shack walkie-talkie that needs better antennas and amplifiers to achieve psionic communications between people no matter how far apart they are. Some folks believe that if we ever achieve star travel, the only way to achieve faster-than-light communications would be through telepathy.

As for needing an amplifier for TK-- if such a thing was even remotely possible-- I'm a teek, a telekineticist, and if I get angry enough a fork will bend or a picture will shatter; food will jump off of shelves if I'm bored, and weird stuff in general happens. There are a lot of well-known teeks who can accomplish amazing things just using that organic super-computer in their heads. Geez, even I can stop an elevator from about thirty to fifty feet
away-- no gizmos required.

I've played around with electronics since I was in the third grade and thought about paionic amplifiers in the same way physicists think about anti-gravity machines, but telekinesis is not an electrical phenomena, and it, like all psi, goes through all solid matter without being hendered, bent, refracted or affected in any way that light and X-rays can even be manipulated. So making any kind of psi ampliifier is highly unlikely. Ever.

Though for fun, you might try focussing on a yttrium iron garnet crystal and see what happens. :D

The Doctor
hey i've got an idea for yall to choke on, or not, I don't know, I'm not an expert. What if it isn't the brainwaves that make psychic abilities possible? no-- scratch that, what if it isn't the radio waves given off by the brain that let this happen? since we don't understand the brain's structure completely, what's to say that quantum physics isn't at play? think about it, in quantum theory, two protons can influence each other even if they are billions of miles apart and have not direct physical connection. who's to say this couldn't be at play in our heads, but on a more complicated level? like, trillions of subatomic particles in our heads influencing objects around us, including the heads of others, and being likewise influenced.

crazy, far fetched, but not disproven! maybe we're barking up the wrong tree with the brainwave thing
I read something once about Soviets performing experiments with ESP on rabbits. All I could find on it was this:

In Russia the Soviets had their own X-Files and much of their paranormal research was done with animals. According to Dr Pavel Naumov a series of shockingly cruel tests were undertaken with rabbits to see if telepathy (mind-to-mind communication) took place between a mother rabbit and her new born litter. A submarine was commandeered, the baby rabbits taken on board, and the mother rabbit wired up on shore with electrodes to monitor her brain patterns. The baby rabbits were then killed at pre arranged times and the mother rabbits brain waves tested. "At the instant of death, her brain reacted" says Dr Naumov "There was communication and our instruments clearly registered these moments of ESP."

I'm not so sure if you can send out thoughts like 'bring me my slippers' but real life and death stuff could well be a fact.

The Soviets wanted to use this for undetectable communications btw.
Yeah, do me a morse-el too.. And ask for confirmation on that last launch order, I'm hungry. ;)
Ortemus said:
being psychic and psychokinetic are the same thing. Your mind's eye steers you in the direction you wish to go. By slipping in a video cassette and chaoticly surfing the TV channels I can produce PSI easliy under controlled labortory conditions. "Its just a PSI rhyme without a reason." Too bad I cannot turn it off.


Matthew David Trovato

Being psychic and being psychokinetic are NOT the same thing. A lot of
people have had premonitions, precognitive dreams, telepathic experiences,
etc-- and yet never having a psychokinetic incident in their lives.
Therefore you can be psychic without being psychokinetic. In the discovery channel, they showed some Russian doing these PK experiements. A lot of people are psychic but I have not seen anybody as PK. I tried, when I was young in the physics lab and later in the electronics lab to see if me or any of my friends can do some PK type stuff - nothing, nada, could not move an electron by PK action. But time and again, my friends had premonitions that came true.

I think we are all quantum entangled in time and space in a holographic universe....:D
Psychic ability is not well known within the wider world

Thats right there are a lot of people you have talents that they allow to remain dormant. They need to have someone guide them to develop these abilities. I devoted a website to allow those questioning there talents to source more information and to read about other experiences. I agree and applaud your efforts here in this forum and hope to be an active contributor.
when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
great saying Dexter
Cast away your mediaval religous dogma, the inquisition may still be going on in th emiddle east but we need not promote it.