Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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What some people call a natural electro-chemical process that is part of the mind is simply what they whimsically decide to call it. It has nothing to do with scientific authority.
I don't know what "scientific authority" is supposed to mean - but the electro-chemical basis of the human "spirit" is certainly backed by science. It's the only science that we have on the subject.
I didn't say it isn't real. I said it's a natural function of the mind - i.e. it requires no external spooks.

If you get a second, would you please point me to the research you are referring to. Sounds super cool!!!
If you get a second, would you please point me to the research you are referring to. Sounds super cool!!!
You could start with Wikipedia:
"Neuroscientists have examined brain functioning during reported spiritual experiences[158][159] finding that certain neurotransmitters and specific areas of the brain are involved.[160][161][162][163] Moreover, experimenters have also successfully induced spiritual experiences in individuals by administering psychoactive agents known to elicit euphoria and perceptual distortions.[164][165] Conversely, religiosity and spirituality can also be dampened by electromagnetic stimulation of the brain.[166] These results have motivated some leading theorists to speculate that spirituality may be a benign subtype of psychosis (see).[144][167][168][169][170] Benign in the sense that the same aberrant sensory perceptions that those suffering clinical psychoses evaluate as distressingly in-congruent and inexplicable are instead interpreted by spiritual individuals as positive – as personal and meaningful transcendent experiences.[168][169]"
You could start with Wikipedia:
"Neuroscientists have examined brain functioning during reported spiritual experiences[158][159] finding that certain neurotransmitters and specific areas of the brain are involved.[160][161][162][163] Moreover, experimenters have also successfully induced spiritual experiences in individuals by administering psychoactive agents known to elicit euphoria and perceptual distortions.[164][165] Conversely, religiosity and spirituality can also be dampened by electromagnetic stimulation of the brain.[166] These results have motivated some leading theorists to speculate that spirituality may be a benign subtype of psychosis (see).[144][167][168][169][170] Benign in the sense that the same aberrant sensory perceptions that those suffering clinical psychoses evaluate as distressingly in-congruent and inexplicable are instead interpreted by spiritual individuals as positive – as personal and meaningful transcendent experiences.[168][169]"

Thanks, that is so cool!

If the Spirit side of us exists, there would have to be a way for it to effect the physical components and chemistry of the brain. This might be part of the answer to how that occurs.

Just my speculation.
Well, religion is pure fantasy, without any fact whatever.

What kind of fact or evidence for the existence of God would be enough for you?

Creation itself, probably not, you have already rejected that.

How about raising people from the dead, not likely, you have rejected that.

How about current day miracles. No, impossible!

How about the Shroud of Turin, No!

How about writings from history, No!

How about remote probabilities, Nah!

How about prophecy, No way, we can fabricate an explanation for that one, people are idiots for accepting that!

How about the evidence at Mt Sinai, Nah!

And on and on...

Add whatever you want to add here...
In the beginning there were only two humans, Adam and Eve both created by God, and we had intimate knowledge and fellowship with God, and He asked us to not do only one thing. Not a hundred things, just one. They disobeyed God and did that one thing, and so rejected His authority over them. The creatures rejected their Creator.
Yes, I know about the doctrine of original sin.

But I was asking why God rejected YOU. And those babies.

To use your example above, let's say you rejected the advice of your doctor over and over again. He tells you to stop drinking. You ignore him, over and over agaon. You die. That's sad, but is a consequence of your actions. Very few people would call what the doctor did unfair.

But let's say that same doctor is treating you. He sees that you are an alcoholic and continued drinking may kill you. But because your great-great-great-great grandfather ignored a bloodletter, he says "keep drinking! It won't hurt you." Is that fair?

Or let's take another example, closer to the issue at hand. Let's say that doctor is working in a hospital. A woman comes in; she is in labor. A child is born, but is not breathing. Rather than resuscitate the baby the doctor goes home because his shift is over, and because that woman's great-great-great-great grandfather ignored a bloodletter once, so why should he help the baby? The baby dies. Would you say that doctor had done right by that baby?
And, I could be killed for saying this, but what the heck. Allah is most certainly not Great!!!
Allah - Christ - Shiva - Gaia - all are great in their own way. In the end, their greatness is determined by what people do with their teachings.

Christ is surely great when people follow his teachings to help refugees from foreign countries. Allah is surely great when an alcoholic turns his life around by converting to Islam.

Christ was not great when Urban II used his name to exhort people to go out and kill Muslims. Allah was not great when Osama Bin Laden used his name to convince suicide bombers that their cause was just.
How about raising people from the dead, not likely, you have rejected that.
Well, since a friend of mine did that, then I don't think that's a sign of being God.

However, if a man claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus started raising people from the dead who had been dead a month, then that would be pretty good evidence.
How about the Shroud of Turin, No!
Not right now. But if it was allowed to be studied, and scientists agreed that there was no natural way it could have happened, that would be pretty good evidence.
How about writings from history, No!
?? Just being a writing from history isn't proof of anything. Surely you do not believe that the story of Beowulf is real, even though it is a very famous writing from history?
How about remote probabilities, Nah!
What does that mean?
How about prophecy, No way, we can fabricate an explanation for that one, people are idiots for accepting that!
Again, what does that mean?
How about the evidence at Mt Sinai, Nah!
What evidence?
The Theory of Evolution is a mixture of fact and philosophy. Some of it is provable and grounded in the empirical side of science, but not all of it is.

The other side, or philosophical side of science, is a human attempt to explain the the existence of life without God. It is another form of rebellion against God.
What is the "philosophical side of science?"

The Genesis of life from non-life has never been seen anywhere on Earth. Not once.
Scientists at Scripps have created artificial life from inorganic chemicals. It's very simple, but it reproduces and uses DNA. They have also created self-replicating molecules that will replicate for as long as they have food. In addition, other experiments (like Miller-Urey) have shown that with nothing other than inorganic elements (water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen) sparks can create organic molecules, which are the building blocks of life.
It would take either faith or desperation to believe that life can ever come from non-life.
?? We have created it, so unless you want to deny it happened - it's pretty much fact.
There are also things like, the hopelessness and despair it creates in the heart, the moral implications it teaches to mankind. The illogic of it, etc.
The despair and illogic of what? Abiogenesis? Evolution? I've found evolution to be both enlightening and logical. It explains a lot of the mystery of life.
And it also throws out human experience and history, declaring it to be myth.
Not at all. Charles Darwin's life was far from a myth.
What kind of fact or evidence for the existence of God would be enough for you?
Any factual evidence needs to be produced by you. You don't have any.

Show me anything that is demonstrably true but cannot have occurred naturally and therefore must be miraculous.
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Any factual evidence needs to be produced by you. You don't have any.

Show me anything that is demonstrably true but cannot have occurred naturally and therefore must be miraculous.

Study the Shroud of Turin and decide for yourself.
opposition to abortion isn't about concern for the child. its about punishing women. the very same people who are against abortion are also against anything to help that child once its born. i believe some already linked carlins preborn your good your preschool your [deleted]

[Moderator note: some offensive language has been removed. This is isn't very coherent.]
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Scientists at Scripps have created artificial life from inorganic chemicals. It's very simple, but it reproduces and uses DNA. They have also created self-replicating molecules that will replicate for as long as they have food. In addition, other experiments (like Miller-Urey) have shown that with nothing other than inorganic elements (water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen) sparks can create organic molecules, which are the building blocks of life.

?? We have created it, so unless you want to deny it happened - it's pretty much fact.

Yes I have looked at both of those.

And yes what they did was a fact.

It is also a fact that in both cases they only showed that it actually takes an intelligent agent, in this case, the scientist(s) themselves, to create something even resembling life.

They are providing evidence for ID Intelligent Design.

You can see that!

It is also a fact that they have not created a fully functional cell. Not even remotely close!!!

Even if they were to pull that off some day, they would still only be demonstrating ID.

Not whatever you wished they were achieving, with their human engineered and intelligently designed experiment.

That clears that up, wow, how many people try to use this as an argument?

Such a big error!!! I trust you were not trying to deceive me with this. I am sure you were not!

Go guys, Go... if they can pull this off it will go a long way to providing evidence for the Bible.

As you know, God made man from the dust of the Earth.

Great evidence for that!!!
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