Is Hell for Real?

I can always find strife where woody posts.

My opinion...God created everything, right? After God created everything He said it was good, right? Is hell good? If God is synonymous with love how could a loving, forgiving God send his children to a place like hell. No matter how bad a child is could a parent send him/her to such a place?
What does any of this have to do with Christianity or the Hebrew faith?

Woody: It is advisable to actually read all the tablets in full. A summary undoubtedly taken from a quick browse through google will not answer your question. If you want, I'll email you the entire text.

The point being made here is that Christianity did not come from Satanism (Or Paganism if you will). One is the antithesis of the other. I have already seen enough of the babylonian document to tell you who originated it: Ishtar the wife and mother of Nimrod, appointing him and her as goddess and god, sacrificing children to their sun god that Christians and Hebrews refer to as "Baal." We are very familiar with these disgusting practices -- Why do I need to read more?

Has anyone here read the evidence I have presented? Apparantly not because everything is argued in generalizations without any reference to the text I have provided.

An example is Justin Martyr's writings to the Roman Senate. Here is an excerpt from the 1st apology:


But as for us, we have been taught that to expose newly-born children is the part of wicked men; and this we have been taught lest we should do any one an injury, and lest we should sin against God, first, because we see that almost all so exposed (not only the girls, but also the males) are brought up to prostitution. And as the ancients are said to have reared herds of oxen, or goats, or sheep, or grazing horses, so now we see you rear children only for this shameful use; and for this pollution a multitude of females and hermaphrodites, and those who commit unmentionable iniquities, are found in every nation. And you receive the hire of these, and duty and taxes from them, whom you ought to exterminate from your realm. And any one who uses such persons, besides the godless and infamous and impure intercourse, may possibly be having intercourse with his own child, or relative, or brother. And there are some who prostitute even their own children and wives, and some are openly mutilated for the purpose of sodomy; and they refer these mysteries to the mother of the gods, and along with each of those whom you esteem gods there is painted a serpent, a great symbol and mystery.[Indeed, the things which you do openly and with applause, as if the divine light were overturned and extinguished, these you lay to our charge; which, in truth, does no harm to us who shrink from doing any such things, but only to those who do them and bear false witness against us.

Snakelord, Who are you confusing Christians with?


There were, then, among the Jews certain men who were prophets of God, through whom the prophetic Spirit published beforehand things that were to come to pass, ere ever they happened. And their prophecies, as they were spoken and when they were uttered, the kings who happened to be reigning among the Jews at the several times carefully preserved in their possession, when they had been arranged in books by the prophets themselves in their own Hebrew language. And when Ptolemy king of Egypt formed a library, and endeavoured to collect the writings of all men, he heard also of these prophets, and sent to Herod, who was at that time king of the Jews, requesting that the books of the prophets be sent to him. And Herod the king did indeed send them, written, as they were, in the foresaid Hebrew language. And when their contents were found to be unintelligible to the Egyptians, he again sent and requested that men be commissioned to translate them into the Greek language. And when this was done, the books remained with the Egyptians, where they are until now. They are also in the possession of all Jews throughout the world; but they, though they read, do not understand what is said, but count us foes and enemies; and, like yourselves, they kill and punish us whenever they have the power, as you can well believe. For in the Jewish war which lately raged, Barchochebas, the leader of the revolt of the Jews, gave orders that Christians alone should be led to cruel punishments, unless they would deny Jesus Christ and utter blasphemy. In these books, then, of the prophets we found Jesus our Christ foretold as coming, born of a virgin, growing up to man's estate, and healing every disease and every sickness, and raising the dead, and being hated, and unrecognised, and crucified, and dying, and rising again, and ascending into heaven, and being, and being called, the Son of God. We find it also predicted that certain persons should be sent by Him into every nation to publish these things, and that rather among the Gentiles [than among the Jews] men should believe on Him. And He was predicted before He appeared, first 5000 years before, and again 3000, then 2000, then 1000, and yet again 800; for in the succession of generations prophets after prophets arose.

I don't see the greeks, babylonians, egyptians, or anyone else mentioned in the hebrew prophesies of a coming messiah. The bible says there is a sun in the sky, does that make it a plagiarism of some earlier document?

Justin Martyr's second apology:


A certain woman lived with an intemperate husband; she herself, too, having formerly been intemperate. But when she came to the knowledge of the teachings of Christ she became sober-minded, and endeavoured to persuade her husband likewise to be temperate, citing the teaching of Christ, and assuring him that there shall be punishment in eternal fire inflicted upon those who do not live temperately and conformably to right reason. But he, continuing in the same excesses, alienated his wife from him by his actions. For she, considering it wicked to live any longer as a wife with a husband who sought in every way means of indulging in pleasure contrary to the law of nature, and in violation of what is right, wished to be divorced from him. And when she was overpersuaded by her friends, who advised her still to continue with him, in the idea that some time or other her husband might give hope of amendment, she did violence to her own feeling and remained with him. But when her husband had gone into Alexandria, and was reported to be conducting himself worse than ever, she--that she might not, by continuing in matrimonial connection with him, and by sharing his table and his bed, become a partaker also in his wickednesses and impieties--gave him what you call a bill of divorce, and was separated from him. But this noble husband of hers,--while he ought to have been rejoicing that those actions which formerly she unhesitatingly committed with the servants and hirelings, when she delighted in drunkenness and every vice, she had now given up, and desired that he too should give up the same,--when she had gone from him without his desire, brought an accusation against her, affirming that she was a Christian. And she presented a paper to thee, the Emperor, requesting that first she be permitted to arrange her affairs, and afterwards to make her defence against the accusation, when her affairs were set in order. And this you granted. And her quondam husband, since he was now no longer able to prosecute her, directed his assaults against a man, Ptolemaeus, whom Urbicus punished, and who had been her teacher in the Christian doctrines. And this he did in the following way. He persuaded a centurion--who had cast Ptolemaeus into prison, and who was friendly to himself--to take Ptolemaeus and interrogate him on this sole point: whether he were a Christian? And Ptolemaeus, being a lover of truth, and not of a deceitful or false disposition, when he confessed himself to be a Christian, was bound by the centurion, and for a long time punished in the prison. And, at last, when the man came to Urbicus, he was asked this one question only: whether he was a Christian? And again, being conscious of his duty, and the nobility of it through the teaching of Christ, he confessed his discipleship in the divine virtue. For he who denies anything, either denies it because he condemns the thing itself, or he shrinks from confession because he is conscious of his own unworthiness or alienation from it; neither of which cases is that of the true Christian. And when Urbicus ordered him to be led away to punishment, one Lucius, who was also himself a Christian, seeing the unreasonable judgment that had thus been given, said to Urbicus: "What is the ground of this judgment? Why have you punished this man, not as an adulterer, nor fornicator, nor murderer, nor thief, nor robber, nor convicted of any crime at all, but who has only confessed that he is called by the name of Christian? This judgment of yours, O Urbicus, does not become the Emperor Pius, nor the philosopher, the son of Caesar, nor the sacred senate." And he said nothing else in answer to Lucius than this: "You also seem to me to be such an one." And when Lucius answered, "Most certainly I am," he again ordered him also to be led away. And he professed his thanks, knowing that he was delivered from such wicked rulers, and was going to the Father and King of the heavens. And still a third having come forward, was condemned to be punished.

As you can see Christians are quite different from Pagans in the way they live, yet you say Christians copied Pagans.

You can probably dig and produce an argument, to which I counter:

1) Who originated the proposition?
2) Look at their live(s), and their practices (whether they be good or bad)
3) Evaluate their citizenship among humanity.

I subject the bible to this evaluation:

1) I believe that the bible originated from God himself through the prophets.
2) You may find something wrong with Christians, but you will not find anything wrong with the teachings of Jesus, whether you believe he existed or not. Christians attempt to practice good, decent, moral lives, believing man was created in God's own image, and treating man as such, due to our respect for our maker: ceasing from violance, murder, thievery, sexual perversion, and any other practice that debases humanity.
3) Christians are not only good citizens with humanity, they are commanded to be good citizens and obedient to authorities (except in matters of faith) by the bible.

I also reply:

I am a Christian and I hate a lie. I do not hate the bible.

When you have a point, please get specific instead of argueing in generalities.


I'm not ignoring you on your question about Hell. The answer is Hell was created for satan and his angels. It was not made for man, but man chose to follow the path to death rather than life. Given a choice, man would rather eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil than eat from the tree of eternal life. Man makes the choice, not God.
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Snakelord, Who are you confusing Christians with?

I haven't confused anything with anything. I simply advised you to read all the tablets in entirety if you seek answers. So now Woody, kindly tell me how I've confused christians with anything?

Apology accepted.

I don't see the greeks, babylonians, egyptians, or anyone else mentioned in the hebrew prophesies of a coming messiah.

Umm.. that's kind of obvious. It seems you have no idea about story writing.

The bible says there is a sun in the sky, does that make it a plagiarism of some earlier document?

Come now, you must know better than that?

He was predicted before He appeared, first 5000 years before, and again 3000, then 2000, then 1000, and yet again 800; for in the succession of generations prophets after prophets arose.

That in itself shows that stories are 'borrowed' by later cultures and incorporated into their own stories. You're fooling yourself if you think these earlier cultures spoke of "jesus". Of course, that would mean some study on your part, and I can tell you don't have time for that.

As you can see Christians are quite different from Pagans in the way they live, yet you say Christians copied Pagans.

I hope that's not pointed at me, because you're well aware I didn't say anything of the sort. All I did say was that you should read the tablets in full. How you get from that to this I'll never know.

1) I believe that the bible originated from God himself through the prophets.

A baseless assumption.

2) You may find something wrong with Christians, but you will not find anything wrong with the teachings of Jesus

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth; it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword. For I have come to set son against father, daughter against mother.."

I find something wrong with that teaching of christ. That nullifies point 2.

Christians attempt to practice good, decent, moral lives, believing man was created in God's own image, and treating man as such, due to our respect for our maker: ceasing from violance, murder, thievery, sexual perversion, and any other practice that debases humanity.

Atheists do the same, minus the god part. We don't do it out of respect for the sky, but out of respect for ourselves and each other. What was your point?

3) Christians are not only good citizens with humanity, they are commanded to be good citizens and obedient to authorities (except in matters of faith) by the bible.

So are atheists, minus the god/bible part. What is your point?

I am a Christian and I hate a lie

You lied when claiming you hadn't switched forum accounts. Why do that which you hate? It makes you look like a hypocrite.

When you have a point, please get specific instead of argueing in generalities.

I did have a point, which was simply that you read all the tablets in full. I didn't argue anything. I left that to you. How more specific could my post have got? are lost.
you confuse paganism wth satanism. that shows your theological and pagan lore naiveity
Satan doesn't appear in the O'T' till after Genesis, and when he does his role is mainly a 'trickster' god who 'tests' 'God's followers etc

it's only in Judaic-Christianity we get the creation of the enemy of 'God' called 'the Devil'

This creation's appearance was concocted later and was a ripp off from various oagan mythological gods including the Greek Pan...with his horns, hoofs, and goat associations.....Also the pagan Lord of the Underworld who had horns, etc

you are like some meek mouse-like frightened to death of your creed's creation of 'HELL' that all 'other' is now coloured by your fear. ANYTHING not to the letter of your beliefs--which even THAt you have wrong--is 'satanism etc

actually nearly all the Christian motifs--the 'Son of 'God', the 'crucifixion', the 'eucharist/sacramant', 'resurrection', 'changing water into wine', loads more is appropriated from pagan mythology of the son/lover of Goddess, the son being/having many associations such as Sun/Divine Child, who as you know is 'born' and 'dies' and 'reborn' at solstices etc; the sacrament/hallucinogenic plant eat for spiritual inspiration; Nature--its eternal changes; the spirit that rises in the eater of the that

the prepatriarchal mind was poetic and asscoiatative--preliterate. thus not word-fixed, believing in absurdities ad contradictions which were divisive. as for example the patriarchal worded dogma that light is better than dark and will do away with darkness. that there is an ACTUAL enemy of 'goodness' blabla....all of that is thought up its own arse, kid

thought takin itself really seriously and FORGETTING BODY. and importantly forgetting DIRECT experience
for the sacrament that you christians believe is THe sacrament, is not the originary sacrament, but is a use-less plae replacement. one couldn't even call it a placebo actually

i know you wont believe any of this. but i thought i'd share it anyhow

You lied when claiming you hadn't switched forum accounts. Why do that which you hate? It makes you look like a hypocrite.

No Snakelord, I told you the truth in that matter. You owe me an apology for your false accusations. "Satan" means accuser of the brethren -- don't do his job for him, though you do it well.

Your failure to communicate without personal attacks shows what you are made of.
woody; you have some, audacity.
let he who is without sin cast the first stone( the pot calling the kettle black comes to mind), so we bounce this back to you, Your failure to communicate without personal attacks shows what you are made of.
Your failure to communicate without personal attacks shows what you are made of.

I'm sorry, from what I can recall I left one harmless sentence to you upon which you started half a novel's worth of irrelevant retaliation, and accusing me of confusing christians with something..

Who is doing satans job?

And yes, you did switch accts. Some simple ip investigation works wonders.

Anyway, were you going to actually respond to my post properly or just continue with your regular act of running away from it?
So in other words, they twisted and turned until they got what they wanted -- that's what we Christians call a "lie." And you don't call it a lie? The old testament says "Thou shalt not Bear False Witness." Therefore, they damned themselves, and they should have removed the old testament while they were spinning their "new religion."
Not so, the controversy that surrounded the creation of the bible was not caused by the liers vs. the truth tellers, but by sincere individuals with different interpretations of either the same words, or different versions of similar stories. Some stories seemed to contradict others. These bishops were given the task of sorting it all out, and in the process, their own preconcieved notions necessarily affected the outcome. The nature of oral transmission itself leaves room for the meanings to evolve over time. Yet today, the acknowledgement of any "wiggle room" in the interpretation of the bible is taboo.

My personal feeling is that they did damn themselves by favoring the concrete and obvious, which has more popular appeal, over the gnostic and mystical. I do think at least part of their motive was to consolidate the political power of the early church, after all, they were only human, and not even direct disciples of Jesus. They sought credibility in what they did by drawing parallels between Old Testament prophecies, and the stories of Jesus, so they could build upon a pre-existing Jewish/Christian base.

I would not be so sure about what you call the dovetailing of Old and New testaments. Sure, Jesus said that he didn't come to make the old laws obsolete, but to augment them with a new vitality, but I think much of this vitality was lost in an attempt to reconcile new ideas with the old in such a way that didn't confuse the casual reader too much. Yes, they dumbed it down for the masses. Perhaps they thought that was who it was for. Those gnostics get so into it, they don't even have time to cut their hair, or hold down a job, and we can't have any of that.

woody said:
So in other words, they twisted and turned until they got what they wanted -- that's what we Christians call a "lie."
So, I don't really want to get into a political discussion, but I know a few leaders of a certain superpower who's justification for war could be called just that, according to your broad interpretation.
Pavlos said,

woody; you have some, audacity.
let he who is without sin cast the first stone( the pot calling the kettle black comes to mind), so we bounce this back to you, Your failure to communicate without personal attacks shows what you are made of.

Pavlos, read what was said. Snakelord blamed me for something I did not do (taking on a fictitious name to enter prank posts), and then called me a liar to my face. I told him a while back that I was not the guy. I don't know who it was, and yet he continues to slight me for it with one cheap shot after another. I see that it will not end therefore I put him on the troll list where I will no longer view his posts.

This forum is supposed to be a place for rational discussion. You lay out your case, and let people debate it. It is ok to have a differing opinion. I am not perfect, and I make some brazen statements, but I will not tolerate petty, nagging, bellicose troll-dom. I have better things to listen to. :bugeye:
This forum is supposed to be a place for rational discussion. You lay out your case, and let people debate it. It is ok to have a differing opinion. I am not perfect, and I make some brazen statements, but I will not tolerate petty, nagging, bellicose troll-dom. I have better things to listen to.

With all due respect Woody, but anyone with eyes can see that I only left one sentence saying that you should read all tablets concerning gilgamesh if you wanted an answer to the question you asked.

After that you launched into some mass "christians are the best" novel, and accused me of confusing christians with something or someone else.

You are aware of this, as am I. As a further post in direct response to your novel on christianity and it's sources, I mentioned the account swapping incident. I could mention that a degree isn't required to get ip's etc, but there is no need. After all, have you not spent a great deal of time espousing the need for "faith". And so, evidence dropped in the nearest trash can, I can happily take it on faith. That is what you've been requesting people to do in their lives is it not? As such it comes off a little bizarre now that you would have such a problem with someone taking something on faith.

All that aside, I thought this was worthy of mentioning:

As you can see Christians are quite different from Pagans in the way they live, yet you say Christians copied Pagans.

Let me ask you Woody... do you seek knowledge? Do you want to understand and know things? Is knowledge of any importance to you?

I get the impression that at this stage you would answer; "yes". Now, pay attention:

"The pursuit of knowledge, unless sanctified by a holy mission, is a pagan act, and therefore vile."
Saint Bernard of Clairvauz

So if you said yes, how different are you to the 'pagans'? Saint Bernard says it's a "vile, pagan act", and yet I would believe you pursue knowledge. Seem's you're more 'pagan' than you realise.
Hi Woody,

I could not help but notice your comments.

Quote W:
"I subject the bible to this evaluation:

1) I believe that the bible originated from God himself through the prophets.
2) You may find something wrong with Christians, but you will not find anything wrong with the teachings of Jesus, whether you believe he existed or not. Christians attempt to practice good, decent, moral lives, believing man was created in God's own image, and treating man as such, due to our respect for our maker: ceasing from violance, murder, thievery, sexual perversion, and any other practice that debases humanity.
3) Christians are not only good citizens with humanity, they are commanded to be good citizens and obedient to authorities (except in matters of faith) by the bible.

My response to your points:

1) Is this the god of the Jews who also happens to be the god of Islam? Now you know that Muslims believe the Koran to be the latest testament of that god revealed through Mohammed and the Jews are still awaiting their messiah to fulfil the very prophecies in the OT. So it seems this god that you all share is indecisive and confusing to those that he supposedly loves. What evidence (historic, contemporary or any other) do you have that your version or interpretation of this same god’s scripture is correct? I would insist on an objective opinion in this instance.

2) Jesus has in his heart, the capacity to condemn men that he created, to eternal hell, where the keywords seem to be "wailing" and "gnashing of teeth". And eternity implies no forgiveness. Have you the capacity to condemn your own kids to such a fate, for whatever reason? Furthermore God, his image or his character as described in the OT, is certainly no rolemodel for moral behaviour. Unless of course you accept murderous, jealousy and vindictiveness as decent traits.

3) The crime rate, specifically violent crime and theft, in Islamic countries, and most eastern countries such as Japan, are virtually nil, which would indicate that if Christians are, as you describe, moral and humane, we would have an even lower crime rate in so called "Christian" countries. Read the papers. Your statement carries no weight whatsoever.

Hello Stretch,

It's nice to hear from someone that doesn't come throwing stones because all the windows here are about broken.

The test I provided is just one of many for refining truth, it is not the only test.

I will attempt to answer your points with reason from a bible-believer's point of view (I accept the bible as true):

1) Jews have the same God we do, but Muslims do not, unfortunately. They have been duped by an angel that called himself Gabriel. God does his own bidding directly with respect to man, not second hand. Another example of a dupe is mormon originator Joseph Smith who spoke with an angel named moroni. Notice in these instances, that only one person gets the revelation, and it is second hand (we call demons second hand liars). Moses got his revelation directly from God at Mount Sinai, and the other prophets in the bible, likewise got theirs from God. As a group the prophets concur. Witness is established in the mouth of two or more persons -- this is Jewish law and it is a good one. It winnows out the heretics, liars, and would-be prophets that constantly try to infiltrate sound doctrine.

2) Look at the lives of those that purport their religion. Mohammed -- a man over fifty having sex with a nine year old girl. He had four wives more than the legal limit he set for everyone else, making himself a hypocrit. God did not ordain polygamy, though Mohammed says it is a holy thing. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not Adam, Eve and the other wives and concubines. The Jewish people on the otherhand believed the messiah was coming but they rejected the cornerstone of their own temple -- Jesus Christ. The fact that Jesus sends people to Hell that are hopelessly rebellious does not mean he no longer loves them, and I know you don't understand this. Jesus actually loves satan, as a rebellious child that must be put in prison, and must pay for what he has done wrong. Jesus himself, came to the world to forgive the world so that it could be saved. The people that are in hell rejected his forgiveness, and there is no other alternative because they will never change. Jesus did everything he could by dieing on a cross, but they don't want it, instead they want to continue in rebellion, and this is an angering insult in the face of the creator that did everything he could though he didn't have to. He did the hard part so we could have a free gift.

3) The crime rate is high in the U.S. but it is not the Christian population that is going to prison for most of it. If everyone lived a Christian life there would be no need for a prison. In some of the other countries you mentioned, crime is low because of the penalty. In a muslim country, a thief has his hand removed. You also mentioned Japan, and we currently have some of them in our development lab. One of them (a nonbeliever), asked me about christianity, and about christian leadership. He is not a christian but in his own statement, christianity was the only thing keeping america from a complete moral collapse.

I hope this sheds some light on your questions, and I know you will probably disagree, but that is ok. Every believer must make a decision for themselves, whether they want to continue feeding off of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which leads to death, or whether they want to feed off of the tree of life which is Jesus.

take care and God Bless :)
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right Woody. you say that you as a christian obey your 'God's' commandment of 'thou shalt not kill'...yes or no?

you also say that as a christian you are to follow the authority of the sate, but not regarding faith? ye or nay?

Do you believe BushW is a christian? yes? no?

do you agree with him murdering thousands of Iraqi people? yes or no?
Woody said:
Witness is established in the mouth of two or more persons -- this is Jewish law and it is a good one. It winnows out the heretics, liars, and would-be prophets that constantly try to infiltrate sound doctrine.
Okay - so if me and my friend both make up the same thing, and claim me to be the next prophet, then this is acceptable?
But if I say it on my own it's not?

Woody said:
In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not Adam, Eve and the other wives and concubines.
Okay - so we had one man and one woman at the start.
Then where did everyone else come from.
Adam and Eve had children (Cain, Abel etc) but where did the rest of mankind come from?
Surely God created other "originals"?
Or does God condone incest as a necessary means of population growth?

But then if he created other people ("originals") along with Adam and Eve then surely, at some point, there must have been more men than women (or vice versa) - as he created Man, then Woman, and then surely either another Man (making it two men to every women on the planet) or another Woman (making it two women to every man).
So at some point God must have been suggesting that it's okay for people to marry more than one of the other sex?
Or was he promoting same-sex marriages for those that couldn't hook up with someone of the other sex due to their being an unequal number of Men and Women?

Woody said:
The crime rate is high in the U.S. but it is not the Christian population that is going to prison for most of it. If everyone lived a Christian life there would be no need for a prison.
If everyone obeyed the law of society THEN there would be no need for a prison.
But obeying the law of society is NOT the same as being a Christian.

In simple terms:
Christianity = obey the law + believe in God.
Atheism = obey the law (but we'll allow you to "covet your neighbours wife"! Yay!)

Okily Dokily, neighbourino.
Woody said:
3) The crime rate is high in the U.S. but it is not the Christian population that is going to prison for most of it.

That is about as completely false a statement as you could have made.

In 1995, Harold Koenig of Duke University conducted a study of older prisoners in which he found some interesting data on religion as well.

It seems that 92% of them were raised as Christians and 85% considered themselves to still be Christian. 88.5% stated that religion was somewhat to very important to the person that raised them.

Woody said:
I hope this sheds some light on your questions, and I know you will probably disagree, but that is ok.

Its not a matter of "belief" when looking at empirical data. Its a matter of acceptance.

But do note, that while he was investigating "older" prisoners, the vast majority of them considered themselves to be christian (most of these Protestant) prior to being sent to prison. Another interesting fact is that a large percentage (90% +) switched from one christian denomination to another during their incarceration - i.e. mainline protestant to baptist and vice versa. This would seem to indicate a psychological "blame" or acceptance of "failure" for their particular brand of Christianity and a search for a more effective substitute.

Of course your argument will be that "these people weren't true Christians, since true christians wouldn't commit crimes." If so, then wouldn't these alarming numbers speak to the grand failure of christianity?

Koenig, W. (1995). Religion and Older Men in Prison. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 10, 219-230.
Interesting Statistics Skinwalker,

I'll look into it. About half of the US population is nonchristian.

I noticed the Christians included in the study were "older christians." Hence they've had a lot of time to think about it.

I know of former serial killers that converted to Christianity, one being Jeffrey Dalmer. I know a lot of people from church (we are talking thousands of people) and I haven't heard of any of them going to prison.

To be a fundamentalist church member you can not be a drug addict, homosexual, living in adultery, fornicator, murderer, thieve, or living any other life style that would send you to prison.

If you asked anyone in prison if they were gulity, they would all say no, or so I hear there is not a guilty man in prison according to the people that run the prison system. I'll look at your points here and see what our ministries can do to patch the cracks. Here is a great opportunity, thank you for pointing it out. :D
Woody said:
I'll look into it. About half of the US population is nonchristian.

Not according to the 2002 United States Census data. That lists about 78% of the population that considers itself to be "christian."

Woody said:
I noticed the Christians included in the study were "older christians." Hence they've had a lot of time to think about it.

It just happened to be the demographic that Koenig was studying as part of his research into geriatrics. He didn't make note of which inmates were recently incarcerated as opposed to having been incarcerated longer than a decade. Not that I read anyway. The data I found compelling was their christian views prior to incarceration as well as their views post incarceration.

Woody said:
I know a lot of people from church (we are talking thousands of people) and I haven't heard of any of them going to prison.

I know a lot of people regardless of religiosity. I can't think of any in prison. Yet the prisons are full.

Woody said:
To be a fundamentalist church member you can not be a drug addict, homosexual, living in adultery, fornicator, murderer, thieve, or living any other life style that would send you to prison.

Let me correct that: to be a fundamentalist church member of your church (perhaps), you cannot let it be known that you are a drug addict, homosexual, living in adultery, fornicator, murderer, thief, or living any other lifestyle that would send you to prison.

There are many fundamentalist church groups that target these very people as their mission. There are those within the remainder that simply keep their lifestyles secret.

Woody said:
If you asked anyone in prison if they were gulity, they would all say no,

I've had the opportunity to work closely with offenders of various ages, cultures, and levels of incarceration. I've met very few that won't admit to their crimes.

2003 Statistical Abstract of the United States. Page 67.