Is God to blame for all the evil in the World?

There is only one true God to any and all of us. That God is ourselves.

I linked to theistic evolution for their view of evolutionary evil, not for their view of some imaginary creator God.

God's master is not evil. God's master is good as cooperation is our default setting. Not competition.

There is a much better chance for an entity to survive if cooperating than competing when living in out type of social group. Ask any baby.


I agree, but I challenge anyway. I do that. That's how we find the best ideas.

This places ourselves, each in turn, as functional elements of everything...of the universe. There's no true definition of self as you are used to doing. You are literally 'everything', only paying attention to what you consider 'yourself'. Yet in whole, including the landslide, including the natural suffering and death of men, our 'true selves' still includes those other parts. The unconscious yet dangerous parts. The parts that will let fuel run out from stars and allow the universe to rest in a cold waste and allow the last consciousness to expire. To be 'blown out'.

All of it together is 'God'. However most of it is least dangerous if not actually malevolent because of lack of intent.

God appears here to be a dumb and helpless child waking up who isn't in a position to take care of himself.
I agree, but I challenge anyway. I do that. That's how we find the best ideas.

This places ourselves, each in turn, as functional elements of everything...of the universe. There's no true definition of self as you are used to doing. You are literally 'everything', only paying attention to what you consider 'yourself'. Yet in whole, including the landslide, including the natural suffering and death of men, our 'true selves' still includes those other parts. The unconscious yet dangerous parts. The parts that will let fuel run out from stars and allow the universe to rest in a cold waste and allow the last consciousness to expire. To be 'blown out'.

All of it together is 'God'. However most of it is least dangerous if not actually malevolent because of lack of intent.

God appears here to be a dumb and helpless child waking up who isn't in a position to take care of himself.

No argument and God is just starting to recognize that without man he is nothing. I think he is about ready to get on his knees to man. As it should be.

Luke 4:

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Considering we live in a pretty cruel world, doesn't this reflect us closer to Satan than God? Is Satan to blame for everything in his world?

God may know more about Evil then Satan, but is God causing these evils on Earth, I mean come one, it's Satan.

EDIT: It's mainly human beings now causing the Evil...

If God is omnificent and omnipotent, then who else can be responsible for the good as well as the evil?
Luke 4:

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Considering we live in a pretty cruel world, doesn't this reflect us closer to Satan than God? Is Satan to blame for everything in his world?

God may know more about Evil then Satan, but is God causing these evils on Earth, I mean come one, it's Satan.

EDIT: It's mainly human beings now causing the Evil...

Disagree , to your edit

It is the ignorance of who god actually is . The lack of ancient knowledge that is this " evil " .

Ignorance is not bliss , rather it is a blind over the mind of the truth of reality , of then , ancient times and in our time
Disagree , to your edit

It is the ignorance of who god actually is . The lack of ancient knowledge that is this " evil " .

Ignorance is not bliss , rather it is a blind over the mind of the truth of reality , of then , ancient times and in our time

Yet Christianity says that when Adam and Eve did shed ignorant bliss, they fell.

The Jews call it our elevation and agree with you and I.

Christianity has been screwed up forever but they had the political power to enforce their idiotic teachings that have now become a part of Christianity.

I am kind of a creationist, and i believe in god, but i don't know what to think anymore, i don't think god should only come into picture when you think about all the good, i think he lets bad things happen, or lost control of this world he created at some point because he gave us freewill. I think he may have ditched on us at some point in the past. I don't know.
I am kind of a creationist, and i believe in god, but i don't know what to think anymore, i don't think god should only come into picture when you think about all the good, i think he lets bad things happen, or lost control of this world he created at some point because he gave us freewill. I think he may have ditched on us at some point in the past. I don't know.

Free will?

Like when he threw a fit against A & E and all of us the first time they did their will and not his. Is that the free will you meant?

If so, where was the free part?

Commands and consequences are quite good at annulling free will. Right?

If God is all powerful then "yes". If he is not then he isn't a God worth bothering with.
So if there is a god who is really powerful, but not quite all powerful... should just be ignored, not worth bothering with?
Is a person to blame for all their children's wrongdoing. ?
After all a parent creates the children and educates them., raises them. So they must be responsible for all the evil they do, yes?
Free will?

Like when he threw a fit against A & E and all of us the first time they did their will and not his. Is that the free will you meant?

If so, where was the free part?

Commands and consequences are quite good at annulling free will. Right?


free will with consequences is still free will
Is a person to blame for all their children's wrongdoing. ?
After all a parent creates the children and educates them., raises them. So they must be responsible for all the evil they do, yes?

Yes. Till the age a maturity. You seem to think that the way we nurture our children is not forever the parents own responsibility.

When did you disown your responsibility for what your children ended up being?

My oldest is 45 and I still blame myself for some of his personality quirks. My responsibility and duty to my children will only end when I die.

When did your duty to your children die?

Parents aren't omnipotent.

True and even without that attribute, we still would not kill our children through neglect the way God murdered A & E in Genesis.

All because they refused to remain as bright as bricks. Too stupid to even reproduce or even want to.

So if there is a god who is really powerful, but not quite all powerful... should just be ignored, not worth bothering with?
Yes. A God who isn't all powerful didn't recreate the universe.

With God is like being can't be a little bit pregnant. It doesn't make sense.
Yes. Till the age a maturity. You seem to think that the way we nurture our children is not forever the parents own responsibility.

When did you disown your responsibility for what your children ended up being?

My oldest is 45 and I still blame myself for some of his personality quirks. My responsibility and duty to my children will only end when I die.

When did your duty to your children die?

The thread is a about being to blame for evil. Not feeling responsible for some quirks.
However, if you want to use that argument then by your thinking when someone commits murder, then his parents should also go to jail. As they are the ones who are actually to blame.
Yes. A God who isn't all powerful didn't recreate the universe.

With God is like being can't be a little bit pregnant. It doesn't make sense.
So God is only God if he fits your definition of God. ?