Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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What Roe v Wade has done is move the goalpost on the issue. It prescribed a benchmark at which a consideration is given to the life of a viable fetus, and how that life may be weighed against the health of the mother. It doesn’t give women absolute control over the outcome of their pregnancies, but it gives them a reasonable option to terminate prior to a more well defined state of fetal personhood.
Well even thos emodest options have now been taken away from women. Several States, who in spite of Roe v Wade are defunding all clinics which perform abortions in addition to a host of female health issues.

In their zeal to serve some religious tenet they have now denied simple health care to women altogether.
And that is saving lives?
On the issue of killing abortion doctors, if you believed that a 6 week old fetus with a heartbeat was equivalent to a newborn baby, wouldn’t you feel justified in trying to aggressively stop the continuation of that killing? I’m surprised that given the rhetoric on the pro-life side that there aren’t more such acts.
Oh I see, if I don't like your POV about life, I get to kill you. The law (and science) be damned.....irony intended.

I guess we are still in the "savage epoch" of mankind.
The atheist only has contrived, temporary, and self created meaning, that is predetermined by the atoms of the Universe. There is no ultimate meaning to life without God. Only pretend fantasy meaning.
The theist only has contrived, temporary, and self created meaning that is predetermined by the atoms of the Universe. There is no ultimate meaning to life with God. Only pretend fantasy meaning.
Again, the atheist view, describes mankind as only biochemical deterministic robots. That is all it allows to exist.
Atheists are naturally evolved biochemical deterministic robots with Free Will. Just like Theists are the divinely created biochemical deterministic robots created in the Image of God, and have Free Will, no?
Anything more is an added layer of pretense and fantasy.
I agree, the added layer of pretense and fantasy rest with the theists who declare the need for a completely unnecessary supernatural intervention, without a shred of evidence or clearly defined creative Imperative.
If that is not abstract fantasy I don't know what is..............................:rolleyes:

10 Commandments! Sounds official....B-)
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The atheist only has contrived, temporary, and self created meaning, that is predetermined by the atoms of the Universe. There is no ultimate meaning to life without God. Only pretend fantasy meaning.

Again, the atheist view, describes mankind as only biochemical deterministic robots. That is all it allows to exist. Anything more is an added layer of pretense and fantasy.
So, without God you have no reason to care.

How many murders will you commit now?
Atheists are naturally evolved biochemical deterministic robots with Free Will.

Now that makes sense, finally someone speaks the truth about Atheism.

Only..., Naturalistic Evolution does not provide any way for there to be an actual Free Will. Only deterministic robotic chemical brain reactions that have the appearance of Free Will, because the complexity is so off the scale.

Free Will makes no sense in Atheism and Naturalism, but it does indeed exist as you have said, it has to be borrowed from theism.
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Now that makes sense, finally someone speaks the truth about Atheism.
As well as about Theism.
Only, Naturalistic Evolution does not provide any way for there to be an actual Free Will. Only deterministic chemical brain reactions that have the appearance of Free Will, only because the complexity is so off the scale.
And the Divinely created deterministic chemical brain performs differently from the naturally evolved deterministic chemical brain?
Free Will makes no sense in Atheism and Naturalism, but it does indeed exist as you have said, it has to be borrowed from theism.
Do we get to keep it or is there interest on the loan?

Are you telling me that theists have different brain chemistry than atheists? Woohaaaa...:eek:

At last, I have learned who is responsible for confounding our languages......God has confounded the language of the believer!!! That is ironic, IMHO.

The cruelest act performed in the history of the universe, create an intelligent being and then confound its language so it cannot communicate with others of its kind, a feat accomplished by simple bacteria.

Sir, are we less than bacteria, that God should give us Free Will but not be able to use it for lack of communication?

Actually you and I are 99% bacterial in chemistry, believe it or not.
A second group, the cellular slime molds, spend most of their lives as separate single-celled amoeboid protists, but upon the release of a chemical signal, the individual cells aggregate into a great swarm. Cellular slime molds are thus of great interest to cell and developmental biologists, because they provide a comparatively simple and easily manipulated system for understanding how cells interact to generate a multicellular organism. There are two groups of cellular slime molds, the Dictyostelida and the Acrasida, which may not be closely related to each other.

The slime mold communicates with itself by a natural sentient cell function; Quorum Sensing.

Does a slime mold believe in God? It hunts to eat just like humans. It creates highways just like humans, it can tell time just like humans. It doesn't believe in God, but its language has not been confounded!
Does God love the slime mold more than his crowning achievement, Man?
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Are you telling me that theists have different brain chemistry than atheists? Woohaaaa.......:eek:

No, same brain, theism adds the Soul. Which is not part of this Naturalistic Existence.

The Soul is the real you, a Spirit, living in a body, not constrained by Naturalistic Determinism.

That is the only way Free Will exists!
No, same brain, theism adds the Soul. Which is not part of this Naturalistic Existence.
The Soul is the real you, a Spirit, living in a body, not constrained by Naturalistic Determinism.
And what are the properties of this spirit? I KNOW! Belief adds a soul to the chemical mix........:rolleyes:
That is the only way Free Will exists!
Spooky language.....spookee language.....!

But thank you so much for showing me I am not my soul! That helps sort things out considerably.
I finally know who I am!....... I am....... MEEEE!.......:biggrin:
Well, we don't know what God you believe in now, do we?

Surely a Christian God would allow killing, so you must not be.

I would never kill anyone, accept for self defense and even then I would try to wound only. Same as you.
And what are the properties of this spirit? I KNOW! Belief adds a soul to the chemical mix........:rolleyes:
Spooky language.....spookee language.....!

But thank you so much for showing me I am not my soul! That helps sort things out considerably.
I know who I am..., I am.... MEEEE!.......:biggrin:

Please explain Free Will from a purely Deterministic Naturalistic belief system point of view. Slime mold and bacteria would all be robots as well, no help there.

The latest efforts in science, I have seen, are selling evolution from determinism not from chance. They finally figured out that chance has no causal properties whatsoever. Took them long enough!
I would never kill anyone, accept for self defense and even then I would try to wound only. Same as you.
Would you give your life in defense of God?
If yes, you can expect this from other "committed" souls;
You believe in God?.........No?..........Boom you're dead!
You believe in God?.........Yes?
You believe in my God.....No?.......... Boom you're dead.

When it comes to God, life is a negotiable commodity.
Please explain Free Will from a purely Deterministic Naturalistic belief system point of view. Slime mold and bacteria would all be robots as well, no help there.
Are you saying they have no choice? Bacteria act by majority concensus (vote), is that choice?
The latest efforts in science, I have seen, are selling evolution from determinism not from chance. They finally figured out that chance has no causal properties whatsoever. Took them long enough!
And you are so wrong. What you mean is that chance has no causal origin. However it is true that evolution is a "movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction", a probabilistic deterministic imperative.

Against that random deterministic function works "natural selection", a probabilistic function that randomly selects out individuals, affecting the resultant population size of that specific line.

Two probabilistic dynamical functions create sufficient "superpositions" or "variable" future Implicates. Remember, at Planck scale we deal with "uncertainty" (a mathematical feed-back function in quantum mechanics, not a feed-forward hard "mathematical" determinism.

There is a universe of distance between Planck scale and Life-size scale. What we perceive as a continuous chronology forward in time, our reality is a projection of three dimensional patterns in an ocean of dynamic patterns at such small scales as to completely disappear from detection.

When we get down to pure energy, we enter the realm of chaos. Yet, from the chaos emerge dynamic fields consisting of virtual particles (Higgs) which have no physical presence, but affect the field for an instant.
Randomness abounds in these fields, yet once again from the dynamic movement within the fields emerge patterns which eventually form physical expression, such as the elementary particles.

From that point determinism becomes hard, except for pockets in the universe where unimaginable big supernovae or black holes defy all mundane natural laws and determinism goes out the window for awhile. And why not? After all the universe itself is a dynamic pattern with unknowable boundaries. So what? At Life-size scale determinism works just fine and a good thing it is. We would not want to lose the sun overnight, would we?
Could we lose God overnight without notice?

And how exactly does belief in a God change that Free Will equation in theists and atheists?

First, there is a major philosophical concept of Compatibilism.
Compatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are mutually compatible and that it is possible to believe in both without being logically inconsistent. Compatibilists believe freedom can be present or absent in situations for reasons that have nothing to do with metaphysics.
That's what you are selling, no?

Free Will in an otherwise deterministic world allows you to do what? Change the world? Change the Universe?
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Are you saying they have no choice? Bacteria act by majority concensus, is that choice?

And how exactly does belief in a God change that Free Will equation in theists and atheists?
First, there is a major philosophical concept of Compatibilism. That's what you are selling, no?

Free Will in an otherwise deterministic world allows you to do what? Change the world?

That majority consensus of bacteria is not Free Will and you know this very well.

If Free Will exists, it cannot come from a Deterministic Naturalistic Universe. You know this deep inside. It is self evident to everyone on Earth.
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