Is it bad to believe in god?

IS it bad to believe in God.

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I'm an atheist and I don't think its bad. If it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt anyone else, go for it.
The good things I do are in large part due to my christian upbringing.
But you can never observe a persons thoughts, so when a loved one tells you what they are thinking and you trust them, it is faith based.
You can observe a person's thought to some extent. What is better however is to observe actions.

For example, there were many occasions in my twenties when I was less than trustworthy, and it showed up in my actions very clearly. A few people lost faith in me...and for good reason.
You can observe a person's thought to some extent. What is better however is to observe actions.

For example, there were many occasions in my twenties when I was less than trustworthy, and it showed up in my actions very clearly. A few people lost faith in me...and for good reason.

I understand what your saying, but still you cannot deny that taking somebodies word for something is faith based as you do not have hard evidence to base it on.

You cannot observe another persons hidden thoughts. thats why lying works and some people do it very well.

but you cannot deny that taking somebodies word for something is faith based as you do not have hard evidence to base it on.
I cant deny it no.

Taking somebody's word without knowing their past is FAITH.

TRUST however...has the opposite meaning.
If it's just YES or NO then I pick YES it's bad to believe in Xenu .. Oh, I mean Allah or FSM ... whichever, they're all the same. I fail to see how a strong belief in Xenu or Allah or FSM is going to benefit overall society at our stage of development. That said, some places, perhaps Pakistan or India, Arabia, Iraq ... yeah, they're probably better off worshiping Xenu or FSM etc...
I cant deny it no.

Taking somebody's word without knowing their past is FAITH.

TRUST however...has the opposite meaning.

But just because you know things about a persons past does not mean you know for a fact that they are truthfull. It is still faith based unless you have actual evidence.

Unless you have evidence for something it is not rational.

If it's just YES or NO then I pick YES it's bad to believe in Xenu .. Oh, I mean Allah or FSM ... whichever, they're all the same. I fail to see how a strong belief in Xenu or Allah or FSM is going to benefit overall society at our stage of development. That said, some places, perhaps Pakistan or India, Arabia, Iraq ... yeah, they're probably better off worshiping Xenu or FSM etc...

Xenu is not a god as far as I know.

if I like the smell of flowers it's not going to benifit society but that does not make it bad does it?.

Xenu is a God for some people. People do worship Him.

Actually, beleif in an Alien makes a little more sense than beleif in FSM or Allah. I mean, if you think about it, that's why StarWars and StarTrec are popular believable shows.

So, in a sense you are asking me: Is it good that we continue to teach children to believe in Xenu? Well, my personal opinion is that some societies have reached a stage (maybe) where it is no longer necessary to teach people to believe in Xenu - and actually, teaching people to believe in Xenu may actually stunt further development. So, I'm speaking about Japan, China, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, England... BUT, in places like Pakistan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, KSA, well, there it's probably important that they are taught to believe in Xenu.

Now, all of that said, I think the West and Japanese have the right balance when the religion is open-minded. For example, some liberal minded Christians religion teach that Buddhism is also a valid beleif system. And of course Buddhists can easily accommodate other beliefs (poly and monotheistic). So a society were people have some access to superstition seems to be better than one that squashes it completely. If the superstition is open minded and liberal then sure, it's probably OK for some people.

I'm gong to raise my child (when I have one) to give offerings to the aboriginal Gods... at least while they're still young.
Smelling flowers does benefit society. Perhaps even instilling an appreciation for nature, which is important - at least to me.
Xenu is a God for some people. People who worship Him. So, in a sense you are asking me: Is it good that we continue to teach children to believe in Xenu? Well, my personal opinion is that some societies have reached a stage (maybe) where it is no longer necessary to teach people to believe in Xenu - and actually, teaching people to believe in Xenu may actually stunt further development. So, I'm speaking about Japan, China, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, England... BUT, in places like Pakistan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, KSA, well, there it's probably important that they are taught to believe in Xenu.

Now, all of that said, I think the West and Japanese have the right balance when the religion is open-minded. For example, some liberal minded Christians religion teach that Buddhism is also a valid beleif system. And of course Buddhists can easily accommodate other beliefs (poly and monotheistic). So a society were people have some access to superstition seems to be better than one that squashes it completely. If the superstition is open minded and liberal then sure, it's probably OK for some people.

I'm gong to raise my child (when I have one) to give offerings to the aboriginal Gods... at least while they're still young.

I agree with that, it's a fair statement. But why give offerings to aboriginal gods? lol. Im not very versed in aboriginal traditions, but do they believe in the universe as some sort of dream world or something?. long the lines of some sort of universal consciousness?.

Smelling flowers does benefit society. Perhaps even instilling an appreciation for nature, which is important - at least to me.

thats kind of a long shot isnt it?. I might like to pick the flower before smelling it :D.

But no I dont pick flowers I prefer to look at them and let them live to be honest.

But just because you know things about a persons past does not mean you know for a fact that they are truthful. It is still faith based unless you have actual evidence.
Again, past experience is evidence.

Arent you in martial arts? Then you know the hierarchy of students and teachers is based on the evidence of experience. A student who proves himself to be untrustworthy might never become a teacher no matter how proficient he becomes.
yeah, you're right, maybe I should have said, planting flowers around the city is a good thing. :) as for the aboriginal Gods. I live in AU and I want my child to appreciate their culture. At a young age it's important that they open their mind and fly around :) I'll also teach my children to believe in Santa :D BUT, as they grow older, they'll soon realize Santa was just for kids and Aboriginal Dream Worlds are fantastic places of the mind ....

Probably we'll go to lots of religous festivals and eat treats from all over the religous landscape... Thai Buddhism, Japanese Shinto, Indian Hindu.... YUM!!!

Maybe, some day, when they are lost and sad, they'll return to a cave in the Australian country side and think about Dream Gods.... and work out their problem and realize their own dreams. THAT'S the strength in superstition. BUT, unfortunately, this has all been lost in the quest to control people. Heck, even SAM/SAM brother is scared of thinking unthinkable thoughts - there's no f*cking way I want THAT for my kids. If anything, exactly the opposite!!!

Make sense?
The bad is not believing in God because if i didn't i would kill myself from long time ago i think that believing in God is the best thing i can do for now and forever
Maybe Buddhist meditation would be even better?

Anyway, my post is referring to a generalization in society.
Is it bad to believe in God? simple question yes or no.

We are talking about having faith in God, not following a set of rules and scriptures.

Is it a bad thing?.
M*W: Believing in a god gives a sense of false hope. It also encourages a sense of well-being no matter what direction our lives may take. Believing in a higher power gives us an excuse not to take control of our lives or to make our own lives better. It encourages us to wait for god to fix the things we think we are incapable of fixing ourselves. I just can't see where belief in god (any god) is better than believing in ourselves.
MW-I take it you have never heard of the courage given by the knowledge that your "big brother" is right there, waiting to help you? Insert God for Big brother and you have a comparison. What is wrong with hope? How does having false hope hurt anyone? Most of the religions I am familiar with suggest that God places worldly ways for us to find help. Thus pushing us toward self-reliance. It DOES allow us to accept things which cannot be changed, or would you suggest that we can fix any situation we get ourselves into? Expecting this I offer a diagnosis of cancer, non-operable. The kind of thing that there is a limited amount you can do, but otherwise, death is a comin. How would you propose that a person, through self-reliance, could overcome this? I agree, it could be accepted, but I would suggest that the person looking forward to "heaven" will have an easier time facing death than the person looking forward to ???.
MW-I take it you have never heard of the courage given by the knowledge that your "big brother" is right there, waiting to help you? Insert God for Big brother and you have a comparison. What is wrong with hope? How does having false hope hurt anyone? Most of the religions I am familiar with suggest that God places worldly ways for us to find help. Thus pushing us toward self-reliance. It DOES allow us to accept things which cannot be changed, or would you suggest that we can fix any situation we get ourselves into? Expecting this I offer a diagnosis of cancer, non-operable. The kind of thing that there is a limited amount you can do, but otherwise, death is a comin. How would you propose that a person, through self-reliance, could overcome this? I agree, it could be accepted, but I would suggest that the person looking forward to "heaven" will have an easier time facing death than the person looking forward to ???.
M*W: I personally don't believe "big brother" is waiting or watching me, and I certainly have never solicited his help, except when I was a christian. Then I expected god to be there and answer all my frivilous prayers and take care of my loved ones. I found out all too soon that it was going to be me who take of my loved ones and there was no god in sight. Even as a christian, I saw other christians who were so phony. That's what disillusioned me about christianity. I still believe that a belief in a god is a cop-out for those who choose to live in denial.
MW-I would suggest that you are just disillusioned. That you based your faith in people and not God was disheartening, I'm sure. Humans are not God, not even near to God. We as believers must place our faith inGod, and not in man. Man will always let you down. You know what else I believe, MW? You don't get the choice. Like a child, tugging against his parent. You tug against God with all your strength. Yet, God is there, holding your hand firmly. God will protect you in spite of yourself, MW. Once saved, always saved. Like it or not, I think we'll be hanging out in Heaven. Will you feel silly, then? I hope not. I hope you feel loved. I hope and pray that you will find happiness with God, and that you will return to your faith.