Is God to blame for all the evil in the World?

Is not making a universe the supreme act of power?
Here I go again on my own

Great acts of power yes, and held to be very powerful in all traditions yes. But that does not equate to omnipotence necessarily.
Omnipotence where only one can have power and therefore performs all acts itself.

If God is omnipotent then yes all blame and praise for everything go to it.

However for omnipotence there can be only one, which rules most eastern traditions out. Arguably too, the bible refers to plural gods as god refers to us and we.
In any case there is no explicit reference in the bible to omnipotence, just many references to extremely powerful acts. Which is not quite the same thing.

If God is omnipotent and omnipresent then what you and I are doing now is god having a conversation with himself. If God is not omnipotent etc then it cannot necessarily be blamed for all evil.

Or there is no God at all. But then I would argue that our ideas of what are evil and good are only based on religious values anyway. And if you take religion out if it, then we are just natural beings living in nature and doing the things that come naturally to us. Therefore can there be no concepts such as good and evil.
Yes. A God who isn't all powerful didn't recreate the universe.

With God is like being can't be a little bit pregnant. It doesn't make sense.

You have a point but it is also wrong to say that God is all powerful when he cannot even reproduce a true God and can only do a half breed chimera God,Jesus.

A real Omni-potent God would create more Jesus' as well.

Your God is definitely not omnipotent. He is not potent at all.

The thread is a about being to blame for evil. Not feeling responsible for some quirks.
However, if you want to use that argument then by your thinking when someone commits murder, then his parents should also go to jail. As they are the ones who are actually to blame.

Not in actuality but tell us, was that murderer born that way or was he made that way by all those he interacted with while growing up?

Let me give you the correct answer.

He was not born that way but was made into what he became by all those around him.

That truth is why Gnostic Christians are Universalists and have a God who must forgive if he is just.

If God was to punish anyone, he would have to punish everyone as we all contribute to whatever evil comes out of us. We are all in this together, alone.

So God is only God if he fits your definition of God. ?

Isn't that how everyone thinks of their God?

Isn't that the way it should be, or should we let others define the God we choose to follow?

At the end of the day, God is just the set of rules, laws and commandments we follow. We cannot follow an invisible God but can follow the rules we think he or she lives by.

Who should decide what rules you follow if not yourself and your own conscience?

Is God responsible for the evils of the world?

The answer is no. Humans have free will and choice, and have used that to create evil.

The bible says, sin=evil is not imputed, where there is no law. If there is no law against something, it is not evil. Law defines and creates sin and evil.

For example, 100 years ago, it was not yet a crime or social sin to smoke Marijuana. There was no law against this, yet, therefore it was morally neutral and not yet defined as evil. When men created the laws and taboo, then sin appeared, as did evil. From the 1920's to the present, it was a cultural sin, punished as being evil, because of a man made law.

Original sin was connected to eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which is law. Law outlines the rules that define the good and evil behind each unique sets of behavior. Once humans started to make laws, human began to create and define sin, since sin became imputed as more and more law was created.

The lion or native tribesman can kill the animal to eat; natural and neutral. But in some western cultures, animal activists will eat of the tree of knowledge, to create sin with law; becomes evil by their human definition.

God gave humans free will and choice. We can choose not to eat of the tree of knowledge ,in terms of laws that are subjective, and make no rational sense. Not all laws are bad, with some laws, objective laws.

Objective laws can also impute sin, however, they also create light, because of the contrast that is set up in the darkness of sin. For example, thou shall not kill. This taboo imputes sin that is very dark. In the darkness of killing, pain and death, people found the light of mercy and compassion, with many choosing the path of peace.

Subjective laws, like prohibitions, don't give light because there is no logical reason, beyond a subjective ego-centric power grab that creates government jobs. This creates darkness in the contrast of neutral gray being called black.
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Is God responsible for the evils of the world?

The answer is no. Humans have free will and choice, and have used that to create evil.

Indeed, but we cannot help but do evil with the natures God gave us.

Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.

That is "God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy."

But this simply avoids God's culpability as the author of Human Nature. Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.

If all sin by nature then, the sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not sin.
Therefore, for God to punish us for having to follow our God given natures, --- that must sin, --- would make God himself a sinner because if anyone deserved punishment it would be God for creating us without the ability to not sin.

Semantics but my statement stands.

Only a fool would think that a knife to the throat does dot negate free will or freedom to do as one wishes.

We have laws in this country, people break the laws all the time.. despite the consequences. .. freewill.

Those imprisoned still have choice as to how to behave on prison.

A lack of freewill would make it impossible for anyone to break a law.

It is not just semantics, the difference is important.
That truth is why Gnostic Christians are Universalists and have a God who must forgive if he is just.

If God was to punish anyone, he would have to punish everyone as we all contribute to whatever evil comes out of us. We are all in this together, alone.

Not saying you're right or wrong here, but the subject is whether we should blame god for evil. Not whether he should punish us, so I can't see the relevance of this to the subject matter.
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Revelation 19:6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
The Bible I looked in doesn't have that. So I did some checking. King James bible has this, but American standard, English standard and international bibles don't. So good point.

However, the problem with omnipotence is that there can be no freewill for others if here is one being with all power and conducting all actions. Therefore a god that gives freewill can't be omnipotent. ( probably why later versions of the bible removed this word from the translation)
We have laws in this country, people break the laws all the time.. despite the consequences. .. freewill.

Those imprisoned still have choice as to how to behave on prison.


Except getting out. That is not freedom.

You speak of consequences but if you read Genesis you will see that Satan, as the talking serpent, gave more of the consequences and benefits than God did. God's silence was a lie of omission as he tacked on a bunch of unknown consequences --- arbitrarily --- after the fact.

Any parent who did such would be quite the prick and so is God in this myth to a free thinker.
Christians of course cannot judge it correctly thanks to their religion corrupting their morals.

From John Galt's speech, in Atlas Shrugged.
What is the nature of the guilt that your teachers call his Original Sin? What are the evils man acquired when he fell from a state they consider perfection? Their myth declares that he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge—he acquired a mind and became a rational being. It was the knowledge of good and evil—he became a moral being. He was sentenced to earn his bread by his labor—he became a productive being. He was sentenced to experience desire—he acquired the capacity of sexual enjoyment. The evils for which they damn him are reason, morality, creativeness, joy—all the cardinal values of his existence. It is not his vices that their myth of man’s fall is designed to explain and condemn, it is not his errors that they hold as his guilt, but the essence of his nature as man. Whatever he was—that robot in the Garden of Eden, who existed without mind, without values, without labor, without love—he was not man.
Man’s fall, according to your teachers, was that he gained the virtues required to live. These virtues, by their standard, are his Sin. His evil, they charge, is that he’s man. His guilt, they charge, is that he lives.

Not saying you're right or wrong here, but the subject is whether we should blame god for evil. Not whether he should punish us, so I can't see the relevance of this to the subject matter.

I do see it.

Judgement and punishment go hand in hand.

But speaking directly to blame,

Amos 3:6 (KJV)
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?

Scripture are clear that God is responsible for all evil as it was all written up in his plan before creation. That is why he selected Jesus as our savior even before man or sin was created.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

The Christian myth says that in the beginning, there was only God. It then follows that if everything emanated from God as the only possible source of anything, then evil had to come out of him or his essence.

This is irrefutable logic unless you wish to name a co-creator and place his name above Gods as a creator of evil and that would mean breaking the first commandment.

The Bible I looked in doesn't have that. So I did some checking. King James bible has this, but American standard, English standard and international bibles don't. So good point.

However, the problem with omnipotence is that there can be no freewill for others if here is one being with all power and conducting all actions. Therefore a god that gives freewill can't be omnipotent. ( probably why later versions of the bible removed this word from the translation)

The closer to the original myth, the more likely is the translation correct.

I have already shown that God cannot be omnipotent as he cannot reproduce a true child.

As to free will or freedom of choice, those are things that people take. Those cannot be given unless they were held back somehow from an individual.

For instance, you have the freedom to follow your free will to kill someone. You have that. No one gave it to you. You have just decided not to exercise that freedom. No one is preventing you but you.

I have already shown that God cannot be omnipotent as he cannot reproduce a true child.
that is not shown nor can it be. It is no more provable the gods existence in the first place

However god cannot be omnipotent has this negates freewill as I have already said