Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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So far we are throwing out the locations, and the written accounts. Even though they match perfectly in every detail.
Oh, nicely misrepresented.
One more time: the fact that a location actually exists is NOT evidence that the story around it true.
There is no "throwing out of locations".
There's no record whatsoever from Egyptian sources that the Israelites were held, there's no record of the (supposed) plagues.
Other than the Bible what "accounts" of Exodus are there?[1]
Are you able to think for yourself?
Or do you have to have everything in your life Peer-Reviewed?
And a nice way to turn things into a personal attack.
You seem mind controlled!
As opposed to believing something which there is no historical evidence for? Being unable to distinguish between the existence of a location and the narrative around it? Having so little rational argument that you have twist what I write?

1 I don't count the Bible as a reliable source since it is demonstrably flawed in a number of its claims.
If He is real, I think I better obey Him.
Obey him in what? How would you know that what you are told is god's command, is real?

If you were told God is real and commands you to kill an apostate, would you do this?

Who speaks for God?
There are many examples, but one of them that really blows my mind is the account of the Exodus in the Bible. The accuracy between what is written down in the account and what is on the ground still today, really blows my little bitty mind apart.
Ever read a sci-Fi book by Arthur Asimov? The accuracy of the scientific descriptions and what can be verified on the ground or in a lab really blows my mind. Does that make the story true?
Ever read a sci-Fi book by Arthur Asimov? The accuracy of the scientific descriptions and what can be verified on the ground or in a lab really blows my mind. Does that make the story true?
If you can imagine it you can make it real. Truth is relative.
His judgements.
Praise Him!

you are a narcissistic playing the victim for the attention

a lot of what you type is an outright lie.

you lied about your brother dying from A.I.D's but you think thats ok to lie about such things because other people you dissagree with do not count.
so its ok for you to lie about people suffering because it is their own fault that they brought on themselves.

Reporting thread as way, way off-topic.
Ah. Gaslighting. The troll's last refuge.

this type of gasslighting is more a sadistic personality disorder.
the need to play god over others by making them feel something and making them feel pain is the ????? way because anyone can do that and its easy.

is this baconator ?

God in history, means that He is real.
If He is real, I think I better obey Him.
He commands me to love others.
So I try and love others.

But, I am a crazy person!
So don’t read anything I write, OK?

never talking about your own feelings because you dont have any
you have to make up a lie about some fictitious person and then pretend to be them to have their feelings.
it leaves you feeling superior and above others...
gives you what you need to feel powerful.

what you dont have you envy
its a bit of a vicious cycle

i was trying to decide if you are a misogynist with a hate for your own mother as a power and authority figure(classic homicidal domestic abuser subconscious stuff)
but i am not soo sure.
i think you envy women and so feel annoyed

anti abortionists are narcissists
they use other womens suffering to get a feeling of self worth and a purpose to their own sad reality.
very common for cult followers to be needing to paint the devil on something and attack it with all their repressed feelings and lack of personal freedoms.

what are you trying to accomplish ?
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SetiAlpha6, May 1, 2008
It seems that the God of the Bible really has to be better at “flaming” His opponents than anyone could ever conceive of on this forum. I mean He has got it down pat. He just sends them to the eternal flames of hell to burn forever and ever, end of conversation. Please do not try to respond with “flamings” of your own, in trying to one-up God, because that would not be possible, or be very nice. It also might get you banned from this forum.

Can a person be truly “Saved” and still not believe in hell?

Can a person believe in hell and remain good and moral himself or will it make his heart all the darker as he tries to justify the sending of all of his “unelect”, and “unsaved” friends and relatives to hell?

I have my own problems with the doctrine of hell but I am interested in learning more from you all.

Have you ever experienced any personal pain or anguish from this doctrine?

Thank You!

One more time: sites/ locations etc do NOT validate the story of Exodus any more than than the factual existence of 100 Acre Wood proves that Winnie The Pooh is real.

I visited Avraham's cave in southern Turkey (or Syria, maybe?) and it kinda smelled like pooh--I wonder if there's some kind of connection?
Oh, nicely misrepresented.
One more time: the fact that a location actually exists is NOT evidence that the story around it true.
There is no "throwing out of locations".
There's no record whatsoever from Egyptian sources that the Israelites were held, there's no record of the (supposed) plagues.
Other than the Bible what "accounts" of Exodus are there?[1]

There are indeed Egyptian sources that refer to the Exodus as well as other Biblical accounts. Do you want to study them and see for yourself?

Would you regard those as Evidence for the Exodus?

I am guessing not, but go ahead and correct me, please!

The typical line of non-logic, which I have seen by many people on this forum goes something like this...

There is no evidence, because there can’t be any evidence, so there is no evidence.

And anyway, so and so, said there is no evidence, so there can’t be any evidence.

It is a way people use to deceive themselves. No one else has to do it to them. They just flat out deceive themselves. And they deliberately shut down their own mind to avoid thinking about it.

It gets kind of old!

And I have no response to it other than, I give up, which is pretty sad.

Love you!
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you are a narcissistic playing the victim for the attention

a lot of what you type is an outright lie.

you lied about your brother dying from A.I.D's but you think thats ok to lie about such things because other people you dissagree with do not count.
so its ok for you to lie about people suffering because it is their own fault that they brought on themselves.

this type of gasslighting is more a sadistic personality disorder.
the need to play god over others by making them feel something and making them feel pain is the ????? way because anyone can do that and its easy.

is this baconator ?

never talking about your own feelings because you dont have any
you have to make up a lie about some fictitious person and then pretend to be them to have their feelings.
it leaves you feeling superior and above others...
gives you what you need to feel powerful.

what you dont have you envy
its a bit of a vicious cycle

i was trying to decide if you are a misogynist with a hate for your own mother as a power and authority figure(classic homicidal domestic abuser subconscious stuff)
but i am not soo sure.
i think you envy women and so feel annoyed

anti abortionists are narcissists
they use other womens suffering to get a feeling of self worth and a purpose to their own sad reality.
very common for cult followers to be needing to paint the devil on something and attack it with all their repressed feelings and lack of personal freedoms.

what are you trying to accomplish ?

Wow, how sweet! Thanks for not judging me!!!
There are Egyptian sources that refer to the Exodus as well as other Biblical accounts.
Any reliable ones? (I.e. not Graham Hancock or his ilk).
There is no evidence, because there can’t be any evidence, so there is no evidence.
And anyway, so and so, said there is no evidence, so there can’t be any evidence.
It is a way people use to deceive themselves. No one else has to do it to them. They just flat out deceive themselves. And they deliberately shut down their own mind to avoid thinking about it.
Ah well, if you're just going to ascribe an attitude to me...
SetiAlpha6 said:
What kind of evidence for the Exodus would you actually accept?
We are not talking about an event named Exodus, but the background for the tale.

Today the US is experiencing an influx of thousands of people in an Exodus from So-America.
Does that prove the existence of God or the existence of the Devil, or just very bad living conditions?
We are not talking about an event named Exodus, but the background for the tale.

Today the US is experiencing an influx of thousands of people in an Exodus from So-America.
Does that prove the existence of God or the existence of the Devil, or just very bad living conditions?

I am talking about the historical account of the Exodus in the Bible. Miracles and all.

And the evidence on the ground for it. Some of it is even visible in Google Earth.

Just one example...

The massive water erosion from the Split Rock that Moses struck is visible on Satellite Imagery, at the Mountain of God in Saudi Arabia, where Moses was given the Ten Commandments. The quarry is there as well, and much more.

I recommend that you treat all of it with skepticism.

I am convinced after researching it for over 5 years.
But I do not expect you to agree.
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