Is psychic ability possible?


Registered Senior Member
I have heard a lot about how telepathy and psychokenesis have been observed over the globe, but is such a thing scientifically possible? I think that maybe basic telepathy could be possible at this level, going by a theory of brian waves. Each individual has brain waves constantly escapingas they think, register emotion etc., except always on a different frequency, so other people can't "pick them up". That's why identical twins can sometimes mysteriously know where the other one is, or how their feeling, or feel their pain, because their brain works on the same, or nearly the same frequency. If anyone knows more about this, could they reply?
hey once again, i have had some experience in telepathy and telikinisis. telepathy is very simple, you have to somewaht train your mind.... but after that its simple, i have had a lot of phsycic encounters in my life, it requires a lot of consentration, and practice....

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
I cna understand why it would require concentration. Maybe by doing that your train an unused part of the brain to strech across many frequencies, mayhaps?
Hey, you read my thoughts.

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited August 15, 2000).]

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!
Whenever I hear of something like this, I just think about Matilda and the way they explained how she had telekinese....or however you spell the stupid word.
They said that you only use a small portion of your brain, and when you think about it, it kinda makes ya wonder what we'd be like if we use all of our brain.

Okay, here's the facts:

I'm not your average computer geek or science freak.

I'm not all that great in science, especially when the use of big words come into play.

I'm UNDER 18...

While in the Science Olympiad, I stank from here to high heaven.

I do enjoy Bill Nye the Science Guy.

My favorite subject is History.

I've never divulged myself in a book about Anti-Matter.

I don't do crazy chemistry experiment in the basement (basically because we don't have one, but that besid the point).

I'm an Aries.

I love science-fiction and anime.

I've actually aced several science tests.

I've never made any scientific modifications.

The best character on Star Wars Episode 1 was JAR JAAR BINKS!
I think telepathy and psycokenesis is defenitely real.

Never believe anything until it has officially denied.
It does not appear so

As far as I can tell no mechanism exist that allows for the claimed phenomena. Observations of the purported abilities are picked apart and laid bare by peer review process. The experiments have been flawed in the extreme. Protocols against cheating and poor understanding statistics have plagued these experiments. Repeatability is also a major concern. Many of the “institutes” that research these claims do not work in a scientific manner. They believe in the abilities (faith) and look for evidence to prove what they believe. If they worked as true scientist they would base their belief on evidence.
In any case if these claims of psychic abilities were to prove true and a mechanism could be discovered it would be through science and not via metaphysical or pseudo-science thinking.
I noted that some of the posters here claimed to have claimed to have psychic powers. If so it would seem that you have an opportunity to promote scientific understanding of your ability. In addition you can earn one million dollars. The James Randi Educational Foundation offers a million dollar prize for demonstrations of such abilities under controlled conditions. Even if you were in a position in which a million dollars means nothing to you it would be easy enough to transfer the money to a needy institution. See for details.

Originally posted by Shadowflame
I have heard a lot about how telepathy and psychokenesis have been observed over the globe, but is such a thing scientifically possible? I think that maybe basic telepathy could be possible at this level, going by a theory of brian waves. Each individual has brain waves constantly escapingas they think, register emotion etc., except always on a different frequency, so other people can't "pick them up". That's why identical twins can sometimes mysteriously know where the other one is, or how their feeling, or feel their pain, because their brain works on the same, or nearly the same frequency. If anyone knows more about this, could they reply?
Not a chance

I've posted on this issue before, but as the old posts are lost in the archives somewhere, I'll repeat briefly. The "brainwaves" are minute changes in electric and magnetic fields that occur when large populations of aligned cortical neurons fire synchronously. These changes in the electromagnetic field are so minute, that they can only be picked up by metal antennae (electrodes) pressed right against the scalp. Even then, the scalp must be thorougly scrubbed at the point of contact, because even something as trivial as a thin layer of dead skin cells disrupts the signal. The currents picked up by such electrodes are almost imperceptible and quite noisy; such signals must pass through banks of sophisticated filters and amplifiers before they can be read out as the "brainwaves" of EEG or EMG.

Such "waves", once again, only reflect <u>synchronous</u> firing of large groups of <u>aligned</u> neurons. Therefore, the brainwaves capture only a meagre fraction of total brain activity. Moreover, strength of electric signals dissipates as square of distance -- which means that if they are nearly imperceptible just millimeters away, they are altogether gone a few feet away. The strength of magnetic signals dissipates as cube of distance, which makes them even weaker. Moreover, such signals are directional, meaning that they appear differently depending on which direction you measure them in relatively to the skull. This means that if telepathy was driven by brainwaves, someone turning their head slightly would tremendously alter the brainwaves received. Furthermore, neuronal electromagnetic signals are masked by other electrochemical signals generated by the body's physiology and flowing electrolytes such as blood. Things like heartbeat and muscle movements produce a far more powerful signal than even concentrated neuron firing, and such signals are among the ones that must be filtered out from EEGs and EMGs.

Further confounds come from the natural electromagnetic noise that permeates the environment (the static you hear on your radio when it's not tuned to a station); this noise is a great whopping deal louder than any brainwave even in close proximity to the skull. For that reason, EEG/EMG labs usually are encased in a shielding metal cage; obviously such cages are not present in everyday situations. Another annying and ever-present source of noise is the 60 Hz oscillation introduced by unshielded wiring and power supplies.

Moreover, if brainwaves could indeed be picked up at a distance (which is not true), then the output of one person could not be distinguished from other people's brainwaves. The brainwaves do not occur on some frequency band that varies across people; rather, the frequency band is pretty much the same for everyone, and is quite wide. Brainwaves have components with periods anywhere from 1 minute to 1 millisecond.
Re: In re: of telepathy....

I have seen this same sort of response many times before.
Basically we are told "Yes I can do these things but you will have to take my word for it because I have no intention of proving it. Nay !!!Nay!!!" We are asked to believe that not only are some people are able to do these amazing things but brag about them only to shut up when asked to put up. Many of these claimants are devoutly committed to help others yet deny the world empirical verification of something that would benefit the world. Of course we are subjected to condemnation of modern science accompanied by un-provable claims. In this case we are told that "so called so called modern" sensitive sensors are no where near as sensitive as the brain. The same medical sciences that double the average life span are also berated as quacks. Same old modis oprandi used by claimants all over the net. The only originality that comes into play is the excuses of why not. Some of the better I have seen are:
Frightened of the government (the same government that allows phone psychics to rob and steal unmolested)
It is against Gods will (so much for being wary of false profits or prophets as the bible tells us)
Skeptical people (clear thinkers) cause abilities to fail.
Some are so rich they do not need the money (as if Bill Gates would refuse a million by refusing to prove he can tie his shoes)
There are many more, now including I want to brag but want my privacy.
Clearly this obfuscating technique has advantages for faker claimants. By ranting against the working and proven establishments one can attract "conspiracy" minded people by taking advantage of confirmation bias. Of course using un-testable "trust me" claims can not hurt you in the eyes of someone that wants to believe anyway. These claims are not made to make a case for their claims from a scientific viewpoint. I suspect that such claims are more self-promotion or reinforcement self-denial.
Regarding Mr. Randi being unbiased you can find that information on his website. To summarize, after being disappointed many times by claimants he has little point of finding the REAL DEAL. Of course this is a moot point as anyone that has looked into Randi accounts can tell you. He bends over backwards to accommodate claimants and finds impartial judges. What he does do is remove options for dishonesty. Also the details of what counts as proof is decided specifically beforehand. No room is left for ambiguous answers are allowed. What he believes is not relevant, the published test would speak for it self.

Originally posted by HOWARDSTERN

<i>Questro of shadow:</I> does telepathy exist?<br>

<b> Yes sir it does exist.</b> The phenomena has been passed on to me from my ancestors dating back for at least 400 years.

I first noticed my telepathic capabilities at a very young age though I didn't realize these capabilities until my late teens and early twenties.

Telekanetics is a truth of nature as you know all physical objects and some none vibrate at a frequency. even light. The human mind has its on frequency called brainwaves wich are released constantly. The human brain functions much like a radio were it can transmit and because of its gelatnit make it can obsorb frequency.
About 20 years ago the goverment started to expirement with this new found discovery and fotage has been released. After all the perfect society would have to be one with the best communication.
There would be no misunderstanding.
Some of you are wondering how to get it to work its not hard you already are using you just have to stop using the voice you create inside you're head that is not you're thoughts because thoughts are neither picture sound smell taste, or touch...its instinct
and hunchs. Although like radio waves the can be distorted and cause mixed signals from other sources
here is a example on how it works,
a group of people are kept in a group with no outside contact and shielded so only the can transmit and recieve in the confinds of the area, there social habits start to blend together until overtime they become as though a team as long as the following don't occur if one tries to be the one they blend to (wich causes distress and spite) or one gives in there personality totally and tries to confid in the group.
But at some point in the example they will be able to judge by instinct what each other are thinking and planning.
As I mentioned before the goverment ran alot of expirments a while back as the result of this they came out with something called project haarp wich sends a high frequency signal that effects the ionsphere it is also has the ability to effect living cells and sections of the human mind I personally believe it is a early experiment to synchronize or minds (not control)
but to get us to communicate in the same language through are minds like we do through body language and verbal communictions.
who has seen air...? :D

the human eye cannot detect the colour of air
when it is not tainted by pigment
hence smoke flares in wind tunnels
travel above the speed of sound is impossible
people also say that they "own" a cat or a dog

if life is a journey on a path why make a seat and shoot others who may want to borrow it

psychic people have realised
the real damage of greedy
superficial rascist selfhating people
who are gripped in a selfactualisation fear of intheriority
can only do more harm with the abilities of trained psychics
but they dont need to financialy rape the genral public to hide the facts like the cia/nsa/kgb/mi5-6 or alike
stazzi it goes on
there is television evidence of telechenesis of a russian women 40 or so years ago
she was worked to an early death by the people trying to make her perform like a trained dog
though the dog these days would get more respect than the person... :/ figure that...and then look at batterie chicken farms :/
since when do informed intelectuals and social developers waste time with ego maniacs or greed and fame merchants???????????????????????????????????

follow the thought ... and then what... so i should what... life is a challenge why make it a contest?

Peace...Love...and missery to all greed merchants
Having witnessed such events on a very personal level, I can say with great certainty that psychic abilities are not only possible, they exist. The difficulty of explaining it scientifically, for the most part I think, is that psychic events cannot necessarily be controlled and repeated in a manner that would satisfy the scientific method. From what I have seen, psychic events are the result of uncontrolled abilities.

For example: My mother was naturally an extremely deep sleeper (without the aid of substances). She would sleep through anything, so it seemed, even a neighborhood fireworks display that was set off within twenty feet of her bedroom window one summer. A few times during her adult life, she woke up from her deep sleep and made an announcement of an event which was happening miles away.

One time was when her father was being resuscitated after an acute heart attack - forty miles away. He had no prior history of heart problems.

Another time was when her mother-in-law was being rushed to the hospital with angina - a few hundred miles away. Again, with no previous history of heart problems.

The worst (for me) was the night she woke up screaming that my sister had just crashed her car. My mother was hysterical. My dad and I tried to calm her by trying to convince her that she was just having a bad dream but she wouldn't hear of it. She described the accident and the accident scene to us in detail and she kept crying that she couldn't "see" my sister. After she finished telling us what she saw, she held her arms across her stomach and rocked back and forth in a chair - crying softly - searching for my sister in her mind until the phone rang. It was emergency services notifying my parents that one of their vehicles had just been involved in an accident - but that they couldn't find the driver (my sister). We drove the few miles to the scene of the accident and there it all was, just as my mother had described: The accident had happened on a sharp curve on a dark road. The car had flipped over and was resting on its top. The roof was caved in. The passenger side door was open. The car was laying diagonally across the double yellow lines.

One thing had changed. My sister was found on the side of the road - about a mile from the scene of the accident - walking towards town to get help. Except for a few bumps and bruises, she was fine.

How my mother received this information in her sleep I might never know. But I do know that she didn't ask for it to happen and had no conscious control over the process by which she received the messages.

If mom had always been waking up with such announcements and was wrong about some of them then I could, possibly, chalk these few intances up to coincidence. But, that was not the case. The few times she did wake up and announce something, it was really happening.
hey all
my opinion
our reality is determined by our own ability to accept
the different levels of life.
shadowflame...think of this...
how would a(lets say cat) feel about turning in a circle before lying down?
and then ask youre self what is the thing that might influence it?
a small step in a big process that i have yet to grasp compleetly
Peice of Cake

#23 light; most common random number in known universe

#47 darkness; most common random number (quintessential random number of the universe; random next event)

"Step into the light, even if it means death. If you can do this then your mind has been touched by God and you are psychic."

46+2 just ahead of me...

"Brain Factory Research"...

"Brain Factory Research"...

Neil Slade's Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory
Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is also is well known for his Brain Music which has appeared nationally and on PBS television. A musical composer, seasoned concert performer, author, and artist. Slade was assistant to Brain and Behavior Researcher T.D.A. Lingo, PhB, B.Sci. M.A., for 11 years at Colorado's Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory.

Neil Slade's Amazing Brain Info, Books & Music
This site is about YOUR BRAIN, how to turn on incredible CREATIVITY, INTELLIGENCE, PLEASURE, and ESP as easy as clicking on a light switch.

Boundry Institiute
Got PSI ? ...Many people have had precognitive dreams and successful intuitive hunches and would like to know, "Could I be psychic?" We've created some informal tests for "psi" abilities based on the same techniques used in more formal laboratory experiments. You'll get immediate feedback about your performance, however keep in mind that your results should be considered suggestive, as high scores in these tests can be due to chance as well as to actual abilities. Only repeated testing can distinguish between "lucky" scores and genuine skills.

Binaural beating is simulated with monaural files in the following examples.
Hemi-Sync® binaural beats are unique in that they are designed to be complex brainwave-like patterns rather than simple sine waves. (Java Applett)

Brain~Wave Generator
Want to relax? Meditate? Learn faster? Focus attention? Increase your awareness? Try self-hypnosis?

(Secret Mind Control Experiments)

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
Psychokenesis which is the ability to move or affect physical objects by using mental energy is discussed at this site. A serious scientific approach is taken here and explains that we all have the power to do this if we learn how to develop the ability.
The same thing

being psychic and psychokinetic are the same thing. Your mind's eye steers you in the direction you wish to go. By slipping in a video cassette and chaoticly surfing the TV channels I can produce PSI easliy under controlled labortory conditions. "Its just a PSI rhyme without a reason." Too bad I cannot turn it off.


Matthew David Trovato
Yes it is possible

So how does Microsofts technology that allows you to control motor devices without physically moving. and how does a guy without any motor control control a robot without any physical connection? Of course this technology is limited but I have heard of it in the workings.