Is money the root of all evil?

So, you would have an unplanned spontaneous last day, huh? No one you want to say bye to? No loved ones? Sad.

Assumptions again: too many to say goodbye to in one day, and why should I spoil their day anyway?
When I'm gone they'll remember me as me, not someone running round saying "goodbye I'm dying".
They'll go out for a drink, meet others that knew me and say "Hey, remember that when Oli..."
Non omnis moriar.
When death comes I'll say "what the hell kept you?".
So, you would have an unplanned spontaneous last day, huh? No one you want to say bye to? No loved ones? Sad

yea...Im just gonna have to ask you to stop posting...could you do that?...yeaaaaaa....that would be ....greaaaat.:D
Not the point: my loved ones have their own lives, why should I butt in with my problem?
They'll notice me gone, remember me in their own way, laugh (I hope) at shared memories and carry on.
Not my place to bring them down with my sad news.
Very noble - very wrong. Anyone who loved you would want to be included in your problem.
Very noble - very wrong.
Oops, nobility has sod all to with it.
I don't want to remembered as "that git that spent his last day whinging he was going to die". :D

Anyone who loved you would want to be included in your problem.

You think?
When they can't do anything about it?
How would that help them or make them feel better?
Does comforting your child on his death bed make you feel better?

I wouldn't know, not having either children or having comforted one that was dying: but sitting watching my father die made me feel like yesterday's dried-up shit.
That answer your question?
Why were you watching?
There was nothing on TV.
Why do think?
Because my mother had asked me to sit with her while she sat with him, because she couldn't stand it any more than I could.

Why not leave on holiday until it was over?
I couldn't afford a holiday after being unemployed for six years for being over-qualified.