Is God to blame for all the evil in the World?

If a snake eats you, is the snake evil?
If a car rolls over your foot, is the car evil?
If you drown in the river, is the river evil? infinitum.

Is evil solely the purview of man?
oh yeah, all this free will but not enough brains to use it correctly. thats brilliant !
Share your wisdom I am without ego and I am always open to someone that may have answers? How would free will be used correctly I am not here to defend my life my life is meaningless Execution of the truth is my only purpose.
If a snake eats you, is the snake evil?
If a car rolls over your foot, is the car evil?
If you drown in the river, is the river evil? infinitum.

Is evil solely the purview of man?
What you speak of is meaningless evil exist only because of duality all the things you just meantioned happen beacuase of duality.
If a snake eats you, is the snake evil?
If a car rolls over your foot, is the car evil?
If you drown in the river, is the river evil? infinitum.

Is evil solely the purview of man?
It's the purview of anything capable of "evil".
How do you know that this is the correct use of free will? Where would you gain your knowledge and understanding from?

the world can be a great teacher if you can develop some instinct for truth "question everything" and then "question everything again".
the world is also built on lies, extraordinary claims should always require extraordinary evidence.
the world can be a great teacher if you can develop some instinct for truth "question everything" and then "question everything again".
the world is also built on lies, extraordinary claims should always require extraordinary evidence.
Fair enough. I do however think that extraordinary claims simply require evidence. But I see what you're saying, and it can be applied to many things.
Fair enough. I do however think that extraordinary claims simply require evidence. But I see what you're saying, and it can be applied to many things.

I've yet to see any evidence of extra-ordinary claims
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Fair enough. I do however think that extraordinary claims simply require evidence. But I see what you're saying, and it can be applied to many things.
Only if you already confirmed the truth yourself David you are special everyone is not as lucky as to have the experiences you had.;) Trust me man you are very very special never forget this I read what you told me that confirmed what I suspected. It may take others longer to accept these things that is the only reason they ask for that much evidence its on an individual bases.
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I've yet to see any evidence of extra-ordinary claims
It is relative. A extra-ordinary claim may be "God exists" to most people on this site, while claiming that abiogenesis is extra-ordinary to young earth believers.

I may of misread your post.
If a snake eats you, is the snake evil?
If a car rolls over your foot, is the car evil?
If you drown in the river, is the river evil? infinitum.

Is evil solely the purview of man?

Nature just fucks us right, and that's how it is? No, that's the dead in Christ who need to rise up and make the universe whole, where death is cast aside. Evil (lack of virtue) is not the only thing that spells death, holes in creation get us killed as well. There are many ways to die if you are Godless, and I don't see him except in my dreams. Every silver lining has a touch of grey. I guess I forgive Christ as he forgives me. Must be passive.

What you speak of is meaningless evil exist only because of duality all the things you just meantioned happen beacuase of duality.

Right, sorrow is being un-happy, and hate is the same being un-loved. Both are dual opposites of primary archetypes in men.
Luke 4:

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Considering we live in a pretty cruel world, doesn't this reflect us closer to Satan than God? Is Satan to blame for everything in his world?

God may know more about Evil then Satan, but is God causing these evils on Earth, I mean come one, it's Satan.

EDIT: It's mainly human beings now causing the Evil...

You are correct in thinking that all evil as meant in scriptures are human to human and from my point of view, God to God. I am a Gnostic Christian and I follow the saying of one of the Jesus' that says that as children of God, we are all Gods. Some of us are more works in progress than others. Wink.

But on to the source of evil.

When God created all from nothing, evil was one of his creations, --- like all of the other things possible and imaginable, --- including good. At that point in time is when man created the concept of God. That is when we collectively decided to make God unknowable except for what man said of him. Imaginary him that is.

Remember, this is all about man and his thinking and God is just a rhetorical best way or laws, from the political view.

So yes, God is the creator of all evil and he is in fact the epitome of evil himself. I mean, look at how he is shown to be such a prick in the O.T.

That Jewish based myth gives quite the moral lesson to help us judge God as evil and we should all thank Jews for that. Strange then that Christians, Catholics and Muslims would rather persecute them along with Gnostics of all religions.

But you have to remember my friend that God is good and that he would not have equal parts of good and evil. As with evolution, where we are trapped and forced to do evil, you can see that there is very little evil as compared to good. Evil can and is best measured by poverty and those numbers are the best today than they have ever been.

Have no fear. All of us Gods are working hard to make things better. Remember that we are hampered by those who will not as yet accept that they too are potential Gods and are slowing down our work of ending poverty. This link explains.

All that aside. Man cannot help but do evil at present but at about 2050, when the tipping point to non-belief is supposed to happen, evil/poverty shall fall to Gods mighty sword of reason and logic over the faith of fools.

I suggest you look into theistic evolution, --- and Gnostic Christianity if you happen to be a free thinker and not a slave to some other form of thought.

Literalism is evil.

Luke 4:

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Considering we live in a pretty cruel world, doesn't this reflect us closer to Satan than God? Is Satan to blame for everything in his world?

God may know more about Evil then Satan, but is God causing these evils on Earth, I mean come one, it's Satan.

EDIT: It's mainly human beings now causing the Evil...

Is God also to credit for all the good?
That's what all delusional people think, read Freud.

If you read him on his Father Complex, then you might glean that our friend is correct. Think of your own inner Father as God in the way Jesus does. Nothing you do happens without the acknowledgement of your Father in both the physical and spiritual realms. Jung also had a hand in endorsing the Father Complex

As above so below.
