Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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Coud all powerful God have chosen to create humans in such a way that fewer babies woud have been murdered thru abortion.???
Sure. He could have ensured that when a fetus died (abortion, miscarriage, nonimplantation, whatever) the mother died too. He could have made us like kangaroos - have us give birth to a tiny mouse-sized joey who then crawls into a pouch for the next eight months and nurses. Joey doesn't make it? No baby - and no abortion, either. And during a 'normal' birth no pelvic floor damage, no deaths during childbirth, no restrictions on head size in babies, and no problems with multiple births.

Unfortunately, since we evolved, we wound up with the compromised mammalian way of doing things.
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I woud rather that God had created humans in such a way that fewer children woud have been murdered... how about you.???

I think God’s creation is good but that we have corrupted it, so I wish we did not murder any children period. This was never His desire for us. We have chosen to do evil, we are not made evil by God. We have gone our own way.
I think God’s creation is good but that we have corrupted it, so I wish we did not murder any children period. This was never His desire for us. We have chosen to do evil, we are not made evil by God. We have gone our own way.
Sounds like you intimately know God.

Tell me, can God predict the future?
Sounds like you intimately know God.

Tell me, can God predict the future?

Well I can predict the future, on a very very limited basis, making many mistakes along the way. Just as you can. You might even be better at it than I am.

Without directly causing it to happen.

And God would have to be far greater at it than I am, at least I would think so.

Of course, he would know that both good and evil would exist, since He gave us the ability to make our own good or evil choices.

That is why I think He is able to hold us accountable for the evil that we do, because we do not have to do it, we choose to.
So, you're saying God is not a supreme being per chance?

I think we have the ability to choose good or evil, but we are not compelled to choose either good or evil. It is truly our choice.

Isn’t that how you think people actually are? If someone hurts you do you blame God, or the Universe, or that person?

It makes sense to me that both of the following can be true at the same time.

God can be Sovereign. And also make a Sovereign choice to create us with freewill. And that He has a very good reason for doing so.

I do not see any logical problem here.

Do you?
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I think we have the ability to choose good or evil, but we also do not have to choose either good or evil.

Isn’t that how you think people actually are? If someone hurts you do you blame God or that person?

It makes sense to me that both of the following can be true at the same time.

God can be Sovereign. And also make a Sovereign choice to create us with freewill. And that He has a very good reason for doing so.

I do not see any logical problem here.

Do you?
Well, if you want to believe without evidence.
I was not describing Buddhism, I mentioned it's main tenet of "moderation" and "balance". Nothing wrong with practising those two disciplines.

I would submit this is 95% of Buddhism's key elements And I am not so vain as to presume Buddha agrees with my wisdom, as much as I agree with Buddha's wisdom.

But it does reveal much about your mind-set.......:(
I wasn't aware we were discussing household expenditure. Try googling "Buddhist views on sex."
I wasn't aware we were discussing household expenditure. Try googling "Buddhist views on sex."
First, we are not discussing Buddhism.

Second, no one is advocating excess indulgence of any kind,

Third, Christianity advances the concept of "go forth and multiply" (have sex). What table conversation will you engage in about that?

I would gues you are ready for another "holy war" to see who's religious sexual mores are divinely blessed? Bah....>_<
To lay people the Buddha advised that they should at least avoid sexual misconduct
That does not mean having sex is "misconduct". It means exactly what I said; "moderation in all things, including sex"

As usual you are unable to interpret anything in an objective manner and see things only from your own perverted perspective. For you I would definitely recommend abstinence, for the rest of your life. including abstinence from mental and physical masturbation which I'm sure you secretly indulge in ...often....:eek:
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I think we have the ability to choose good or evil, but we are not compelled to choose either good or evil. It is truly our choice.
If man is able to make moral choices, why do we need God? Scare us a little to stay on the straight and narrow?
Sex is an important factor in your life
Sex and sexuality are a part of life. Aside from reproduction, sex can be about intimacy and pleasure. Sexual activity, penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI), or masturbation, can offer many surprising benefits to all facets of your life:
  • physical
  • intellectual
  • emotional
  • psychological
  • social
And then comes the prophet Musika and teaches us abstinence is the divine path to .....what is that again.........rape?
First, we are not discussing Buddhism.

Second, no one is advocating excess indulgence of any kind,

Third, Christianity advances the concept of "go forth and multiply" (have sex). What table conversation will you engage in about that?

I would gues you are ready for another "holy war" to see who's religious sexual mores are divinely blessed? Bah....>_<
That does not mean having sex is "misconduct". It means exactly what I said; "moderation in all things, including sex"

As usual you are unable to interpret anything in an objective manner and see things only from your own perverted perspective. For you I would definitely recommend abstinence, for the rest of your life. including abstinence from mental and physical masturbation which I'm sure you secretly indulge in ...often....:eek:
You introduced the notion that Buddhism is compatible with your views on recreational sex. I am pointing out that the only way for your statement to be true is if you substantially water down Buddhism.
You introduced the notion that Buddhism is compatible with your views on recreational sex. I am pointing out that the only way for your statement to be true is if you substantially water down Buddhism.
No, I did not. Once again you are indulging in morbid fantasy.
You may want to read my post #437 (page 22) again. This time try to understand the thrust of my argument.
What is God going to do about overpopulation?

If ever we are going to need a divine solution to this perfectly natural growth function, we're going to need it very soon.

My guess is, no birth control but a Divinely ordered war by all major religions on each other and the rest of the world......bleak....o_O
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