Is it wrong to kill an animal?

but the purpose of being the superior product of nature is surely not to abuse the planet, but to protect the ecosytem that allowed us to be created, by domesticating animals we are forcing them to evolve into an animal lower than us that we can abuse, where as in the wild it may be possible for them to evolve to our equals.

as for killing humans, that is not the only solution, we could use eugenics, 1 child laws, or just restrict living space so that we are forced to develop means of supporting a large population
I did say that with our intelligence and power we have made grave mistakes, we have to learn from them, but that does not always happen.
Dudeyhed said:
Personally I think so.
But what do you think?

What do you mean, self-defence, sport, food, scientific experiment, because you feel like it.
Or all of the above?

Jan Ardena.
OK....let me start off wid just a little not jumping down pples throats yet it agrivates me 2 a point.....ok #1 how the hell would u know if animals didnt have a language,...if the dont live in socitys...if u think about it herds of animals clans an so on that is a type of comuntiy an they talk to each other warning each other they do have a type of language just cause they dont have a lyranx doesnt mean they cant understand anything it doesnt make us more superior just more evoled....and to add to that a lion warns other male lions of their territory so yeah i think we tie with animals right there.....i cant think of a #2 due 2 a severe migrane but ill come back an add 2 it later
How do I know that an animal does not have language? Well, let me start like this: Animals can make noises, like a birds song for example. One might be inclined to call that a language, right? After all it is used for communication.
But, those sounds are inherent to those birds, just as a human baby can cry when it is born. Yet, would you call a babies cry language? I would not, and my fellow linguists would agree on that, it is just communication.
Furthermore, their language and there communities are static, the hierarchies are inherent and the way it works is always the same.
Of course, it is not that hard to condition animals to do things, I can give a dog food when he comes to my call, after a while, he will also come without me having a treat for him. The same can be done to teach a gorilla sign language, but they cannot create own words or word combinations with it, they can only imitate what was taught to them.

Oh and if we are not superior, then tell me why we can do pretty much all we want on this planet? Why do we have gods, philosophers, technology, the capability to survive with our intellects where other species are unable to reach and survive?
Give me one good proof that we are not a superior species.
I'm glad there are animal rights laws in place so that humans face punishment if they mistreat or kill an animal. I wish people would show their children as they grow up that animals are valuable and innocent.

However (though this is a bit off-topic), if I had to kill 20,000 bunnies to save one human from dying of a disease or condition I would. Animals should not be killed needlessly but I think it is arguable that a human being has much more to contribute to the world than any animal. It is important to note, though, that I think it would be appropriate to deal with said soon to be dead bunnies as respectfully as possible and to do our best to make sure that we could replace those bunnies in some way with all the science and education we have come to grasp.

Is there any national holiday dedicated to animals in some way? Just curious.
I agree with that, and no, there is no national holiday for animals to my knowlegde, at least not in Germany and the bordering countries.
ok heres a good reason humans are not surperior to things in this world... can we contain nature?? i mean think about it we just live here through a cycle ne wayz not all of us believe in god not sayin i dont i just hate the fucker but thats just me an on top of doesnt mean a thing that u could teach things 2 dogs to do stuff...take a horse for example...ok sure we domesticated them well native americans did in the us but....take that 10 ton animal an put a rider on him/her an say that rider does something that said horse dislikes....well then that rider is comming off that animals back in the click of 2 fingures....ive learnt an i ride so how else would i know....
but ne wayz 2 say an animal doesnt do stuff on its own watch a few flinches or animals in the wild....they scream in their own sence communtication or not to warn the same specias an things like that yet just take a second and watch them....srry i got a bit leangthy but my internet is messed up so i kinda wont be posting 4 a while if u guys want 2 IM me on AIM or s/n is RaVerBlood14....aightness laterz 4 now ne wayz
Damn, someone should go ahead and teach that person some language...

Anyway, the post does not stand in conflict with mine.(At least I think so, it is a bit hard to understand)
Crap, can anyone understand this kid? Wtf do you want to tell us?
Or are you some kind of animal which was trained to type such crap, but which weird soab would violate an animal in such a gross way? Does anybody know an answer to this? Please help me understand this.
It seems he's not the only limited one here. Ok, so I explain.

He probably is male (raver+blood), 14 years old (kids like to include their age in the screen names), lives in the USA (aol and aim), spends a lot of time on the internet and particulary the chatrooms (kid talk, chatroom "spelling"), although has little knowledge of it (the i-net) ("aol or aim"), his parents don't know much of it too (have aol), isn't interested in school much (grammar, spelling, style).
What I love about this argument is the fact that, no matter what stance I see people take, everyone still seems to assume that evolution stops with us. We will continue to change and improve; time won't stop simply because we've found the means to reach across the world with a number and can actively acknowledge our own existence. Are the first humans inferior because they didn't appear to have the same capabilities? If the difference between human and animal is simply a matter of language and comprehension, can a new method of communication be dreamt up a thousand years from now and abruptly render ours so obsolete that we are no longer considered human ourselves? Without God as the default explanation we really have no real viable grounds to say we are necessarily a superior species. It's true--we *can* do what we want with the planet, we have that power, but unlike animals we give nothing back; animals demonstrate an efficiency that most humans can only dream of and have found away to co-exist--to *give* as well as take. Are they still to be considered inferior?

It does seem unanimous, though, that humans have the advantage of a 'higher form' of intelligence: that is, we are capable of great things because we have the imagination to be so. Following that theory, humanity could theoretically be measured by how much one is capable of thinking outside the box--and if that must be taught, is humanity really the constant in a human life?
Well, me, for my part I do not think that we are the peak of evolution since it did not stop. I merely say that we are superior to a chicken, a cow, an eagle and whatnot. Nor did I say that only language and comprehension, it is also size of brain, lack of hair, way of movement and all the other biological stuff.

Coexistance? Well, what is coexisting about a tapeworm in a pigs guts? Or a wolf who is only predator, never pray? The whole idea of nature being a perfect balance is faulty. We humans at least give our bodies to worms and our leftovers to insects, rats, birds and many, many more. Another stupid thing, we see ourselves outside nature, but we are not.

No, humans are just animals, I merely said that we managed to hold the top of the food-chain, hence it seems reasonable to proclaim us as the current peak of evolution.
OK...let me tell u pple who the heck i am...ok, no i dont like school an im most likly gonna drop out... maybe im on, i think my parents dont care bought it i have aol....and im actually 15...i was 14 2 when i made my xanga...but 14 is a horse jokey # for barrelers like country country a pissed off kid and to understand me u gotta understand getto talk.....GOD am i talking to a wall.....jeesh if u pple r on this thing do explain... dont u know how internet jabber works?...aye my english teacher would be sad......and yes i do act getto i grew up mostly around city pples my god ok im not under the microscope so evalute this....

ok who ever first spread aids....isnt that cool but its such a well known desiese then where did it evolve in africa by a gay dude who got bitten by a monkey?....hmmmm most likly......answear this ? and i might agree to talk 2 pple again....or else ill just die...but wtev
oh yeah an the only chat rooms i go on ever is when i make one myself and invite all my friends so people wont keep i/m ing me they just get invited cept for my if u wanted to know i think u avatar... let me guess at u ok ur a 30 year old lady who likes to talk bought kids whi misbehave....maybe....then ur a stuck up person who cant understand why her socks went missing yesterday when ur poodle...dyed pink ate who in the world is that mean dying their poodle pink....ok then u cant understand y..."kids these days" have 2 include age or wutever else is wanted into screennames....oh an #2 14 is my lucky # along wid 37,...45(which was my soccer #...) along wid get overself and welcome to the new world