Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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Really? ! ! !

Why then, are you constantly framing God as being evil, in your posts?
I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to. Perhaps you're thinking about the general problem of why your God allows great evil in His Creation. I notice you have no answer to that. Something for you to think about.

I love you but it would be exhausting to try and take down all of your straw men arguments, or to say no, and here is why, to all of them, and then wait for you to build yet another straw man to exhaust me with.
Straw men arguments? Again, I'm puzzled as to what you're talking about. Have I misrepresented your views in some way?

I do not have to respond to all of them or even any of them...
Of course. Readers can judge for themselves how intellectually honest you are (or not). Part of that judgment will depend, no doubt, on how much you avoid addressing the difficult questions. I would have expected that somebody who is so dogmatic in telling other people how the world is would have been able to deal with reasonable questions about his beliefs.

Judgment of His own creation is exclusively God’s ability and His right.
Certainly it's within God's ability, if he is all he is cracked up to be. As for rights, in your God's world, where he gets to dictate all the rules, rights are irrelevant. God is an absolute dictator. You've told me, remember, that God gets to decide what is and isn't moral, absolutely, and that human beings don't get to ask questions, or else!

Do you know of any occurrences of God’s wrath where His love for one was not the root cause of His judgment for another.
There are a lot of examples of that kind of thing in the bible. The biblical God - especially the Old Testament version - is about as petty a tyrant as any human dictator.

Where one party abused another party, sometimes for centuries. And so He removed them from the earth.
Is this about killing the first-born sons of Egypt? Are you defending that action of God's? Do you think it was fair for your God to take out his wrath on innocent children - to punish them for the sins of their fathers or earlier ancestors?

Basically because nothing else would protect the abused.
So your God, in his infinite power, could not come up with a viable solution that didn't involve killing innocent people? Is that what you're telling me?

Where the abusers, even an entire nation, would never repent, even after hundreds of years of sending warnings to them.
And this justifies the killing of babies, among others, does it? I thought you said all life is precious. Not the enemies of Israel, though?

As far as I understand, His wrath is always rooted in love. Seems strange, but appears to be accurate to me.
Then I'm sure you'll explain the love your God showed when he killed all those innocent children.

Show me how I am wrong.
Can't you see the problem for yourself? Really? Is this what your religion does to you? Does it blind you to obvious injustices?

Your heart is right on target!

Your heart is very beautiful!!!
Thanks so much, but I'd rather have an honest discussion with you than be subjected to your dismissive flattery.
You might take a look, at least for myself, I saw no mention of rape. That requires a leap for me never stated in the text.

You know God hates rape, right?
"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man intimately. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not known a man intimately."
What is your interpretation of God's purpose for the young girls who have not known a man intimately?

So, the Israelites weren't going to rape them, but they were to have the girls "for yourselves". Have them in what way, for what purpose? Perhaps God was instructing the Israelites to marry the young virgins, and not to have sex with them. Is that what you think? Do you think God intended for the young virgins to marry the men who had killed their parents? Tell me why is this good and right. Explain to me why you think this is a moral act on the part of God, if you're going to defend it.

While you're at it, tell me why killing "every male among the little ones" was a good instruction from your God. We're talking innocent children again, there, aren't we? Explain to me why it was good and right for God's people to kill those children, and why it was good and right for God to instruct them to do that.

And you did notice that a plague went through the people, right?

So apparently God was trying to protect them from the spread of a plague.
Well they sure wouldn't catch the plague once they were dead. Is this the protection your God offers?

Trying to understand it myself.
You're having a hard time understanding that it's wrong to kill innocent people, or to order their killing? What's the difficulty?

Wow, you will twist anything to make God appear evil.
Explain how this passage has been twisted by the evil atheists. Explain to me how you read it in your religion. I want to understand why this is good and right, in your morality.


Miss application after miss application of the Bible!

Not even close to reality!
You really need to do a lot better than feigning outrage and blaming the messenger.

If the bible is being mis-applied here, tell us how you interpret it. Give us the interpretation that your Church approves.

This conversation is too wicked for me to continue on in.
Too difficult for you, you mean. Inconvenient questions. Therefore, turn a blind eye and hope it goes away. Is this what your religion teaches you?

God would have destroyed them for raping those girls!
More killing by God? Because, you know, two wrongs make a right.

You hate God!
What God worthy of being worshipped would order (or carry out) the killing of innocent people?

And want to spread that virus to me which I will never allow!

We are at an end.
See no evil. Hear no evil. Cover your ears when people start asking inconvenient questions. Is this what you've learned in your religion? Turn a blind eye to injustice and evil when it is done in the name of the Lord?
Originally reported on Sky News (I think):

British judge orders disabled 22-week pregnant woman to have abortion


But the judge said the woman didn’t have the mental capacity to make her own decisions even it look like she wanted to continue the pregnancy.


Police are reportedly investigating how the pregnancy happened in the first place.

I met this guy that I treated normally at first, but he has the same kind of condition. I kept him at arms length pretty quick. Put on my dead-pan super powers lest he fall in love with me; I am not the slut of the universe and it's a lot safer to masturbate.


I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to. Perhaps you're thinking about the general problem of why your God allows great evil in His Creation. I notice you have no answer to that. Something for you to think about.

Straw men arguments? Again, I'm puzzled as to what you're talking about. Have I misrepresented your views in some way?

Of course. Readers can judge for themselves how intellectually honest you are (or not). Part of that judgment will depend, no doubt, on how much you avoid addressing the difficult questions. I would have expected that somebody who is so dogmatic in telling other people how the world is would have been able to deal with reasonable questions about his beliefs.

Certainly it's within God's ability, if he is all he is cracked up to be. As for rights, in your God's world, where he gets to dictate all the rules, rights are irrelevant. God is an absolute dictator. You've told me, remember, that God gets to decide what is and isn't moral, absolutely, and that human beings don't get to ask questions, or else!

There are a lot of examples of that kind of thing in the bible. The biblical God - especially the Old Testament version - is about as petty a tyrant as any human dictator.

Is this about killing the first-born sons of Egypt? Are you defending that action of God's? Do you think it was fair for your God to take out his wrath on innocent children - to punish them for the sins of their fathers or earlier ancestors?

So your God, in his infinite power, could not come up with a viable solution that didn't involve killing innocent people? Is that what you're telling me?

And this justifies the killing of babies, among others, does it? I thought you said all life is precious. Not the enemies of Israel, though?

Then I'm sure you'll explain the love your God showed when he killed all those innocent children.

Can't you see the problem for yourself? Really? Is this what your religion does to you? Does it blind you to obvious injustices?

Thanks so much, but I'd rather have an honest discussion with you than be subjected to your dismissive flattery.

As I said, you have a very beautiful heart. That is not flattery, I sincerely mean that. It is the whole reason these accounts bother you in the first place!

Basically, without going into a lengthy argument, many of these types of accounts, which should not even be there if all of this was fabricated, are loving on a Worldwide scale.

Can you conceive of how that could be?
As I said, you have a very beautiful heart. That is not flattery, I sincerely mean that. It is the whole reason these accounts bother you in the first place!

Basically, without going into a lengthy argument, many of these types of accounts, which should not even be there if all of this was fabricated, are loving on a Worldwide scale.

Can you conceive of how that could be?

Many of these accounts describe people who worship demons, enslave temple prostitutes, and sacrifice their own children alive on altars to those demons.

They are like a cancer in the body, and they will spread and raise generation after generation to worship demons after them. And they can even spread this mental virus throughout the world until all men are wicked.

God has rightfully judged this kind of behavior over and over again because it is evil, and is detestable. They must be cut out of the world like cancer must be cut out of the body, to save the whole body (world).

It is a matter of perspective. I hate what happened, but these people chose their own fate with their own free choice. They were warned by God and they refused to repent. Their choice!

God is completely innocent of their wicked choices.

He warned them in advance, often for centuries, but they would not cease from their evil and repent. How many more thousands of their own children would they have murdered on the altar, had He not stopped them.

So here is the typical nonsense I hear from people. It goes something like this...

Why is there evil if God is good? How can He allow evil to exist, and be good. God must be evil!

And then when God judges a person or nation for being evil and does something about it, perhaps even makes a horrific example out of them to the other nations... ...these same people turn right around and...

They criticize Him for putting a stop to evil, for preventing it from spreading, like cancer. Criticize Him for making an example of them to the other nations. As if He is wicked for doing that. So again, God must be evil!

Apparently God is evil either way He responds to evil.

Evil if He allows it for a season, asking them to stop, warning them over and over again, hoping they will repent, because He loves them and does not want to hurt or destroy them.

And He is also evil if He puts an end to Evil.

I hope and trust you are not doing this kind of thing James. Because it really is a poor approach.

God Bless!
Oh, blah.

Guess I'll burn in Hell for liking ice cream.

How many more thousands of their own children would they have murdered on the altar, had He not stopped them.
God can predict the future, fancy that.
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Sex is fun!
There is more to semen than just sperm.
Semen makes the sexual experience even more enjoyable for women.

there are consequences.
Back to that nasty business of killing children for pay, sometimes a lot of pay, Abortion.

How is it possible for someone to believe in the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and yet also participate in the process of killing a child in a Mother’s womb?

Do they wish they had been killed in their Mother’s womb? Do they wish they were never born?

Can’t they figure out they were also once vulnerable and innocent and inside the womb of their Mother in the same position as that child, just like the child they are about kill?

How do they take part in the murder of another person, who is just like they used to be, and still hold onto, do unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Back to that nasty business of killing children for pay, sometimes a lot of pay, Abortion.

How is it possible for someone to believe in the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and yet also participate in the process of killing a child in a Mother’s womb?

Do they wish they had been killed in their Mother’s womb? Do they wish they were never born?

Can’t they figure out they were also once vulnerable and innocent and inside the womb of their Mother in the same position as that child, just like the child they are about kill?

How do they take part in the murder of another person, who is just like they used to be, and still hold onto, do unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Economic viability means economic feasibility i.e. it should be able to secure financing – whether from public, commercial, or concessional sources – while having a positive impact on society and the environment. Avoiding the wasteful consumption of material resources...

Do you have the secret "God" algorthm?
How is it possible for someone to believe in the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and yet also participate in the process of killing a child in a Mother’s womb?
Because the woman was raped and is trying to put her life back together, without the rapist reappearing and demanding custody?

Because they know the baby will die as soon as it's born, and they want to spare the baby (and the parents) that pain?

Because the woman's life would be at risk for delivering after a risky pregnancy?

Because the parents want to increase the odds of being able to carry a multiple pregnancy close to term, to save as many children as possible?

Would you force a rape victim to bear her rapist's child?

How do they take part in the murder of another person, who is just like they used to be, and still hold onto, do unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Because sometimes it is the least evil of several bad options.
Because the woman was raped and is trying to put her life back together, without the rapist reappearing and demanding custody?

Because they know the baby will die as soon as it's born, and they want to spare the baby (and the parents) that pain?

Because the woman's life would be at risk for delivering after a risky pregnancy?

Because the parents want to increase the odds of being able to carry a multiple pregnancy close to term, to save as many children as possible?

Would you force a rape victim to bear her rapist's child?

Because sometimes it is the least evil of several bad options.

What percentage of the approximately 40-50 million abortions that are committed each year (about 125,000 every day) worldwide, represent the above circumstances or similar?
some good news on a dark subject
India's parliament has approved a bill that makes the Muslim practice of "instant divorce" a criminal offence.

"Triple talaq", as it's known, allows a husband to divorce his wife by repeating the word "talaq" (divorce) three times in any form, including email or text message.

The Supreme Court declared the practice unconstitutional in 2017.

Supporters say the new measure protects Muslim women. Opponents say the punishment is harsh and open to misuse.

Men found in breach of the new law can be jailed for up to three years.

The bill was first tabled in 2017 but stalled in the upper house of parliament, where some MPs called it unfair.

India's governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supports the bill, while the main opposition Congress party opposes it.
What percentage of the approximately 40-50 million abortions that are committed each year (about 125,000 every day) worldwide, represent the above circumstances or similar?

I'll answer your question once you answer mine. Deal?

"Would you force a rape victim to bear her rapist's child?"
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