Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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If anyone is interested I would recommend
either the Book or the Movie.

It is a true story that caused many to walk away from their jobs at Planned Parenthood.
Love you all!
Praying for myself first and for you all!
I certainly need God!

I praise my LORD, Jesus Christ!!!
My life is yours!
Help me to love others more!
Some are; these are called "laws." Most are not.
Sounds like it can get pretty complex. I know we have so many laws that nobody actually knows how many there are, but there are even more unwritten rules?
Sounds like it can get pretty complex. I know we have so many laws that nobody actually knows how many there are, but there are even more unwritten rules?
If you saw a pregnant woman struggling with a toddler and a bunch of packages inside a store, would you open the door for her?
Probably, but I'm not under contract to do so.
You sort of are. It's part of an implied social contract. We help the needy, disabled and weak. You can ignore it, of course, and there will be no legal penalty. But you'll be labeled by other people as an insensitive, uncaring jerk.
You sort of are. It's part of an implied social contract. We help the needy, disabled and weak. You can ignore it, of course, and there will be no legal penalty. But you'll be labeled by other people as an insensitive, uncaring jerk.
I think contract is the wrong word for such circumstances. It infers obligation.
I think contract is the wrong word for such circumstances. It infers obligation.
There is obligation; just not legal obligation. You won't get arrested. But you may lose your friends, your job, and your standing in society if you don't want to perform those things that a social contract calls out. However, if you are adamantly opposed to participating in society that way, you are free to do so.
There is obligation; just not legal obligation. You won't get arrested. But you may lose your friends, your job, and your standing in society if you don't want to perform those things that a social contract calls out. However, if you are adamantly opposed to participating in society that way, you are free to do so.
Yet the terms of the contract are not defined. How can you be held accountable to that which you did not agree?
Interesting. May I ask by what standard are you judging God's righteousness in all His judgements?

Take an example, if you like: the killing of all the first-born sons of Egypt at the time of Moses's liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, which I know you believe actually happened. You say it was right for God to kill all those innocent Egyptian children, because God is righteous in all his judgements. Agree?

Now here's what I'm wondering: Was it right for God to kill those children just because God said it was right? Or was it the right thing to do independent of what God said about it?

See, the thing is, if it's only God's say-so that makes things right or wrong, then morality is a slave to the whims of an arbitrary God. Do you agree? If God says the murder of innocents is right and good, then it's right and good, regardless of anything else we paltry humans might think about it.

Is this how your personal morality works? God says homosexuality is evil, so that makes it evil and there's nothing more to say? Or what?

Just to be clear: on this view, killing of innocents is wrong (or right, as the case may be) only because God says so - no other arguments as to why it might be right or wrong "count", because God is righteous by default in all his judgements. And in that case saying that God is righteous in all his judgements isn't to say anything of substance other than "God is God, and God gets to set the rules". After all, under this system of morality, there's no way to decide what is right or wrong other than by referring to God's arbitrary dictates.

I will be most interested to learn from you whether this is how you decide your personal morality, SetiAlpha. I look forward to your response.

God is perfect in all His ways. I do not have the ability to judge Him. He is God, I am not. It is not appropriate for me to be His judge.

I would have to be able to see and perfectly weigh billions of aspects of reality simultaneously to even have a chance of judging God. I can’t do that, glad you can!

It is also not even appropriate for me to judge (condemn) my fellow man either. Only God has that ability and right! I can’t even judge my own heart accurately, how then could I ever condemn the heart of another?

He will correct all things perfectly in His time as He wishes.

As for homosexuality...

Homosexuality is evil because it is a corruption of the obvious, clear design of our bodies.

Men put their penis in other men’s excrement. And contract disease and then spread it to others. They do all of this for a few seconds of physical pleasure.

Is this really the model of human behavior?

Homosexuality has killed millions and counting, including my own brother, Kevin, who needed rectum repair surgery and then died of AIDS.

Do you really expect me to call it good???

Can you bring my brother back to me???
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Homosexuality is evil because it is a corruption of the obvious, clear design of our bodies.
So is circumcision, and birth control, and dieting, and viagra, and surgery for heart disease.
Homosexuality has killed millions and counting, including my own brother, Kevin, who needed rectum repair surgery and then died of AIDS.
And childbirth, meat, Christianity and drinking - each of those has killed far more than millions. They are not all bad.
Do you really expect me to call it good?
Not at all. You can think whatever you like is good or bad, for whatever reasons you want. Just allow others the same freedom to do that that you demand. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Can you bring my brother back to me?
No, but today we could likely have saved him. So things are slowly getting better. I am sorry they didn't get better soon enough for your brother.
Was Keven homosexual or was he raped.???

Kevin was a homosexual in a relationship with another man.

Waiting for someone to tell me, again, that I made him up and that he never existed. That would be so great! rainbowsingularity Where are you? How about another round? Pretty Please?
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