Is it possible for people to freely "behave in a Godly manner"?

LOL, that's what I was thinking but I didn't want to throw you under the bus.

You are alright Lightbeing . No worries the "Magic Bus" runs My ass over daily . Them friggen Beatles did it. 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse I tell Ya. I love em anyway .
"Lori_7 is basing everything on ancient scripture..."

That's not true. That's an incorrect assumption.

Why did you only put part of my quote....there was more to it then that. If you don't believe in the scripture or your interpretation of the scripture how is it exactly that you subscribe to an end of the world prophecy i.e. The Apocalypse described in the Book of Revelation. Was this an original thought Lori or because it is written? I think it's pretty silly for you to be arguing that point and claim that I am making an assumption.

You also subscribe to Original Sin and the Noah Deluge, where did you happen to pick these up? It sounds vaguely familiar..................

I just ate a whole pizza pie with a smile on my face and I loved it but don't you dare assume for one second that I like pizza.
What I believe is based on my personal experience alone. Why don't you just speak for yourself going forward? I'll speak for myself. It makes more sense that way.
Again, I never spoke for you. I think you are confused.

So direct question -

You DO NOT believe in the Bible scriptures? Second Coming, Original Sin and/or The Great Flood?
Again, I never spoke for you. I think you are confused.

So direct question -

You DO NOT believe in the Bible scriptures? Second Coming, Original Sin and/or The Great Flood?

Yes you did speak for me. I do not believe these things because they are written down. To reiterate, I believe what I do because of what I've experienced.
Again, I never spoke for you. I think you are confused.

So direct question -

You DO NOT believe in the Bible scriptures? Second Coming, Original Sin and/or The Great Flood?
Lori7 has been touched by the holy spirit . No fucking lie . It is the truth . That is why she knows the Great House is her . The inner Sanctuary is another term for it . Only a few people understand the concept . The people that do look at life in a strange and wonderful way. They have a tendency to see the click of change as it unfolds . It is from climbing an imaginary ladder of time . The interpretation from scripture calls it the Ladder of Jacob. In Islamic poetry it is called climbing to the Moon , or Flying to the dark side of the moon in more modern lyrics in song . The concept is old , but still utilized by modern artists . Sorry for talking for you Lori 3, 5 and 7 , You know it is true . I saw you there last time I went there so don't try to deny it .
Lori7 has been touched by the holy spirit . No fucking lie . It is the truth . That is why she knows the Great House is her . The inner Sanctuary is another term for it . Only a few people understand the concept . The people that do look at life in a strange and wonderful way. They have a tendency to see the click of change as it unfolds . It is from climbing an imaginary ladder of time . The interpretation from scripture calls it the Ladder of Jacob. In Islamic poetry it is called climbing to the Moon , or Flying to the dark side of the moon in more modern lyrics in song . The concept is old , but still utilized by modern artists . Sorry for talking for you Lori 3, 5 and 7 , You know it is true . I saw you there last time I went there so don't try to deny it .

Lol. I get around, so I've been told.
Yes you did speak for me. I do not believe these things because they are written down. To reiterate, I believe what I do because of what I've experienced.

No, no, I did not speak for you....I made a comment about you. There is a difference.

and really, you don't believe in the scripture? So why do you reference the Bible and give your interpretation in support of what is written then? The search button is your friend. Perhaps it is just a coincidence?
No, no, I did not speak for you....I made a comment about you. There is a difference.

and really, you don't believe in the scripture? So why do you reference the Bible and give your interpretation in support of what is written then? The search button is your friend. Perhaps it is just a coincidence?

Well the comment was wrong.

I understand and believe scripture because of what's happened to me. This really isn't difficult to understand so let's not drag it out. I'm on a phone here.
Ummmmm, the comment is not wrong because you confirmed my point in your very next sentence. You do believe in scripture, I never made the attempt as to why you believe in it, I simply stated that you did. I do agree however, this has been dragging on and is a little off topic.

Ps. To be fair I responded to this on my phone :)
Is it possible for people to freely "behave in a Godly manner"?

Is it possible that people "behave in a Godly manner" only when they don't have free will?

Provide reasoning and/or evidence (scriptural or other) for or against.
I don't think anyone can freely behave in godly manner except they can always try to emulate him for nobody can get his ways of doing things probably for they simply cannot see the upcoming future of each and every happening. All they should try to do is serve the suffering humanity and nothing else. Else will follow itself.
Ummmmm, the comment is not wrong because you confirmed my point in your very next sentence. You do believe in scripture, I never made the attempt as to why you believe in it, I simply stated that you did. I do agree however, this has been dragging on and is a little off topic.

Ps. To be fair I responded to this on my phone :)

You said I based everything on scripture and I do not. I base everything on experience. Come on! Should I really have to tell you what you said?
You said I based everything on scripture and I do not. I base everything on experience. Come on! Should I really have to tell you what you said?

I don't know why you are conveniently cutting my quote short.

Here it is again in black and white.

"Lori7 is basing everything on ancient scripture and experience dictated to her based on the belief in that very same scripture"

Can't we put this to bed already? You believe in the Bible, why are you having a difficult time admitting it?????? Odd.
Also, if you are saying you base EVERYTHING on experience how is it that you have a conviction about certain ideals in the Bible, obviously written pre-Lori7.

IOW, for example, You experienced the Great Flood?
I don't know why you are conveniently cutting my quote short.

Here it is again in black and white.

"Lori7 is basing everything on ancient scripture and experience dictated to her based on the belief in that very same scripture"

Can't we put this to bed already? You believe in the Bible, why are you having a difficult time admitting it?????? Odd.

What does "experience dictated to her" mean? I don't understand how experience can be dictated.

I don't have a difficult time admitting it. The thing is, the scriptures were around and they had been dictated to me for a long time before my experience ever allowed me to understand and therefore believe. Also, I would still understand and believe what I do based on that experience regardless of the scripture.
Also, if you are saying you base EVERYTHING on experience how is it that you have a conviction about certain ideals in the Bible, obviously written pre-Lori7.

IOW, for example, You experienced the Great Flood?

Of course not. When have you ever heard me claiming to know of any flood?
What does "experience dictated to her" mean? I don't understand how experience can be dictated.

I don't have a difficult time admitting it. The thing is, the scriptures were around and they had been dictated to me for a long time before my experience ever allowed me to understand and therefore believe. Also, I would still understand and believe what I do based on that experience regardless of the scripture.

What the heck....Lori, you are basically reiterating exactly what I said....what is the issue here??????? Let's move on already.......................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz