Is psychic ability possible?

Here we go again. We talked about this last year too. Telepathy is possible today without any instruments. I think a brain amplifier can be designed to enhance that experience. Make sure the amplifier is signal isolated at a nanowatt level.

Telekinesis may be possible but only through a powered device.

Recent readings in quantum mechanics suggest that brain operates at a quantum level. If that is true, then we should know all possible future and hence that precognition thing. However again just as a quantum computer provides one result after all possible calculations, the observer somehow influences that quantum calculation. At least that is what they say....
I too have had experiences as well as my mum. However, I'm not sure if you want to hear them. The last time I wrote about an experience, people didn't want to hear about religion. And because, this aint the Christianity, Atheist, or Alternative forum, I want to know if anyone would be interested in me posting some on this thread, before people start complaining. They are dream and vision related. I have had a couple, a couple of weeks in advance.

Thanks :)
You are not the only one Deadwood, my spouse, and kids all have premonition from weeks to several years in advance. I ignore them unless it suits my purpose. For example, my daughter dreamt the details of the new house we bought 2 years before.

I suggest you post your experience on your website (you can get a free one at yahoo etc) and post the link. That way a lot of people will see that. I can do the same at my end. We have to find some common structures if enough people come forward and see what makes this tick.

If sciforum can provide a member page area that can contain our ideas and beliefs that will be great too (How about it Dave ?)

That is a good idea, however, I think what would be an even better idea would be instead of making your own webpage which would get like 16 visitors every 2 years. What I would say would be to post this phenomona onto a website which deals specifically with this stuff and so get a greater coverage than say 16 visitors. For this, I wouldn't have a clue which site to post on, I don't know any, 'cept this site. but that would be more of a forum to be debated rather than an information and experience page. No offense Dave, your site is great. I have been coming here for about a year and three quarters.

However, I ahve been thinking about writing the experiences down to keep a hard copy record. Of course I would have to hide this from my family, because they would probably think I'm a nut, which they probably already do. :D Most likely I'm a Macadamia.
hey all
any one ever heard of a world conference of psychics?
maybe it would be too good a target for the soups to bomb?
ok...... scrap that idea!

^ good points all keep the thoughts flowing

groove on all :)
In regards to the question above, it is my opinion, based upon study and my own experiences, that we as homosapiens are capable of displaying phenomena limited only by our imagination.
I have recently been blessed to discover inspiring evidence, which I humbly state, has helped me to developed a few of my once latent "gifts". I have personally demonstrated such psychic faculties as psychometry (also known as profiling and is the ability to gather past information on an object and discover personal info. about the person who owns/owned it ), the healing of minor ailments such as headaches and sinus congestion through energy manipulation, and auric interpretation, though I must admit that the latter is not my forte...yet.
As a matter of fact, there are a few misconceptions about psychic abilities that I hope the reader will allow me to correct.
The first is that one must concentrate deeply in order to activate his psychic (soul) talents. In actuality, just the opposite is the case. Pete Sanders Jr., a brain scientist at M.I.T., and Ted Andrews, an author of metaphysics both state that intense concentration will only create blocks when attempting to perceive or channel psychic energy.
Another misconception on which I would like to touch base is that one person is more psychically talented than another. There are those of us who believe that one must be somehow "special", in a good or bad way (for example, a spiritually pure person blessed by God, or otherwise), or that one can inherit their gifts from their ancestors. Everyone is equally psychic. The only differences are awareness, acceptance, willingness to grow, and our personal manifestations of our powers.
I do not claim to be an expert on the subject of metaphysics. However, I do study the subject rather seriously, and as the question was asked I thought that I would provide an answer to the best of my ability, given my limited knowledge on the subject. There is much, much more to be covered on the subject and I would be honored to discuss it even further with those who are interested.

For more info please read:
You Are Psychic by Pete A. Sanders Jr.
How to Develop and Use Psychic Touch by Ted Andrews
I think, not everybody is good at every type of psychic abilities. One person can be good at Tennis, while other one in Golf. It depends on interest and to some extent talent and practice. My forte is in touch healing but can not see auras and did not try. Relaxation is the best to develop talent in an effortless way.

Thank you maureece and welcome to sciforums. Please do tell us your method of developing such abilities.
First, I'd like to thank KMGuru for welcoming me to Sciforums, and I would like to say that I am honored that someone has taken the time to acknowledge and reply to my opinion.
Next, to clarify, I did not mean that everyone can use every type of psychic abilities. I simply meant that no one person has more potential power than another. One who feels (psychically) is quite capable of reading an aura accurately as a person who can see them. As I said before, awareness of our capabilities, willingness to move forward with them, and the ways in which we use them will determine how talented each one of us is.
As far as how I go about developing my gifts, I have learned that one must first discover his/her psychic strength according to his/her personality and the way that he/she makes choices. Pete A. Sanders Jr. (author of You Are Psychic) states that there are four "psychic" types: Clairsentients
(or as he wrote, feelers), clairvoyants (seers), clairaudients (those who hear), and the intuitive or prophetic (both of which Mr. Sanders used in his book to describe those that instantly know). Because I am predominantly clairsentient, when making choices I will most likely choose that with which I feel most comfortable. Clairvoyants will visualize their options and choose according to what they see will deliver the most promising outcome. Clairaudients constantly talk themselves through situations, whether in their minds or aloud. Finally, the prophet will simply "go with the flow" and will automatically know which choices to make.
Once one has discovered his psychic personality, it is now necessary to locate one of the four "psychic reception areas" (or P.R.A.'s) on the body. As there are four psychic personalities, there are four areas on the human body, which are most sensitive to energy vibrations. These areas are the solar plexus (feeling P.R.A.), the center of the forehead (also known as the third eye and is the P.R.A. for seers), the temples (for clairaudients), and the very top of the head (for the intuitive). In order to activate these areas one simply needs to relax and let the information come through. While focusing on the area you've selected as most beneficial for you to begin your psychic development, ask a question and note the impressions you receive. For example, for those of you who are clairsentient, see if you can tell what happened in an area one hour before you arrived by asking yourself and paying attention to what your solar plexus tells you. Do you receive a feeling of sadness or otherwise, and why. Once you think you know simply have it confirmed. You might be surprised how correct you are. It is that simple.
Before I close, I would like to mention that when first developing psychic abilities it is important to start with simple questions and gradually work one's way upward. It is also important to learn how to first sense and interpret the energy vibrations around him/her, and then work towards energy projection, which I will discuss perhaps at a later time.
maureece howell
i would like to join with kmguru and say a big
HELLO :) and WELCOME to the sciforums.
i feel great promise to read your post in light of
most responses to such a feild in a discusion format.
The input is refreshing. (i may even test your choice in literature :D )
please continue your thoughts and ideas on this subject.
i look forward to your input

groove on all :)

truth, light...
and second sight.
The "fodder" fit for babes.

I guess some or most of you would have heard of "Doppler equipment" at least in such uses as RADAR.
Bat's of course use SONAR also using a form of Doppler.

In short a sonar doppler is bouncing a signal off of a location and allowing it to travel back, this can give an objects distance, or if used with triangulation your location etc.

Of course in recent years the increase in Radio masts/Antenna's has increased the frequencies that matrix our world, doppler's bounce off an object from every direction and don't just give direction, or shape, but mass and even type of material.

Even energy can be mapped in many forms as you cross reference your findings from many parts of the spectrum. This means a persons mind can be mapped in a computer, and watched at any position as the person interacts with people, objects and paranormal phenomona.

This pretty much means that if two people are mapped in two different locations, it's possible for them to perhaps share a thought, or communicate although it would have to be relayed through a mixture of machine and people at present to filter out unwanted noise or the seductive thoughts that cause sexual magnetism.

(Of course if the latter occured and both parties didn't mind, I would hope they would work out some way to stop the "Parties" watching from seeing, it's worse than the end of a bond film)
Long long ago, there was no radar, cell phones etc to interfere communication between man and the cosmic consiousness. I was told that between two people you can achieve distance communication when you practice Kundalini chakras.
Long time ago, isn't as long ago as you think.

For instance some people theorise about the creation of parallels, to create a parallel you have to have the ability to create two timelines by using a method of sending information Back in time to be able to change something for each timeline.

This means that with that one jump, you cause to identical timestreams to overlap each other, but at different intervals of time. This combined with the theorisation of parallel processing from this technique, means that information from 50 years in the future can snake it's way back through node after node within 5 minutes (Of course that 50 years is then lost, due to a parallel change).

It means that Although we are walking around in the 21st Century at present, with the use of these parallel techniques and frequency technology the 18th,17th,11th,6th,1st Century could all exist at exactly the same time.

This means that Telepathy could occur back then through technology as much as it does right now, and in the future.
It is more likely the program (soul, essence) moves from time frame to time frame. Since the soul is pure energy outside of time and space, the move is easy. Life begins when a soul inhabits a body. Many people have dreamt the past lives. Some have dreamt the future lives. This is from my friends experiences.
Long long ago, there was no radar, cell phones etc to interfere communication between man and the cosmic consiousness.

If that is true than would that mean that human telepathic communication would be effected by EMI and EFI? Perhaps we should start building more devices which conform to the FAA Class B standard or something like that. Then we would know for sure.
I was thinking about that Deadwood. I usually meditate (relax my mind) so as to solve difficult problems. When I am in a major city like Boston, Chicago, Dallas in a downtown area, it is difficult for me to relax and then concentrate. The electrical noise interferes my thinking. I can do simple tasks but any higher thought process has some difficulty. What I lose in efficiency, I make it up in taking longer time in problem solving. That is part of of the price one has to pay for progress. May be the building codes should be redesigned to shield people from EMF radiation.
hey all :)


my thoughts plus paranoia :D

Maybe they don’t want us to be thinking like that?

But it does seem to coincide with "the fewer the trees the fewer the humanitarianism"



If you stumble upon my post within the free thoughts section in answer to the topic "canabis" you will find I explain about how the human mind works.

I explain within it that the normal human mind works with an average of 100 Stimuli per second, someone smoking canabis increase the amount of dopamine and thus increase their stimuli through having more traffic. What I mention but not completely there is the fact that I have got involved in something that creates an increase in stimuli to about 143 per second.

This increases the capacity but there are points that information might get lost (Namely because an area of the brain is in constant process, nothing can be stored there.)

That means that the short term memory is effected which is probably what you were explaining about.
As well as I mentioned on another post that antenna arrays (Notice there are lots of mobilephone masts now adays, and I think there is always a bandwidth of it reserved for "Official channels")

So all those antenna's combined causes a matrix of frequencies that surround us, so they can interrupt a persons thought.
From what information I found on one particular site, Hitachi has developed or was developing when the site was written, "Mind Shields".

Of course you won't find these listed in the products section of their site. Of course you could try a Tin foil Beanie but I don't think they truly work:

Of course the best document I've found which is really informative is located at there are alot of references to other documents and papers, and explainations about the reality of equipment that is used in communicating with the human mind, of course it is written about mind control.
It is time you all understand that psychic abilities are not so strange.
People do not want to say they have the ability to do this or that.
They are afraid of being seen as a freakshow.

I am a complete freakshow all alone, somebody wants to mess with me?? Let him/her come.
For I have enough from those people who act like you have a bizar disease and stay away from that silly woman.
Yeah, who knows, I may put a spell on their children.

Man, what crap, always the same.
Nobody knows exactly who you are or what it is you have to deal with. It is not that funny......
You better have it not I guess.
It is a curse itself sometimes.
Maybe you can remember that if you have to laugh at a psychic or somebody with other abilities then your own.

I can´t believe I haven´t posted in this topic earlier!
What a shame!
Of course all psychic abilities possible exist, but they are hard to prove physically since they are not physical by nature. But I´m also sure that it´s just a question of time before science catches up with that too.
And finds new ways of "proving" "things" ...:D

I have many clairvoyant dreams for instance, and waking visions too.
Not only about the future but about the past and dimensions in the between also.

The night before Sept. 11 I had a vivid dream about giant explosions in the sky for example.

I wish I had written that down here, before it happened. It would have increased the credibility a bit.