Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Killing things is good.

1.) We have domesticated species that have no place in the natural food chain.
-All of the food animals we have were released into the wild/not killed and set free, it would disrupt the natural balance and over flood the system with predators. We have created a system where the only balance is to kill animals.

2. Population control (ie. hunting and releasing)
-We have the ability to predict when an area is going to be 'damaged' by an overabundance of herbivors or predators. By controlling population sizes, we can prevent larger changes in the ecosystem.

3. Disease control
-In order to controll the spread of disease,, not only to humans, but also other species, selected killing is necessary.

4. We are alsoo a part of the natural order of things.
-Reguardless of moral concepts of 'right' and 'wrong', we can kill things, and it is therefore right on a natural level. The fact that we have technology doesn't alter this. Some primates use simple tools to get food. We just have better ones. Birds build nests, we build condos. Most species can and will change the enviroment, from insects to people. It is the natural way of things.

To say that people have equal value to animals ( an idea I agree with) and then to say we have an unfare advantage, or a responsibility to protect them, is a self defeating argument. If we are equal in value, we are equal in responsibility. I don't see lions and sharks worried about upsetting their ecosystems. They live and deal with the consequence.

I do agree with Dr. Lou that the way we kill isn't fair or respectful and personally, I think that sport hunting shuld be done with nothing but primitive bows and knives, but this is life , and not a popularity contest.

What about plants? Are they not alive? Just because they aren't animal life, they are suddenly less alive and therefore deserve to be killed? In reality, we treat plants no different than animals, and that is the way it should be. I am against cruelty, but lets be honest: There is no nice way of taking life. As long as its fairly quick, that is about the most that can be asked.

We are not the only species to kill and not eat the entire corpse. We are not the only species that kills for fun, We are not the only species that doesn't need to hunt constantly to survive. Look at alot of savah predators. Many of them hide caches of food for the future.

Point being we can, so in any important (ie natural) way, it is right and justifiable to kill anything we so choose.
Lou Natic,

Perhaps if you could relate to the crying faces of the orphaned baby elephants as you can with the humans you would think twice before suggesting such a stupid thing.
Just because you can't see yourself in their eyes makes them less important? Thats pathetic...

Their is something very wrong if you assign them more value than you do other members of your own species. If you do not do so, then you are capable of devalueing other humans without remorse. That makes me sick far more than your overtly emotional reacton to my supposed lack of compassion for animals. I care about nature, but if I see someone sitting underneath a tree hobbling in the cold, I would rather cut that tree down and build a roof over that persons head, while you would seem to leave him their to shiver in the cold.
Killing animals for food seems to be fine for me, but then even the definition of killable animal is stretched somewhat. Sure its o.k to kill chickens if you want to eat them but does anyone thinks its o.k to do the same for dogs and cats?

(Answer: Mainstream western society says no)
Originally posted by Drakkon
Sure its o.k to kill chickens if you want to eat them but does anyone thinks its o.k to do the same for dogs and cats?

Well, If you are going to eat them, sure..
but if you have me over for dinner, don't tell me whats in the main course.

Hell, as far as I am concerned, eating people is ok. Ever looked at your own thigh? You realize how much meat is on that thing? :eek:
Then again most people do hate practicality.
Cannibalism... humans only do that as a last resort in situations of desparation. If we were running around killing each other for food i'm not sure civalization would work right.

As far as Dogs and Cats go, that's a cultural thing. In China and much of the Far East, it's as good as chicken.
I believe it is right to kill an animal under any of the following circumstances

1: The animal is about to kill or seriously harm you or someone else (or maybe another animal you have)

2: The animal is destroying all of your food supply, so that, in fact, you will die from starvation if you don't kill it.

3: You or someone else needs the animal for food badly.

4: You or someone else needs the animal for shelter badly.

5: There is a viscious animal that is about to kill you (looking for food), so you flush out a few other animals from the bushes to distract it and possibly get it to eat one of them, rather than you.
Well if people dont reieze that even as we kill off animals we r mutliplying more an needing 2 kill if we stopped screwing around w/ our next door neighbors then there would be less people to feed.....
i just have a quik question now i dont personaly eat pig i dislike meat so i guess that makes me with vegiterain eyes but my parents make me eat it......but whats so wrong with killing pigs?!?!?!? its just a ? so dont get jumpy an its one comming from an inquiring mind...... :confused:
i watched my horse die when i was 8 after that i didnt eat meat unless forced 2 as my folks do an i HATE them for it........but still i dont understand this pig thing....please include me in im loster than lost..... :eek:
that wolud make you an american vegetarian, 90% of all american "vegetarians" have eaten meat in the last 48 hours.

if you dont want to eat it then just make your own food, your parents only make you eat it because they dont wanna cook 2 meals, i started cooking for myself 4 years ago coz my mums vegetarian food tasted like shit
It's not wrong to kill any animal, least of all humans. But "wrong" in itself is a broken construct (i.e. it's "wrong")
Raver14 said:
Well if people dont reieze that even as we kill off animals we r mutliplying more an needing 2 kill more.....

No "vegetarians" and "vegans" seem to want to realize this: the only way to "save" nature is to stop human growth and in fact cut our size back to pre-1950s levels :)

Killing animals can be wrong in some circumstances but not wrong in others. For instance, if I was to kill all mosquitos, that would be wrong. I'd be killing an organism that cannot replentish itself, eventually harming the ecosystem, which would harm other humans. Same with killing another's pet. Wrong not because of an instrinsic worth of the animals but because another values that pet. Some times the harm isn't obvious but is still there. Harming an animal harms us psychologically; some serial killers have been known to have pleasure in harming animals. This harm is not done to another but to ourselves. Still, it is wrong. (The harm to ourselves eventually propagates to others.)
ok but c though even if i could make my own food my parents r gay an will make me eat sum type of meat an it makes me mad as in 2 say not all serial killers take pleasure in killing animals or other pple sum of them r forced to do it by another type of pressure an wat did make them start to kill....a bad growing up......
an another thing if vegitariens eat veggies....which have living organisms in it to make their own food an so on...then r'nt we still being evil an killing a type of animal??
Raver14 said:

my parents r gay

As I understand it, then, you ought to be thankful to be alive.

What is this, the immaculate conception redux?
Raver14 said:
an another thing if vegitariens eat veggies....which have living organisms in it to make their own food an so on...then r'nt we still being evil an killing a type of animal??
if you are meaning that plants grow on proteins from animals, well yes, as i have said soomewhere else here, everything on th planet is recycled, and in the end we eat proteins recycled from animals and even humans before us which becomes a part of us from then on, so we are made up of dead people, every breath we take we breath death, every step we take are walking on the dead ;)

strangely enough, carnivores seem to be grossed out by this while vegetarians can accept it as a fact of life :bugeye:

and if your parents want you to eat meat, tell them that as long as you are made to eat meat you will not speak to them or do anything they ask. and if you are 16 then get a job and move out ;)
android said:
No "vegetarians" and "vegans" seem to want to realize this: the only way to "save" nature is to stop human growth and in fact cut our size back to pre-1950s levels :)


i am quite happy to "thin out the numbers" of humans(especially yanks), but i wolud not harm an animal because it is not able to fight back, we are using an unfair advantage against them. if you want to go tackle a buffalo and kill it with a rock then thats fine, but if they are grown in a field, fenced in and herded into a factory where they are systematically killed, thats where i have the problem
why is it that when i say that animals have rights just as humans, you all jump up and proclaim animalism, yet in everyday life you promote yourselves above them, and consider them to be much lesser beings, you people need to make up your mind
Ah, who exactly cares about animals? Ok, I would have to agree that you cannot just kill them wantonly, that would probably lead to the extinction of whole species; but a controlled slaughtering for consumption bears no problem for me. After all, I, we, have to eat something, and meat surely is a very important food for our bodies.

So, Vslayer has a problem with the "mass-production" of animals... I do not think that it would be much better when we stop that and go out hunting them, there are not enough wild animals to sustain humanity.
Of course, now you could say that we just need to reduce mankind, but how exactly can you advocate the systematic killing of one animal (humans) to stop the systematic killing of other animals? Somehow I fail to see the logic, and I think it would be an evolutionary and a cultural backstep.

Oh, and yes, I would also say that humans are superoir to animals, we have developed a culture, languages, technologies and as far as I know, we are one of the most longlived species around. We have the evolutionary upper hand and as a result we are the most powerful species on this planet. Alas, I admit that we have made mistakes, and for such an influential species as humans, such mistakesare costly, not only for ourselves but for the whole planet.
Anyway, just because I consider humans to be superior does not mean I do not accredit certain rights to animals, but fact is, better them than us. As far as I know we are the only species that is conscient of our existence to this extend. So in a way, we have more to loose than a cow or a mouse.
"Humans think they are smarter than dolphins because we build cars and buildings and start wars etc...and all that dolphins do is swim in the water, eat fish and play around. Dolphins believe that they are smarter for exactly the same reasons."
-- Douglas Adams