Is God to blame for all the evil in the World?

Is God also to credit for all the good?
In the sense that He is ultimate evil(doesn't need to exercise it) and the ultimate good(again, doesn't need to exercise it).

On a daily basis people show extreme goodness to others and extreme evil using their free will.

So ultimately, God doesn't take the credit for a humans act of kindness for example.
In the sense that He is ultimate evil(doesn't need to exercise it) and the ultimate good(again, doesn't need to exercise it).

On a daily basis people show extreme goodness to others and extreme evil using their free will.

So ultimately, God doesn't take the credit for a humans act of kindness for example.

I suggest the ultimate goodness, as a part of it's nature, would be to be driven to show it's example.

How else could we perceive good if we did not ever see it?

We are animals and in that sense begin as perfect mimicking biological units and rule followers to each other. That is our hivish, groupish and tribal, nature.

I suggest the ultimate goodness, as a part of it's nature, would be to be driven to show it's example.
I doubt that, we aren't that bad.
How else could we perceive good if we did not ever see it?
well you could look at a apple tree and pick the good apples from it as they taste best.
We are animals and in that sense begin as perfect mimicking biological units and rule followers to each other. That is our hivish, groupish and tribal, nature.


You can be an animal, I'm a human being.

Why ?

Are we animals , absolutely

But what other animal can build a space station , do I need to go on ......?

Think better of ourselves HUMANITY
Many animals can do things humans can't. What's your point?
Are we animals , absolutely
But what other animal can build a space station , do I need to go on ......?
Can we breathe underwater, as other animals can? Can we fly with our own wings, as other animals can? No - and that is not a reason to think less of ourselves. All animals have different abilities, different things that they are good at. We are exceptionally good with our brains. And we've done some great things with it (like the aforementioned space station) and some terrible things (the Holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 9/11.) Our pride in what we use our brains for should be tempered by the bad things we've used the same organ for.
I doubt that, we aren't that bad.

well you could look at a apple tree and pick the good apples from it as they taste best.

You can be an animal, I'm a human being.

That does not take away your animal nature. It does seem to have made you a fool.

How did you get to know which apple to pick if not by the example of another? That is not the best analogy but it makes my point to those intelligent enough to se it.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

No one denies that man seems to be the epitome of the animal world. We are the top of the food chain.

It is those who deny it that are foolish. They would disconnect man from the rest of the chain.

That does not take away your animal nature. It does seem to have made you a fool.

How did you get to know which apple to pick if not by the example of another? That is not the best analogy but it makes my point to those intelligent enough to se it.

A fool thinks he is a wise man, and a wise man knows he is a fool...on another note I enjoy hunting animals do you? you seem like a great guy I am extending and invitation to come hunting with me all expenses on me do you except? kristoffer you can come as well we can have a feast?
A fool thinks he is a wise man, and a wise man knows he is a fool...on another note I enjoy hunting animals do you? you seem like a great guy I am extending and invitation to come hunting with me all expenses on me do you except? kristoffer you can come as well we can have a feast?

Fools think themselves wise when quoting others.

I have had my share of hunting and killing but if you are heading for Canada then let me know.

I will take out the 22 and show you how to drop a moose with it.

Fools think themselves wise when quoting others.

I have had my share of hunting and killing but if you are heading for Canada then let me know.

I will take out the 22 and show you how to drop a moose with it.

Great I was thinking of the Amazon Rain Forest.... I have an excellent shot I would love to show you send me your address on a pm and I will pay you a visit when am ready. You can join me in all my out door adventures I will do some in Canada for sure am there as well I will also be in the safari for some hunts we will go deep a couple days each time you have to keep up thought am bringing a camera so everything is on footage just in case anything goes wrong you know. Am really excited about this...
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Sweet. I will put that out to you soon.

Ok and remember all expenses on me when am ready I will book a plane ticket for you and send someone to pick you up we will plan for about 1 week each location I will give you pre notice enough time so you could make the time available on your schedule.
I can hardly wait.

Me too I can promise you this, you will see me and we will go, it would be nice to have the company I was planning on going alone so make sure you make time. Make sure you are in physical shape because we are going to be outside for a week at a time and we eat what we hunt roast on outdoor fire I will bring my laser so we can start the fire's. I wont be sleeping in a tent so I could provide one for you but you have to throw it up yourself sometimes I might get the urge to hunt late at night hunting prey is an artwork to be painted in many point of views. Am going to hold you to this commitment don't change your mind else I will be disappointed.
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Me too I can promise you this, you will see me and we will go, it would be nice to have the company I was planning on going alone so make sure you make time. Make sure you are in physical shape because we are going to be outside for a week at a time and we eat what we hunt roast on outdoor fire I will bring my laser so we can start the fire's. I wont be sleeping in a tent so I could provide one for you but you have to throw it up yourself sometimes I might get the urge to hunt late at night hunting prey is an artwork to be painted in many point of views. Am going to hold you to this commitment don't change your mind else I will be disappointed.

Only a fool hunts at night. If you only follow your rules then the danger level might be high. Seems I might be brighter in leading the hunt than you.

Only a fool hunts at night. If you only follow your rules then the danger level might be high. Seems I might be brighter in leading the hunt than you.

You don't need to hunt at night its your own choice and I don't need you I will go alone you can sleep in the tent.