Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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How did you become like this?

It is beneath you!

You are better than this!

First, I note that you're not evidencing any intention of honestly addressing the points I've put to you in previous posts. I assume it is because you have no good answers of your own to my objections to your position.

Second, I am intrigued as to why you think my gender is at all relevant. Suppose I am a woman, for the sake of argument. What then? "Well, she would be pro-choice, because she's a woman!" Is that how it would go?

If you think that being a woman makes you more likely to be pro-choice, who knows? Maybe you're right. If it does make it more likely, then you have some thinking to do about what women might understand about abortion that you, as a man, haven't cottoned onto yet.

On the other hand, maybe you're saying that if I'm a woman, then my "bias" on the abortion topic is a given, and therefore my views should be discounted as hysterical ranting from the weaker sex. That would be consistent with your opinions so far, which seem to consider women to be people who should not have a voice, even when it comes to control over their own bodies. Because men, being superior and all, know what's best for the little ladies - far better than they know themselves. Is that how it goes?

Do you imagine that if I am woman that you can safely ignore anything I have to say about the topic? Would that be more convenient for you that to assume I'm a man, like you? Do you feel more obliged to listen to what men have to say?

Or maybe you assume I must be a woman because no man would willing cede the power to control women's bodies to women themselves? That's a crazy idea - treating women as other than subordinates to men. Is that how it works for you?

Finally, it occurs to me that you actually think I'm a man, but you think that I will be insulted if you call me a woman. That, again, tends to suggest that you regard women as inferior creatures.

Here's what I suggest: you're making a very poor show in your failure to respond to any of the substance on this topic of discussion. Therefore, you should assume, for now, that I'm of whichever gender makes you more likely to actually attempt to make an argument of your own to support your position. You should also understand that I won't be in the least insulted if you assume I'm a woman, so if that's your intent you can take it as just one more failure that exposes your moral vacuity.

James, as a woman you would force the death of innocent children, for any reason!

How many of your own children have you killed?

How old would they be now?

This is a Depravity for women, where they have rejected the natural functions of their own bodies!

The life givers become life takers. Murderers!!!

It is so depraved, I do not need to answer any of your questions. My answers would not help you become less depraved.

You would have to submit yourself to Jesus. He is the only answer for your Pain and Depravity.

You are so brilliant you have made yourself depraved.
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James, as a woman you would force the death of innocent children, for any reason!
I wouldn't ever do that. I would, in some circumstances, be OK with abortion. But those cases are rare.
This is a Depravity for women, where they have rejected the natural functions of their own bodies!
So have I! I've used birth control and rejected the natural function of my own body! I am a MURDERER!
You are so brilliant you have made yourself depraved.
I think it's pretty depraved to force a woman to carry a rapist's child, or condemn a woman (or another fetus) to death to push your anti-woman agenda. I guess you'll have to answer to God for that.
I wouldn't ever do that. I would, in some circumstances, be OK with abortion. But those cases are rare.

So have I! I've used birth control and rejected the natural function of my own body! I am a MURDERER!

I think it's pretty depraved to force a woman to carry a rapist's child, or condemn a woman (or another fetus) to death to push your anti-woman agenda. I guess you'll have to answer to God for that.

Feminism teaches women they can kill their own children for any reason!!!

I love and respect women, especially my wife who has a Masters Degree, is a great blessing to her patients in the hospital healing life, not destroying it, and we have three wonderful sons.

My wife hates Abortion!!!
Feminism teaches women they can kill their own children for any reason!!!
Nope. Sorry, that's a lie. Isn't lying a sin? Because you seem to be talking about sin a lot.
I love and respect women . . .
But apparently don't believe they should be allowed to make their own decisions.
My wife hates Abortion!!!
Great! I support her right to not get one. I do not support her right to force a rape victim to have her rapist's child - or to force a woman to risk her own life to give birth to a dead fetus.
Feminism teaches women they can kill their own children for any reason!!!

I love and respect women, especially my wife who has a Masters Degree, is a great blessing to her patients in the hospital healing life, not destroying it, and we have three wonderful sons.

My wife hates Abortion!!!
You're sick.
Nope. Sorry, that's a lie. Isn't lying a sin? Because you seem to be talking about sin a lot.

But apparently don't believe they should be allowed to make their own decisions.

Great! I support her right to not get one. I do not support her right to force a rape victim to have her rapist's child - or to force a woman to risk her own life to give birth to a dead fetus.

I hope I am wrong!

What precisely does Feminism teach women about forcing the death of their own children in their womb?
What precisely does Feminism teach women about forcing the death of their own children in their womb?
Feminism teaches that women have rights, including the right as to whether to risk their own life to carry a fetus to term. It does not "force" women to get abortions, merely tells them they have the right to decide.
Feminism teaches that women have rights, including the right as to whether to risk their own life to carry a fetus to term. It does not "force" women to get abortions, merely tells them they have the right to decide.

Is it silent on the rights of the baby in their womb?

Does it give their children any rights?

Does it even give her husband, the father, any rights?

Or does she have the “right” under feminism to kill his child at will?
Is it silent on the rights of the baby in their womb?
Nope. They talk quite a bit about when abortion is legal and when it isn't.
Does it give their children any rights?
Yes, they talk a lot about children's rights (which are different than fetal "rights.")
Does it even give her husband, the father, any rights?
Yes, current law does give the father quite a lot of rights. In many places in the US, a man can rape someone and then sue for custody of the child. Would you support that?
Or does she have the “right” under feminism to kill his child at will?
No one in the US has a right to kill a child, period.

I know you are trying make it seem like child and fetus are the same thing, but that's another lie. Isn't lying a sin?
Nope. They talk quite a bit about when abortion is legal and when it isn't.

Yes, they talk a lot about children's rights (which are different than fetal "rights.")

Yes, current law does give the father quite a lot of rights. In many places in the US, a man can rape someone and then sue for custody of the child. Would you support that?

No one in the US has a right to kill a child, period.

I know you are trying make it seem like child and fetus are the same thing, but that's another lie. Isn't lying a sin?

Thank God!

Looks like I was wrong!!!

See the Excellent Article below...
I know you are trying make it seem like child and fetus are the same thing, but that's another lie. Isn't lying a sin?

I am not lying!

The only reason you use the word “fetus” instead of the word “Baby” or “Child”, which has been an appropriate description for thousands of years, is to dehumanize the Baby to make her a non-human, which is scientifically impossible (empirically) under normal circumstances!!!

And this is very clearly a return to Nazi dehumanizing techniques. The intellectual mental virus continues in You, and throughout the ages...

Such a self-deception and practice is, of course, evil.
I am not lying!

The only reason you use the word “fetus” instead of the word “Baby” or “Child”, which has been an appropriate description for thousands of years, is to dehumanize the Baby to make her a non-human, which is scientifically impossible (empirically) under normal circumstances!!!

And this is very clearly a return to Nazi dehumanizing techniques. The intellectual mental virus continues in You, and throughout the ages...

Such a self-deception and practice is, of course, evil.
Do all zygotes go to heaven?
@SetiAlpha, is this thread directed towards women, as if women are acting alone in unprotected sex, unconcerned that it could potentially lead to an abortion? How about men? Shouldn't they be partially responsible for protecting a woman from getting pregnant in the first place?
Do all zygotes go to heaven?

I don’t know!

But all female zygotes are empirically human. The males are as well.

You all are good with China’s policy of killing the females and keeping the males, right?

Of course you are!!!

You have to be!!!

Personally, I think it is an evil practice!!!

But then “Evil” does not even exist in your faith religion, “Naturalism”.
@SetiAlpha, is this thread directed towards women, as if women are acting alone in unprotected sex knowing it will lead to an abortion? How about men? Are they responsible for protecting a woman from getting pregnant in the first place?
This guy has no respect, to him, women are all sperm dumpsters.

I wouldn't be surprised if he believes in female circumcision.
@SetiAlpha, is this thread directed towards women, as if women are acting alone in unprotected sex, unconcerned that it could potentially lead to an abortion? How about men? Are they responsible for protecting a woman from getting pregnant in the first place?

No, men bear a far greater responsibility, for this human nightmare!!!
I don’t know!

But all female zygotes are empirically human. The males are as well.

You all are good with China’s policy of killing the females and keeping the males, right?

Of course you are!!!

You have to be!!!

Personally, I think it is an evil practice!!!

But then “Evil” does not even exist in your faith religion, “Naturalism”.

I am not lying! The only reason you use the word “fetus” instead of the word “Baby” or “Child”, which has been an appropriate description for thousands of years, is to dehumanize the Baby to make her a non-human, which is scientifically impossible (empirically) under normal circumstances!!!
No, it's because it is the actual definition in the real world. You try to conflate fetus and baby so that someone thinks the death of a 4 week old fetus is the same thing as murdering a 2 year old.

Isn't lying a sin? You've lied many, many times now. Why should anyone believe an immoral liar who tries to preach about morality?
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