Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Raver14 said:
if we look at todays societys everyone is living with electricity and mechanicle devises if we put that pc person to face a wild boar wouldnt they die at a particularly easy going creature?.....i mean humans lost their animal instimcts a while ago

only in america, anyone with a bit fo spare time(like me) learn about survival techniques, put into my native bush where i know the plants and etc i can find foodand shelter as well as create fire for warmth
mountainhare said:
Naturalistic fallacy. You are claiming that an action is morally correct because it is observed in nature. Example: Rape is observed commonly amongst the animals. We are animals, hence there is nothing wrong with raping others.

Also, not all animals are carnivorous. Why do you feel that we should act like a carnivorous animal, instead of a herbivorous one?

I'm pointing out that it is natural to us, because we are omnivores.
Nature doesn't care about some human philosophy right or wrong.
And morals.. that's another subject, but I think it's just another cultural weakness.
whitewolf said:
Plants were living as well, before someone cut them down to serve them to you. Moreover, various insects were killed off just so that you could get those plants. Various other plants were ripped out viciously just so that you could get your food. Berries and fruits are, essentially, fetuses. So is caviar. Fish, which you enjoy much, was alive before someone caught it and served it to you. I don't wish to persuade you personally, but I just wish to demonstrate how far we can take such an idea. You may live without nutrients in meat, but nutrients in fish are quite necessary.
We were discussing vegetarians today in class and someone mentioned that at one point a short time ago there was some article written which accused plants of being immoral. The argument went along the lines of: "There are starving babies in the world, and all these flowers are just sitting there being pretty." Eh? It's an idea!

I don't care how many bugs have been killed and in need I won't hesitate to kill another living being too. It's just about morphing them with my own self that I dislike. I don't eat the dead, I don't want to be part-dead. And I don't eat fish or caviar. And morals.. :D I think you should know that I think them to be silly.
And all those comparing plants with animals and how it hurts a cucumber, I just laugh in their faces, very loud. Even if it would hurt them (they don't have a nervous system, mind you), I would not care, because a plant doesn't die when cut.
vslayer said:
only in america, anyone with a bit fo spare time(like me) learn about survival techniques, put into my native bush where i know the plants and etc i can find foodand shelter as well as create fire for warmth
Only in america? Please... There are a few organizations in Latvia too. One is under the Ministry of Defence and is quite popular. It even released one book on basic military and "stay in the woods and be alive" techniques. Teaches how to shoot, hunt, cook, fight, find mines, different ways of making fire, etc.
no, wy statement was a reference to raver_14's statement that we wolud not survive without machines, i was meaning only the americans wolud not be bale to survive, most nations have a level of education high enough that the citizens know how to survive a collapse of government or technology
(Does a lack of a title make this titless?)

On Plants & Animals

Those who have read Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe know what goes here instead of this paragraph.

In the meantime, I should also mention Aldous Huxley's Jesting Pilate, in which he recounts among his travels his visit to the Bose Institute in Calcutta, where J.C. Bose himself showed Huxley some experiments with plants. Bose hooked up sensors to plants and measured their vital processes. Huxley describes the circulatory rhythm of the plants as a "heartbeat", and discusses how various manipulations could speed up or slow down the rhythm. And he discusses how the plant "suffocates" when the oxygen level gets too high. He does note that moral vegetarians ought to see such things, with the implication that their morals will be affected.
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Dr lou of all people can not honestly say that killing animals is an inherently wrong act. As wrong as it usually seems when people are doing it.

This might have something to do with the fact that it is usually wrong in the majority of cases of man killing animal I have witnessed.
But when I see bushmen of the kalahari track an oryx for hours, finally killing it by way of spear after "defeating" it in a battle of wills and who wants it more, only to stroke the dead oryx respectfully and do their little prayers to the gods that the oryx return to the earth from whence it came etc etc, I can't say that is wrong.
In the wrong vs right department it totally makes a mockery of everything we do, it's righter than we in the modern world know how to be being so far removed from the wild.
Just being on a computer is wronger than that.

I feel, if humans want to be some amazingly righteous animal thats not violent and whines about human death, then yes, it is most definately wrong for them to kill an animal.
It's hypocritical and unbecoming for such a self proclaimed aristocractic super species to then go and kill an animal when it is possible for them to survive without killing an animal.
It was quite disgusting of jesus, for example, to kill all of those fish.
I just picture him preaching all his sissy "love" bullshit and then tearing the guts out of a fish or slitting the throat of a lamb like a dirty ape.

That's the ugliest side of humans, ironically when they're trying their hardest to be squeaky clean.
The papua new guinean tribes who hack into eachother at the drop of a hat are absolutely free to hunt and kill animals. The wierd thing is it is these people, the primitive tribes, who kill eachother with extreme regularity, that treat the animals they kill with the most respect. They won't angrily hack into some creature, or laugh at it's suffering. It's generally a rather spiritual and solem affair to kill an animal. They appreciate the animal and the natural world.
These are the best representatives of what humans are supposed to be. It's like we're circus lions and they're serengetti lions.
Looking at primitive tribes, you can see human instincts are well placed. Anger, vengeance etc, the pleasure of killing, is reserved for other humans. This is where violence and conflict can be personal, you and your opponent have a mutual understanding. One of contempt for the other.
Other humans, are the reason we can feel anger, and the reason such things as "violent rages" exist. Angry violence evolved specifically to be used on rival humans.
Hunting is a totally impersonal procedure, it's quietly stalking an animal and dispatching of it for food.

Modern humans can't help but derive a perverted pleasure in killing an animal. All that stored up frustration over a lack of violence in their lives.
People who go hunting now will do things to hurt the animal and piss themselves laughing at it's suffering during the hunt. Or they'll make up excuses for why they're hunting(usually environmental ones- but thats the only time they'll show any environmental concern) and claim to hate the animals that they hunt.
They're not only hunting, they, like a dog humping a leg, are misdirecting their instincts. They're trying to "fight" the quarry like it's a rival tribe of human beings.
This is because they're stupid glitch riddled animals, taken out of their natural environment and embarrassingly fumbling to deal with the change.
Cock sucking calf, leg humping dog, new born wallaby crawling into someones anus- I've made all these analogies before.
A simple animal, placed in an environment that doesn't nurture it's natural instincts or allow them to develop properly, causing it to run off it's tracks.

Killing humans angrily and passionately is right, killing animals respectfully and solemly is also right.
Not killing humans at all and crowding into confined spaces with thousands of strange humans and refraining from killing them and then taking your frustration out on animals with the advanced abilities you acquired through unnaturally cooperating with your entire species is not right by any stretch of the imagination.

Being a cocky dick about killing animals only reveals you to be a massive pussy.
As does being a faggy wiener against human/human conflict.
Being both of these things at the same time is the height of hideousness.
Raver14 said:
ummmm first you must be unaccoumsted to wolfs they naw on the bones of their kill....and when they are done with the carcuse other animals eat it... like the vultures in the desert....see but when people do that i have yet to see the animal bones made into something and yet again only certain skins are kept...

And on top of that fish scales can be used to make some neclases i actually have 4 of them but next to the fact fish is grutesqe.....but eating flesh off a turcky...thats like putting one's own flesh into their system which happens anyways because the air we breath is x% of dust, dead skin, ect.... but either way does it much matter. whether or whether not we eat meat we all die...but yet it doesnt seem right that as a plant uses so much energy to do photosythesis and then the plant eaters eat them like humans or cows even horses....but then again if we put a human agaist a wild boar wouldnt the boar win?,...i know i went off topic but if people noticed all we do is go off topic or anything else next to that...but if we look at todays societys everyone is living with electricity and mechanicle devises if we put that pc person to face a wild boar wouldnt they die at a particularly easy going creature?.....i mean humans lost their animal instimcts a while ago but if we were to gain them back and exclude mechanicle works out of our daily lives wouldnt it make it better enviromental wise?...we kill off the rainforest but soon enough we will be lacking the oxygen we need to survive and then the trees will be blamed...? that is what my bio teacher said a few weeks back and i figure that shes pretty much right....but what do i know im just some kid living in a big city with no life right...well wrong.... get OVER yourself and get a life the only reason i felt like adding on to this on going impliment is because of a seriouse knee injury that is making it nearly impossible for me to do the sports which i so do enjoy.....but this will be the last time or 2nd 2 last time you will ever ever again hear from revior misueres et madams......

No, I am not unacsutomed with wolves, I also gnaw on the bonew of the things I eat, and the rest can be eaten by flies, worms, maggots, crows, whatever. But just as the wolves, there ends my need for the animal, I just eat the flesh. By the way, I also do not have a problem sucking the marrow from a bone.
And no, we did not lose our animal instincts, we just chose not to use them, they are there if you need one. Would modern people die when trying to kill a boar without a rifle, just with a spear? Perhaps, those pigs can be very unfriendly when they sense danger, but you are too general.

Another point, if we would stop eating flesh, we would need more plants, you have to see it like this: A cow eats about 20 pounds of grass each day, the nutritiants from that are saved in the meat, fat and muscles. Some months/years which means several tons of grass later, we humans slaughter it and eat the meat, which at that point contains a lot more concentrated and higher amount of nutritiants, making it a more economical food source for us.

Just a quick comment to Dr Lou:

I never killed any animal for fun or emotional balance or something like that, solely to get something to eat. I also do not like using rifles and such, that would be too tempting and easy.
I think that it is wasteful and disrespectful to life to kill any living being until you haven't a real need for it (like food). Most people in cities eat meat for pleasure, because they think it to be tasty. They don't look at is a food/way to keep themselves alive. And when I look at sausages in a shop I can not help myself to remember the film "Soylent Green" and every shopper/consumer as one of the crowd in the film.
You might say that the difference is that in Soylent Green most people didn't know what Soylent Green is made of, well, I think that most city people don't know/realise/grasp what a sausage is made of too.

Oh, and about killing and then eating dead flesh. This is not scientific, but emotional to me. When an animal is killed he feels pain, maybe anger and hate (oh, I've well seen how animals are able to hate), so all this gamma of feelings then is in that corpse and I have a unscientific idea that it is possible that with eating the said corpse I pick up all his pain, misery, anger, maybe hate. I think it is harmful.
ummmm ok going back to the plant thing...i seemed to be misunderstood but i dont really care anymore because it doesn't mean anything. OK let me first say this to anyone who says plants are not living things...ect...ect...alright a seed grows into a plant hence it being alive...and on top of that how else would they perform photosynthesis...making glucose and o2 but say for once we went back and looked upon the faces of dead crimanals some of them die with a smile on their face. ok ill stop here since i dont want to start crap anymore than killing the government.

and to that animals react differntly see i get deffencive as does a dog or even a fish(hence for chinease fighting fish-those little fellows are mean) but take that and put it into their presepective of how i see it... it makes no sence would you want to eat another persons flesh or meat or insides..most say no. but my bio teacher asked us this..ok you got stuck on the mountains (anywhere you want) and theres only one way to stay alive either eat the deda...(your best friends and so on) or starve then be eaten... most likly people wouldnt do it... but in a way i am saying that i would life v.s. death...just think about that factor dont just try and out smart my qualities because what you say is bullshit basically...fuck it drop it and live with it. dont you people understand the qualities of having a good time while poising your body? go out and do it sometime...ok ill drop it off here since i have to go and help out with somethings...

oh yeah dreamcatcher...a note to you enspeacially... put it into this frame then answear me the human was born and raised in a city...(i find country people better at defending themselves) and they have no spear. on further notice a boar IS NOT JUST A PIG....get that everything is not just whatever it is they all have reasons to be here think about it drop it and get over it

oh yeah and on top of that Dr. Lou Natic i completly agree with just put my scrabled thoughts into the words i wished i could think of putting them into..
Dreamwalker said:
Another point, if we would stop eating flesh, we would need more plants, you have to see it like this: A cow eats about 20 pounds of grass each day, the nutritiants from that are saved in the meat, fat and muscles. Some months/years which means several tons of grass later, we humans slaughter it and eat the meat, which at that point contains a lot more concentrated and higher amount of nutritiants, making it a more economical food source for us.

but we can farm vegetables, and therefore not nedd to expend energy chasing down as animal.
Of course a boaris just a pig, we just domesticated it and created the normal house-pig. And I do not think that many humans without a weapon can kill a 400 pound boar, especially not if it is enraged, they can be quite mean...

I personally never saw much difference between city-people and those from more rural areas, but that probably depends on the people you look at, some scrawny lawyer is probably weaker than someone who has to work the fields, tend the animals and so on.

Whatever, I never said that all humans can do, I just said what they should be able to do.
some scrawny lawyer is probably weaker than someone who has to work the fields, tend the animals and so on
This one is a martial artist and loves to hike. :p
Some months/years which means several tons of grass later, we humans slaughter it and eat the meat, which at that point contains a lot more concentrated and higher amount of nutritiants, making it a more economical food source for us.

If I remember things well enough, it's the other way around. The animal burns the energy down and uses nutrients up, so you're not getting more nutrients from an animal than from a plant. If all you eat is essentially meat and potatoes, you're missing a great deal of vitamins. Well, if you're turning vegan you have to know your vegetables really well and have a wide variety in your menu. Vegetables and fruits just don't fill you up as much as meat does.

Someone who tried to be a vegetarian told me that it made her weaker. Dunno, but when I tried it it made me more energetic and less sleepy. My main problem though is that I find few vegetables and fruits tolerable, so that limits my menu to mundane boredom. If someone can offer a delicious recipe with no meat, I'll love it.

Humans naturally crave meat though. I tried that beef that's cooked with some blood and... um... I drool when I think of it.
whitewolf said:
If I remember things well enough, it's the other way around. The animal burns the energy down and uses nutrients up, so you're not getting more nutrients from an animal than from a plant.
From an energy efficiency standpoint, the higher up the food chain you go the more inefficient you get. Energy is lost every time it’s transferred, so it’s more efficient to get your energy from plants (which get their energy from the sun) then to eat cows (which get their energy from plants which get their energy from the sun).

That being said, not all plants are edible to humans – so since cows can eat grass and we can eat cows, eating a cow allows us to use the energy from the grass that would otherwise have been unavailable to us. Of course, the most efficient thing would be to get rid of the grass and plant an edible crop.
The most efficient thing then would be to get energu directly from the sun :D
But that wouldn't work for me, because I see the sun so rarely.
see as i read it like i see it and i think about it... though some people could defeat a pig and be victoriuse...i know a guy who can but he lifts so theres his reason. anyway an enraged animal is considered to nothing an still a boar is not just a pig. never say that something is just... that is where many people would jump down your throat we are all here to fullfill a job/task an that is it. a boar has a reason to be here. but yet if you think about it if a paresay a pot bellied pig can be pissed off easily then can't they think? when they are mad wouldnt you think that they are basically saying to themselfs that they want that annoying factor to stop. see so if an animal can think then they can have a language on its own... and do not contridict the forces of nature you will not like the outcome... well about the what humans can do i just gave an exmple i mean they can kill that 400 pound pig with or even without a weapon. see some people will reach for their gak(in your cases gun) and that would be used but without that most will turn to fist fighting an so on... but if you say we should not kill other people (not saying that u did) then why kill an animal?..on further notice just stop tring to contridict everything that i say cause(i am also kind of like ok this dude has no reasoning thats solid) i am kind of like the brick wall that it just doesnt get into my head.

ummm little coward wow walk outside around 1 in the afternoon and look up the sun (if u have 1) should be there no u cant eat it....lmao