Is it possible for people to freely "behave in a Godly manner"?

I am, and although we are going through the end of the age of cheap energy, and times will be difficult, it will not be the ultimate culmination of war, famine, death and destruction as Christians desire. It will be hard, but life will go on for billions more years.

that's weird, because when i look around i see plenty of war, famine, death, and destruction, and it's obvious that it's going to get much much worse. what are you looking at?

also, the bible does say that life will go on. that's kind of the whole point. just not all fucked up like it is now.
Is it possible for people to freely "behave in a Godly manner"?

Is it possible that people "behave in a Godly manner" only when they don't have free will?

Provide reasoning and/or evidence (scriptural or other) for or against.

If it is possible for people to freely "behave in an unGodly manner", why wouldn't it be possible to do the same in a godly fashion?
that's weird, because when i look around i see plenty of war, famine, death, and destruction, and it's obvious that it's going to get much much worse. what are you looking at?

also, the bible does say that life will go on. that's kind of the whole point. just not all fucked up like it is now.

Yes, and there has been just the same throughout entire history. The only reason you have this perception is because you happen to believe in the Bible literally and happen to be living in the 21st century. Lori7 of the 2nd century came to the same conclusion. Lori7 of the 8th century saw about 15% of the world population die due to war. Lori7 of the 14th century was beside herself as she watched 75 million people die due to a plague. Lori7 of the 19th century saw 2 million people die in a flood. Each version of Lori7 invoked God and claimed that the apocolypse was upon us.

However, it's become apparent that Lori7 and the like are/were incorrect. It's more and more evident that something is motivating your desires and perception of reality.

Here in the 21st century we are birthing a kingdom of logic and reason. Please join us.

Yes, and there has been just the same throughout entire history. The only reason you have this perception is because you happen to believe in the Bible literally and happen to be living in the 21st century. Lori7 of the 2nd century came to the same conclusion. Lori7 of the 8th century saw about 15% of the world population die due to war. Lori7 of the 14th century was beside herself as she watched 75 million people die due to a plague. Lori7 of the 19th century saw 2 million people die in a flood. Each version of Lori7 invoked God and claimed that the apocolypse was upon us.

However, it's become apparent that Lori7 and the like are/were incorrect. It's more and more evident that something is motivating your desires and perception of reality.

Here in the 21st century we are birthing a kingdom of logic and reason. Please join us.


the fact that i'm birthing a kingdom has plenty to do with my perception. what do you think has to happen for this kingdom of love and truth to manifest, rule, and proliferate?

your naivety doesn't seem logical or reasonable. never before has our planet been so toxic and polluted. never before has our means of survival been entirely handed over to corrupt and near defunct institutions. never before have we had biological and nuclear weapons. and let's not forget that an asteroid or meteor could come crashing into the planet at any time (as it has before) and wipe out damn near everything and everyone.
the fact that i'm birthing a kingdom has plenty to do with my perception. what do you think has to happen for this kingdom of love and truth to manifest, rule, and proliferate? has to do with YOUR perception and nothing to do with reality.

your naivety doesn't seem logical or reasonable.

My points are valid....There will be another Lori7 in the 22nd century whether you agree or not.

never before has our planet been so toxic and polluted.

The Earth is resiliant, it will continue to sustain itself.

never before has our means of survival been entirely handed over to corrupt and near defunct institutions.

ok and?

never before have we had biological and nuclear weapons.

And that mean what exactly.......The human race just needs to move past their ideologies and practice sound logic and reason.

and let's not forget that an asteroid or meteor could come crashing into the planet at any time (as it has before) and wipe out damn near everything and everyone.

Who's forgeting that.....we live in the Universe that is chaotic. The Planet Earth is no exception to the rule. The only difference is that you would attribute this to a devine plan where I would attribute it to a natural phenomenon.

Ego is tripping up some who give such special importance to the self—its supposedly grandiose origin, meaning, and destiny. This self-importance notion leads them to claim that stuff itself is holy and divine and that they, great as they are, must be of God. They want Intelligence to be behind intelligence but then they place themselves at the dead end of not having INTELLIGENCE behind Intelligence, etc. They went to the complete wrong direction of having more complexity to be the answer for lessor complexity, rather than more simplicity, as even ever seen. These humans are vainglorious, their ego of special self meaning admitting no humility whatsoever.
Yes, and there has been just the same throughout entire history. The only reason you have this perception is because you happen to believe in the Bible literally and happen to be living in the 21st century. Lori7 of the 2nd century came to the same conclusion. Lori7 of the 8th century saw about 15% of the world population die due to war. Lori7 of the 14th century was beside herself as she watched 75 million people die due to a plague. Lori7 of the 19th century saw 2 million people die in a flood. Each version of Lori7 invoked God and claimed that the apocolypse was upon us.

However, it's become apparent that Lori7 and the like are/were incorrect. It's more and more evident that something is motivating your desires and perception of reality.

Here in the 21st century we are birthing a kingdom of logic and reason. Please join us.


See you are not that smart are you . Each time Lori 357 made it through a revolving history she got a better handle on what law should be. Just because Humans are still stupid animals today don't mean we will be in the future . You think Lori is not talking about Logic and reason . Your wrong . She has something in her " Soul " that is a cut above the norm . Most people are to delusional about them selves to see the real Lori cause they can't get past her Whimsical ways of Death Metal and Monkey Christ . She may struggle to find appropriate language to express her self , but let Me tell you she does it with a pure heart and for the good of the community right or wrong in your eyes . Right in mine , but her vulgarity does leave me speechless some times , Specially when prophesied to Me " Pluck Mother Fucker Pluck
Ego is tripping up some who give such special importance to the self—its supposedly grandiose origin, meaning, and destiny. This self-importance notion leads them to claim that stuff itself is holy and divine and that they, great as they are, must be of God. They want Intelligence to be behind intelligence but then they place themselves at the dead end of not having INTELLIGENCE behind Intelligence, etc. They went to the complete wrong direction of having more complexity to be the answer for lessor complexity, rather than more simplicity, as even ever seen. These humans are vainglorious, their ego of special self meaning admitting no humility whatsoever.

I am trying to understand that Sci . Really I am . What ? I think " Special Self is important to the community as a whole . I believe in the development of specialty in every day people . Even if it is a goal to be the best lawn mower Man , or the best Scissor Hands. Make the best human meat pies what ever , Book covers out of people backs . It don't matter as long as you give it the old college try
See you are not that smart are you . Each time Lori 357 made it through a revolving history she got a better handle on what law should be. Just because Humans are still stupid animals today don't mean we will be in the future . You think Lori is not talking about Logic and reason . Your wrong . She has something in her " Soul " that is a cut above the norm . Most people are to delusional about them selves to see the real Lori cause they can't get past her Whimsical ways of Death Metal and Monkey Christ . She may struggle to find appropriate language to express her self , but let Me tell you she does it with a pure heart and for the good of the community right or wrong in your eyes . Right in mine , but her vulgarity does leave me speechless some times , Specially when prophesied to Me " Pluck Mother Fucker Pluck

Lori7 is basing everything on ancient scripture and experience dictated to her based on the belief in that very same scripture. I see tons of wishful thinking at the expense of humanity which is nonsense. Whether it is Lori7 from the past, present or future, it's always the same underlying meaning.... There has been no evolution as far as I can see. If there has been, please identify it for me.

Good intentions, pure heart, strong soul etc does not validate anything she has offered. Fear Mongers will always disgust me even if they have a nice smile :)
Lori7 is basing everything on ancient scripture and experience dictated to her based on the belief in that very same scripture. I see tons of wishful thinking at the expense of humanity which is nonsense. Whether it is Lori7 from the past, present or future, it's always the same underlying meaning.... There has been no evolution as far as I can see. If there has been, please identify it for me.

Good intentions, pure heart, strong soul etc does not validate anything she has offered. Fear Mongers will always disgust me even if they have a nice smile :)

It does for Me cause if you don't come to the new earth that way we might natural select that type to be mitigated from the earth . Breed you out of existence. Yeah that is slowly going on , but at last time is not on the scale of a human life . So take the barbarism of ancient Man and compare it to the Justin Beiber types of today . Can you say there has been no Micro evolution going on ? Has there been a goal to do so by the woman's natural selection of a Man. Lets take a little looksy at Ancient Man . Did he take a Woman when He felt like if he was strong enough to do so ? Can a Man do this now ? I think not . Does the Average Man wipe the thought out of his Mined cause He knows it is not right . Why Would He think this ? Were did it come from . I tend to think it was a slow process from primitive Man To Modern Man. Small Changes over time add up to big changes when the time increments are increased . Slowly but surely we find solid ground to stand on . Pure hearts are the way of the future and woman is in the process of breeding you out if you don't comply . Is this instinctive and something out of your personal control . I think the answer is Yes
Me-Ki-Gal -

Of coarse, evolution is a fact. However, I was referring to ideology evolving, or better stated, believers evolving. It was in response to you saying that throughout history the Lori7's of the world got a better handle on what "Law" should be. How is that exactly?

That is not to say that believers of yesterday and believers of today are exactly the same in their walk of life, however when you talk about "Law" I would think that most believers of a certain faith follow (or try to follow) their basis delivered in their "Holy Book" - The same underlying facts remain....... including belief/desire for the apocalypse. I'm speaking in terms of evolving to more rational thoughts.
Lightbeing, I'm out of town right now and can not respond appropriately to posts from my phone, nor do I have the time at the moment, but let me be clear. DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME, as far as what I'm basing anything on, or anything else for that matter. You can keep your stereotypical self-indulgent bullshit to yourself. Thank you.
This an open forum to have conversations on certain topics. If you don't want me to acknowledge and respond to certain aspects of your faith(speaking for you according to you), DO NOT put it out there. What would be the point otherwise........

Once you have some time, please explain how my position is self-indulgent?????