Is it wrong to kill an animal?

aight well yeah i messed my knee up a while ago an it was just one of those out of the blue questions from me: But i was reading over something in the odysseyan i reliezed something....well see oddsseus an his men go to an island of cows an athena does her thing and tells them if they eat the cows some will be killed ect... well when odysseus sleeps his crew kills the cows?!?...but i mean its a flaw in human nature so if say someone was to be killing an animal wouldnt they have rightous im kind of a nuetral person right now but i dont know i dont like meat it just tastes like crap an i love greens...ect...but if you took human flaw onto that again then wouldnt this fall into the same thing?...its just one of those questions that kind of makes sence and stuff nect to the fact the odyssey was written a really long time ago...!!
It was wrong for the crew to eat the cows because they were holy cows, they belonged to a deity. It was fine for Greeks to eat ordinary cattle and sacrifice undesired parts to the gods. Not fine, it was the perscribed behaviour. Disobeying gods' will is the wrong that the crew did; this theme is discussed in other peoples' myths, too.

What human flaws? Humans have no flaws, they are just the way they were intended to be, on the whole and individually.
Ummmm ok let me just say this...i was always taught and still am that all humans have a form of flaws. whether it be greed, hate, ect...(cant think anymore) well those are initiated as human flaws. qualities that are seemed to be taken aback by some and pushed on by others. I just finished reading a book called a girl named disater...pretty good...but ummm like when a person dies its custome in real life and in the book to sacrifice a cow, they didnt eat the cow nor did they end up eating it in the odsseuy. (exuse my spelling but i really dont like the spellcheack thing to be honest i think it sucks) but the whole fact of being human and having true human nature its all bassed on flaws if you look at it from a 3rd person perspective, is it not? I always try to take a deeper look into other peoples veiw but those who think that life is just gonna go on with or without them going along isn't easy along with the people who think they know what they speak of but in trueth don't...(im not saying it to anyone its just generally put) but like if you see from that veiw 24/7 then would it or not show human life as a flaw as we make mistakes but we tend to learn from them??....
Ye, go believe what you're taught. Who said greed and hate are flaws? Christians did, I know. Why not hate someone who has done you great trouble? Why not be greedy and look out for yourself? Why do you say ignorance is a flaw when it is bliss? These are natural and necessary traits. Same as eating meat and fish: necessary, natural. Well, for some it's not natural or necessary, so they're fine the way they are. It's not "wrong" to go against human nature, either (well, impossible, really). And the whole issue of "right" and "wrong".... Ugh, there are better things.
haha....everyone shuts up for a while...i died so everyone else died... :rolleyes: means nothing to me if no one agrees with me. My ear bleeds an last night i almost passed out so i think i am dieing. I got hit and then my ear started to i'm cool with it. took 8 people to hold me off this guy but i do not know anymore. it took an old teacher and a razor blade to switch my veiws around. so thats all i have to last words here shalt read...

If practice makes perfect, an you go to school for practice but then no one is perfect...then why practice?? :confused:
"Ye, go believe what you're taught. Who said greed and hate are flaws? Christians did, I know. Why not hate someone who has done you great trouble? Why not be greedy and look out for yourself? Why do you say ignorance is a flaw when it is bliss? These are natural and necessary traits. Same as eating meat and fish: necessary, natural. Well, for some it's not natural or necessary, so they're fine the way they are. It's not "wrong" to go against human nature, either (well, impossible, really). And the whole issue of "right" and "wrong".... Ugh, there are better things."

In case no one told you, you live in a little thing called "civilization". A great many of the things you consider natural are true enough, but living in a state of civilization has rules. But you're perfect and have no inclination or reason to improve yourself. You said so.
Yes, it is completed circumstantial. If an animal is endangered then it is not to be killed unless it is violent or causing problems. But as far as cattle and live stock, then it doesen't matter. We have so much of them that the loss of some doesen't really effect us. And what would life be without meat? I'd say it'd be pretty boring, as far as food goes.

Hunting is a popular pastime as well, furs, purses, shoes, hats. All made out of animals. Do you feel bad when you swat a Mosquito from the air or step on a Roach? What's the difference between them and fuzzy bunnies? That is where the animal rights people like the A.S.P.C.A. mess up.

as for a fact, we are not the only species in this universe considered to be intelligent, in fact there is highly intelligent benevolent being that came here on earth and look upon humans just like we look at animals in the zoo, because even close to evolve as they are, if humans were to be in upfront and personal contact, the result will be devastated to humans.
humans got a limited time to evolve spiritually on earth because earth is an intelligence by itself. according to Creational Laws, animal killing is completely
a depth, just like you take credit from the bank, slaughterhouses causes more suffering to the world, because it's vibration polluted the atmosphere of fear. eating an animal is ingested fear, viciousness, violence, thus affect's human minds. animals have a nervous system that when they are slaughtered, they are very frightened which causes a negative vibration in there body, and that's what many ingested. humans have the ability to evolve with there intelligence to be greater. in order to evolve, a human needs to controlled the five senses SIGHT,HEARING,SMELL,TASTE, FEEL and go further.
I believe in natural selection, and if an animal is causing problems, it needs to be put down. But sometimes I really want to kill animals for no reason other than to piss off all those animal rights people.

So, no, it's not wrong to kill an animal if it is causing disruption in human society.

I feel you are causing disruption by killing an animal just to provoke other people. Perhaps we should put you down.
I feel you are causing disruption by killing an animal just to provoke other people. Perhaps we should put you down.

See, Enmos? See how easy it is to have those feelings of killing another animal? And your's was killing another human animal, unlike that other poster. :D

Baron Max
See, Enmos? See how easy it is to have those feelings of killing another animal? And your's was killing another human animal, unlike that other poster. :D

Baron Max

I don't really want to kill him, I'm just making a point :p
Personally I think so.
But what do you think?

It depends on...
Why you killed it. What kind of animal it is. How you killed it.

I think killing an animal slowly is inhumane. Then I think of all the animals that have died in labs so that we can cure diseases. So I have to rethink that.