Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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thanatophoric dysplasia
A child with a genetic birth defect is a sign of human moral corruption?

If there is a God, he is responsible for genetic defects.

Science does not hold anyone to blame unless the genetic defect is a result of human pollution practices.
Usually genetic birth defects are natural nutations thathave gone a little awry. Result, bad cell coding and building.

But you have not yet responded to my posit that you are 99% bacteria, and any disease is usually due to foreign bacteria which have no business in human systems, which makes up only 1 % of the total genetic material you carry at any moment of the day.
But you have not yet responded to my posit that you are 99% bacteria, and any disease is usually due to foreign bacteria which have no business in human systems, which makes up only 1 % of the total genetic material you carry at any moment of the day.

Ok, what was your point again?
A child with a genetic birth defect is a sign of human moral corruption?

If there is a God, he is responsible for genetic defects.

He is certainly responsible for allowing them. He is usually not responsible for causing them.

However there are exceptions to this.
He is certainly responsible for allowing them. He is usually not responsible for causing them.

However there are exceptions to this.
What are you talking about? Exceptions, special circumstances, moral souls, theist don't have souls. What magcial tale are you trying to spin now?

Retribution from God via genetic diseases caused by natural mutation or attack by foreign organisms?

This is s reminiscent of days when all illnesses were thought to be the result of demons invading the body, and you could get cured by exorcism. Please, can we get into a little more realistic picture of evolution, natural selection, predation, symbiosis.

You are off by a couple of thousand years.
Retribution from God via genetic diseases caused by natural mutation or attack by foreign organisms

Not retribution, just the natural result of us rejecting God. Genetic deterioration over time and extinction is the norm for all life on earth.

But, if we ask God to come back into our lives, sometimes He even heals our bodies, when He chooses to.

My Dad was healed by God over 50 years ago and never had the problem again.
Just because God is omnipotent, that does not mean that He cannot limit how He uses His power as He wishes, whenever He wishes to.
Ah! So he wishes to let those children die. Not so different than a woman who seeks an abortion, then.
Perhaps I am wrong! Please correct me! How does thanatophoric dysplasia come about, because of a genetic corruption or because of another way? I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Developmental abnormalities happen for a lot of reasons. SMA is genetic; an inherited recessive trait. Thanatophoric dysplasia is a defect in a specific gene, generally due to an error during meiosis. It is not inherited.
Developmental abnormalities happen for a lot of reasons. SMA is genetic; an inherited recessive trait. Thanatophoric dysplasia is a defect in a specific gene, generally due to an error during meiosis. It is not inherited.

Thanks for the correction!!!
Ah! So he wishes to let those children die. Not so different than a woman who seeks an abortion, then.

Quite a bit different. We rejected Him, equals rejecting His help.

Kind of like if you reject the advice of your doctor over and over again, when he tells you to stop drinking, and you die from it. And then you of course blame him for it. Accept you are dead. So you can’t really do that.

That would be foolish even to do on your deathbed just before you die.
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Quite a bit different. We rejected Him, equals rejecting His help.
How did you reject him?
Kind of like if you reject the advice of your doctor over and over again, when he tells you to stop drinking, and you die from it.
So if those parents hadn't rejected God, however they did that, their children would have been cured?
What some people call "spirit" is a completely natural electro-chemical process, part of the mind.


What some people call a natural electro-chemical process that is part of the mind is simply what they whimsically decide to call it. It has nothing to do with scientific authority.
How did you reject him?

So if those parents hadn't rejected God, however they did that, their children would have been cured?

If the Genesis account is accurate...

and I would guess that is a mega huge if for you. I understand that...

But you asked...

In the beginning there were only two humans, Adam and Eve both created by God, and we had intimate knowledge and fellowship with God, and He asked us to not do only one thing. Not a hundred things, just one. They disobeyed God and did that one thing, and so rejected His authority over them. The creatures rejected their Creator.

But He loved them, and seeing them in their state of rejecting Him, He did not want them to remain in that state forever as a race. Forever lost to Him, forever apart from Him. He really wanted an intimate relationship with them. But they had broken the relationship, were ashamed, and did not even want to be in God’s presence. They hid themselves from Him. So he granted their wish.

Because they rejected Him, He separated Himself from them and placed them on the Earth and gave this planet to them to rule over. And He placed limits on them, the length of their lives was limited, limiting the length of His separation from them.

The Earth, is not impossible to live on, but can be difficult. And can cause, heartache on multiple levels. Either driving us back to God, creating a longing for a restored relationship with Him, or driving us away from a restored relationship with Him if we continue to blame Him for our choices.

I had to leave a few things out but that is apparently, more or less how we ended up here as a race. It began when we rejected His authority over us. Our choice in Adam and Eve, was our fault not individually but as a race.

But we all still do the same kind of things individually now but in different ways.

I would guess that I am no different than most.

Perhaps like most of us, when we are very young, we are captivated by the wonder and beauty of the world, God’s amazing gifts to us, the gift of life itself, we know right from wrong, how to love and how to hate, we normally have a built in conscience, and as we grow and learn and make one choice after another, and learn to write run-on-sentences like this one. But I digress. Sorry!

We make choices, in a way like Adam and Eve did.

We know what is right from the conscience God has given us. But we choose evil, we choose to sin against God and our fellow man. We choose to steel, and then lie about it, for example. We decide to blame God, with an unthankful heart. Even for the gift of life itself. And each time we choose evil our heart grows just a bit more calloused, just a bit harder, colder.

And I assume you know the gospel account after that and have rejected it, right? Or am I wrong. I love to be wrong about some things. It means I can grow and become a better person.

Ok, time for everyone to laugh out loud, and rip me to pieces and call me backward, and stupid.

A one and a two and a three...

If the above is true, it was not directly the fault of those parents, but really all of us as a race.
What in all of reality can be held against the concept of Natural Evolution which has given us the ability to entertain abstract concepts.

But whatever the Causal Force is, it's got to be Natural, no?

As for the spiritual stuff, we are making it up as we go along. It's called philosophy.
What in all of reality can be held against the concept of Natural Evolution which has given us the ability to entertain abstract concepts.

But whatever the Causal Force is, it's got to be Natural, no?

As for the spiritual stuff, we are making it up as we go along. It's called philosophy.

The Theory of Evolution is a mixture of fact and philosophy. Some of it is provable and grounded in the empirical side of science, but not all of it is.

The other side, or philosophical side of science, is a human attempt to explain the the existence of life without God. It is another form of rebellion against God.

The Genesis of life from non-life has never been seen anywhere on Earth. Not once. Not empirical. And the probabilities against it happening are frankly mind blowing and off the scale.

It would take either faith or desperation to believe that life can ever come from non-life.

There are also things like, the hopelessness and despair it creates in the heart, the moral implications it teaches to mankind. The illogic of it, etc.

And it also throws out human experience and history, declaring it to be myth.

It is closed minded...

I could go on...
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The Theory of Evolution is a mixture of fact and philosophy. Some of it is provable and grounded in the empirical side of science, but not all of it is.

The other side, or philosophical side of science, is a human attempt to explain the the existence of life without God. It is another form of rebellion against God.

The Genesis of life from non-life has never been seen anywhere on Earth. Not once. Not empirical. And the probabilities against it happening are frankly mind blowing and off the scale.

It would take either faith or desperation to believe that life can ever come from non-life.

There are also things like, the hopelessness and despair it creates in the heart, the moral implications it teaches to mankind. The illogic of it, etc.

And it also throws out human experience and history, declaring it to be myth.

It is closed minded...

I could go on...
So come and beat my brains in yelling "Allah is Great".
So come and beat my brains in yelling "Allah is Great".

No way, I love people, people are fantastic and wonderful.

And, I could be killed for saying this, but what the heck. Allah is most certainly not Great!!!

Send out the death squad!!! Cut off me head!!!
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