Is money the root of all evil?

If you would work on your last day on Earth, than you truly love work - and I wouldn't begrudge you your pathetic life.
So you assume that someone smart enough to get a job they actually enjoy doing has a pathetic life?
Too funny.
Too puerile.
I bet your job is shit too.
Yes. Someone with a job they enjoy doing has a pathetic life provided their true love rests somewhere else, as examplified by what they truly would spend their last day on Earth doing.
Yes. Someone with a job they enjoy doing has a pathetic life provided their true love rests somewhere else

So if their true love lies else where they don't actually enjoy the job do they?

, as examplified by what they truly would spend their last day on Earth doing.
Stunningly specious argument.
No, those who "love" their jobs really don't love their jobs. If you really would go to work knowing you only had one day to live, then yes, you truly love your job. But, as you already said you would read books on your last day on Earth, you clearly don't love your job like you think you do.
No, those you "love" their jobs really don't love their jobs.
You know everything about everyone?
Smart you.
And totally wrong.

If you really would go to work knowing you only had one day to live, then yes, you truly love your job.
This line of reasoning is best summed up in one word: stupid.
No-one loves ice cream because they wouldn't have it as a last meal, no-one loves x, y or z because they wouldn't do that on their last day.... blah blah.
A life well-lived is FULL of things loved, not all of which can be done in one day.
So those who would write farewell notes or call their friends to say goodbye obviously love doing that more than anything because that's how they'd spend their last day?

But, as you already said you would read books on your last day on Earth
Nope: I said I'd get books out of the library as a sign of rebellion, knowing I wouldn't be alive to take them back.
Little thing called a "joke".
Besides which, reading is a part of my job...

you clearly don't love you job like you think you do.
If I didn't love my job I'd do something else, so obviously I do love it as much as I think I do.
You know everything about everyone?
Smart you.
And totally wrong.

This line of reasoning is best summed up in one word: stupid.
No-one loves ice cream because they wouldn't have it as a last meal, no-one loves x, y or z because they wouldn't do that on their last day.... blah blah.
A life well-lived is FULL of things loved, not all of which can be done in one day.
So those who would write farewell notes or call their friends to say goodbye obviously love doing that more than anything because that's how they'd spend their last day?

Nope: I said I'd get books out of the library as a sign of rebellion, knowing I wouldn't be alive to take them back.
Little thing called a "joke".
Besides which, reading is a part of my job...

If I didn't love my job I'd do something else, so obviously I do love it as much as I think I do.

You are catching on.
Catching on?
Pfft, I was born knowing that...
that's why I'm so carefree.
Whatever I felt like at the time.
Life's full of interesting things and there's no knowing what will catch my interest on any given day.
So, you would have an unplanned spontaneous last day, huh? No one you want to say bye to? No loved ones? Sad.