Is money the root of all evil?

Money is useful - no doubt. But isn't the pursuit of money a blinder to what life is all about? Or, do you think life is about accumulating money?

Money is a needed commodity. It buys the things we need and want. We use it instead of trading stuff as in the past. We use it as a tool and when it is understood how to use that tool, you can have a much better life. The problem happens when you are not taught how to use money properly and you get into deep shit. Money , when properly used , is a great way to live a very good life. It is up to each individual to earn their money, properly invest their money and to save their money for when times are hard. Earning a living is doing something that you like to do or have to do to get paid in order to live.
How much time should people spend trying to accumulate money they may never get to use?
Do you want to drop dead while at work some day? Isn't this a waste?

You're going to drop dead one day no matter where you are. I don't think it really matters what you are doing at the time, (although sitting on the toilet/your girlfriend are the more embarrasing ones - although you'll be dead, you wont care).

If you live with the constant reminder that one day you're going to drop dead, pretty much everything is a waste of life.
Do you want to drop dead while at work some day? Isn't this a waste?

Where else would you rather drop dead at? You are going to die, what's wrong with death at work? It is a good of a place to die than any other. Would you like to die in a hospital with cancer spreading all over you and you can't even talk any more because of the pain it causes?
Power is not evil by itself, the evil is in what you do with it. Same happens with technology and knowledge.
How much time should people spend trying to accumulate money they may never get to use?

There is no answer to this qestion for no one knows how much time we will live. It is better to have something rather than to have nothing.
I would hate to drop dead at work. Yuk! Better to drop dead among loved ones. Money is power - and power can corrupt even the best of us.
I would hate to drop dead at work. Yuk! Better to drop dead among loved ones. Money is power - and power can corrupt even the best of us.

Again, where would you like to drop dead at, perhaps you could choose the location then go there and commit suicide. That would be your best bet.
Why not just go where you want to die, and live there for as long as possible without killing yourself?
Why not just go where you want to die, and live there for as long as possible without killing yourself?

Then those in a nursing home are already in their waiting room of death, is that where you'll be? Seems like a stupid way to live, waiting to die, so why worry about it and go out and live?
That's my point. Go out and live! Don't waste your life blindsided by the pursuit of money! Thanks, man, for making my point.
That's my point. Go out and live! Don't waste your life blindsided by the pursuit of money! Thanks, man, for making my point.

Where did I say not to persue money? You need money in order to live as I have already stated, now you don't seem to remember what was stated alreay, why is that?
People without money tend to have a miserable life. I spend about 25 hours a week at actual work.